Thursday, April 28, 2011

A MM , and all deities

MM: Buddha! Your mercy, please tell me, when I can find a husband?

Buddha: not disclose the secret! Offerings in is its own!

MM: Fuck! You is not nonsense it?

Buddha: Bah! I want to know that I'm a monk?

MM: fighting over the Buddha, you had Paul Tang Seng Why learn?

Monkey: not to get educated!

MM: education really that important?

Monkey King: I am a rogue prison Fingers, is now fighting over the Buddha, is not important to you?

MM: Nvwaniangniang! Why do you make one?

Goddess: days missed, I managed to make up, do not make some people, I turn to receive maintenance?

MM: Why do you put people that men and women?

Goddess: I am androgynous, I want to know what powerful men and women more?

MM: The result?

Goddess: I make a return to days!

MM: HOY! Why shoot at your year?

HOY: Some people pay

MM: Why leave one?

HOY: They pay only nine of the money!

MM: Why leave this alone?

HOY: It also paid for!

MM: Weaver! Striking Why to marry?

Weaver: In order to love!

MM: for this reason alone?

Weaver: This is ... ...

MM: also because of something else?

Weaver: He has a house!

MM: net altar messenger! Why do you like high-Yue E?

Pig: He pretty

MM: why not now out with her?

Pig: I now a civil servant!

MM: Almighty Buddha! What is the essence of Buddhism?

Tathagata: compassion!

MM: It raised the monastery monks do?

Tathagata: others I do not compassion!

MM: hit the monk killing and do explain this?

Tathagata: Grandma! I Brothers and more money, cruel! Me will prosper, those against me will die! Who dares to bully my brother I'll get Ah!

MM: So you ... ... how rude?

Tathagata: Amitabha! Keke ... ... I mean: Buddhism many friends, punish the evil and promote good, karma, salvation!

MM: Grandfather Jiang! Why then you are Gods?

bloomer: for good, Mukden was luck!

MM: But in the end not the place of your own!

bloomer: I mean it

MM: Why? Self-sacrifice?

bloomer: fart! I have too many Gods when the bribe, as an early step aside, lest trouble!

MM: Jade Emperor! Tang Seng then learn why there are so many family members of the lower bound for the gods or demons?

Jade Emperor: Temple to be a long, low incomes, it is inevitable that a few sea's.

MM: Then you are punished?

Jade Emperor: are punished! The condemned some, and some serious warning to be observed.

MM: We are similar mistakes, why such a disparity in sentencing?

Jade Emperor: officials who are serious warning!

MM: hell sir, why did you let it go to hell?

Yama: Who is not these guys see the old Replies posted it!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Beware of killer nine renal injury

Chinese medicine, kidney is the most important part of the person, known as the birth of the. However, pushing its original, both are dirty with it, a number of important role in the body of the Division. The role of the kidney is, through clinical practice, the progressive development of theory, so that the status of the kidney it is dirty on top of a distant, while the concept of life system slaughtered.

Western view that the kidneys secrete urine, excretion of waste, poison the vital organs, the body can regulate the concentration of electrolyte to maintain the role of acid-base balance. Impaired renal function or gradually declining, and regulation of renal excretion of efficacy will also be reduced. Severe renal dysfunction, but also a life-threatening uremia.
renal function, and gradually decline with age, but life, some bad habits or behavior, often also become an important cause of renal dysfunction.
order to protect the kidneys, everyone following
one, Lan Fu herbal kidney injury
been found in recent years clinical, taking certain herbs (including Chinese medicine) can cause renal damage. Would Among them, triptolide induced kidney damage, followed by, is manshuriensis, manshuriensis cause kidney injury, renal toxic substances that contain aristolochic acid.
Second, the abuse of pain medicine
long-term use or large doses of certain anti-inflammatory drugs, such as the painkiller tablets, indomethacin, acetaminophen, aspirin, etc., easily lead to kidney damage. Kidney damage can be expressed as: fatigue, dry mouth, loss of appetite, frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, hematuria and sterile pyuria even, and accompanied by joint pain and other symptoms. Some direct cause of acute nephritis or nephrotic syndrome, glomerular necrosis, in serious cases can cause kidney failure and death.

three, often holding back urine
some people busy for a long time because of work holding back urine. Urine in the bladder too long is very easy to breed bacteria, bacteria will retrograde through the ureter to the kidney, leading to urinary tract infections and pyelonephritis. Once this type of recurrent infection, can cause chronic infection and difficult to cure. Not only will appear in patients with back pain, frequent urination, urgency and other symptoms, it may develop into acute uremia.
Fourth, too little water If a long time without water
, urine output will be reduced, urine carries waste and toxins will increase the concentration. Common clinical kidney stones, hydronephrosis, and for a long time without water and so closely related. Sufficient water to dilute the urine, to protect the kidneys, is conducive to the full discharge of wastes and toxins.
five, overeating
increased opportunities for the modern dinner, often eating too much Most of these wastes through the kidneys, excessive eating will undoubtedly increase the burden on the kidneys.
six, over a drink
over soft drinks and sports drinks intake may indirectly damage kidneys. The body's pH is 7.2, these drinks generally highly acidic, the pH change significantly after drinking the body. The kidneys to regulate the pH of the main organs of the body, long-term excessive intake of soft drinks and sports drinks, will give a burden on the kidneys, increasing the probability of renal injury. VII, soft bread eaten in
bread and pastry in a food additive potassium bromate, it gives baked goods necessary for gluten strength and elasticity, soft texture and taste, but excessive consumption will damage a person's central nervous system, blood and kidneys.
food additive potassium bromate, IARC has listed it as carcinogens.
eight, food too salty
salty diet, especially the high salt content in some snacks, such as eating potato chips, instant noodles, can lead people to unconsciously absorb the excess salt, leading to high blood pressure, kidneys can not maintain normal blood flow, and induce kidney disease.
nine, drink drink tea
Some people think that drinking tea can be drunk hangover, in fact, that not only ineffective, but also damage kidneys. Theophylline in tea can affect the kidneys play a faster diuretic effect of alcohol at this time have not yet re-decomposition begins with renal excretion, the kidneys are stimulated a lot of alcohol to injury in renal function.
Tip: kidneys secrete urine, excretion of waste, poison the vital organs, the body can regulate the concentration of electrolyte to maintain the role of acid-base balance. Impaired renal function or gradually declining, and regulation of renal excretion of efficacy will also be reduced. Severe renal dysfunction, but also a life-threatening uremia. Although the renal function gradually decline with age, but life, some life will also become a habit or behavior is often an important reason for impaired renal function. To protect the kidneys, everyone following

Thursday, April 21, 2011

University of strong storms teacher quotations

1, a good mood today, point a name ~ ~ End of messages you send students to class to tell you that? Hair done, one would give him a hair, said the teacher did a little roster. ?

2, I said, after the class do not sit with boys and boys, girls and girls sitting together with the boys to take the initiative, the proportion of men and women do not know uncoordinated it? It is always a topic that few people together, not
help you broaden your thinking.

3, after sleeping in my class members to be guided to your poor opening proved that to me, but also President signed. ?

4, sit do not speak, for a name ---- we play a game. ?

5, I generally do not admire anyone, but I found the exam too narrow my eyes, there are so many students to whom I admire, did not learn the logistics of a teacher can be on the paper A pass, but there are still people
you stay in the single digits. What I was a student shines his test paper in addition to short answer and a Glossary, the radio, answer multiple choice, and judgments of the success of the process to avoid even the correct answer to all ... ...

? 6, I treat the students to sleep, usually only one stroke, that is, up to half of the time we quietly for the classroom, so students who go to bed wake up you will find the eyes A closed eyes opened, and the teacher was gone. . . . ?

7., yet you have ignored me, is not it? . . I'm not on the course, is lonely. . ?

8, do not take their own weaknesses to compare the benefits with others, so you will be very low self-esteem to say do not tell the old man than Dengsanlun car door, but you definitely better than others, with them than the mathematical ... ... Of course, some students may not even
mathematics than others, but ... ...? 9, the students have to read more books, the book which has everything, have good food, a house, a big handsome guy, a great beauty . . . ?

10, Yanjiao are particularly shrewd real estate developers, students can learn from it. When you find a hole on this space how to do it? Buy it, the note inside the Sheung Shui, variable artificial lake, and then cover a few
around the small building, surrounded on the wall, and starting anew a very good name, is - Oriental Hawaii. ?

11, so why the Germans to keep order? If you break a red light, when you buy a house down payment is always expensive than others, others will give you 50 million Loan for 10 million credit, your home school their children to school others
fees are 8000 children to your home have to pay 10,000, who would not comply with the order? ?

12, if the students feel that intelligence is too high, I can recommend to you a very good way to lower IQ --- watching television, especially dramas. ?

13, sentimental results: the feminization of men, women aunt of?

14, what is Renzouchaliang? Is that you now see me in school and I can politely say: any teacher ah! ~ ~ ~ Ten years after you come back, see I would say: Oh, dead fat man still here ah? ?

15, who started out reform a lot of people call him, has even been said under the windowsill in his and his ancestors of the ancestors to the ancestors of the ancestors of the ancestors in an improper relationship. . . . ?

16, what are you after graduation? May be: CEO, CFO, UFO,,, what?

17, do not want an officer's civil service is not a good civil servant, just as gold is not good not just distortion. . . . ?

18, 2 major characteristics of Chinese people: do not like to tell the truth, not like the truth. ?

19, good enough for our school friends, I went to a few lectures similar institutions, when a teacher asked me how you usually are designed blackboard ah? I very much contempt to tell them: we usually have to use multimedia?

20, students, If you do nothing, you can buy to listen to Sprite, drunk, and then filling the cold water, in tian ~ an-door before he poured water into his head and shouted words: you will
insight into what is the world's fastest speed of the police. ?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Yu Dan About Marriage

 I carefully read this article three times, I think of as the classic instructions from the hope that passing the determination to aspire to being a friend of each heart are carefully read, from your own life experience and can be sentiment, to wish each friend's love, marriage and happiness!
in a good partner must be the case, I have you and more love for all the world, I know parenting better than before the grace of thick, more aware of their own circle of friends have a better understanding of have to go in the world to do many wonderful things. Your love I can not live up to ... ...
marriage is a beaker, into the two people actually two active elements. If you do not recognize that they went looking for another element, it is likely that you find a is a good element, but between the good elements did not respond to you, or even bad reaction to produce a happy marriage ... ...
The premise: a clear understanding of their own
Hers: say happy family is alike, what do you think a happy marriage model can learn from it?
Yu Dan: good marriage there is no fixed pattern. However, before entering a good marriage, we must first understand themselves. To select the most appropriate their own, not the best. Each girl has a vanity, but the point is particularly important: your marriage is not the exhibits, the man of your choice, your father, the son of your parents, your lover, your hand, has been to white man. These things are no laws for others to see.
Hers: to share your personal experience it?
Yu Dan: Marriage is a chemical reaction, not a 1 +1 physical style connection. Marriage is a beaker, into the two people actually two active elements, what is your element, you need and what elements combined together will have a positive response? If you do not recognize that they went looking for another element, it is likely that you find a is a good element, but between the good elements did not respond to you, or even produce bad reactions. It's like buying clothes, girls are like beautiful fashion, you have to do all the crazy clothes, buy home? You will know that some clothes are not suitable for you. So why not put on this understanding of marriage on it?
Hers: Many people think that love and marriage are two different things, love to find a lover, married looking for a husband, you think marriage and love can be separated from it? Marriage without love, whether it be happy?
Yu Dan: I'm a love, the supremacy of the people. Have someone to talk to me and said about the years of love, has been seriously wounded, only to find a suitable person Jiadiao. I certainly do not agree. If this is to enter a marriage, you have this man is extremely irresponsible. Do you want to just obtain, have you entered the marriage with infidelity is hard to say you will not fall in love with someone else, your behaviors will convey the information he knows, he did not love you. This is equivalent to marriage in the choice of when you have planted the seeds of misfortune.
So then again, before entering the marriage, you need to understand who you are, what you most want, you can not let the marriage is full of romance. A good marriage there is a romantic, but romantic love is the source. If the marriage romance blocked the road, you would have to look outside marriage. So I say choose what kind of marriage is happy, or choose what kind of love from the start. What is your self, you will meet, what kind of love.
marriage is the best integration of the circle of recognition to each other, love each other's family, to accept each other's friends, because of each other, you will love everything in this world, you know more than ever grace the heavy Parenting, more have to go in the world do know a lot of wonderful things ... ...
happy marriage Scale: to meet the other three rating
Hers: modern women in the workplace more and more beautiful, but often confused about what is suitable for their own marriage, what measurable indicators relative to it?
Yu Dan: The problem is I often female students and I talked about. I have always said, speaking of marriage, be sure to do the other 3 aspects of the evaluation:
1, you really have a tacit understanding on the spiritual life of it? Agree on the value it? His aura is Zhaode Zhu you so that you have a deep spiritual attachment? Love can not replace all this stuff, because you have to have a lifetime. A special love of money and a person is not love of money together, two people would conflict with each other; a special friend and a particularly nasty like people who can not social coordination. The flash of light, fit is very important.
2, whether enough of your social life integration? Love is two people, but marriage is a matter of two social groups. Marriage is the best integration, identity circle each other, love each other's family, to accept each other's friends, because each of you to love everything in this world, you know more than ever grace the heavy parenting, but to know to operate their circle of friends, but know have to go in the world to do many wonderful things. This acceptance, and you will feel more roots, in addition to love kindness there.
3, your sexual harmony? This is a very important indicator. The passion between men and women, depending on the degree of integration between the body. If your body is not understanding, then you may not directly take it to say it, but the war will be a bit small. This is the marriage of the
- these three indicators as long as there is a less than 60 minutes, I think not rushed into marriage.
Hers: There is also a very popular argument is that a good marriage need to
Yu Dan: I do not pick the first door, but to pick two people understanding the values, but values ​​can be acquired in the form of education. Good match between two people is more important than values, because each person is not captive in the home, you have to enter society, to go to work.
both me and my husband is especially not the same family environment. My father was an intellectual, cultural and historical research for many years engaged in work, I was back ancient poetry from childhood grew up, was carefully protected. I am father was an ordinary worker, the family had four sons, you can say a particularly rough life. But I like my grandma said a word: My husband is home, the eldest of three brothers listen to him, so my husband habitually willing to take responsibility. My husband and marriage, though not married, but just to the symmetry and complementarity.
into the marriage, in fact, the first two are nothing more than the second are the rich world. Nothing is because the equality of all before the bill have been torn to pieces; rich as the world is due to have love, because the two men will spend a lifetime ... ...
the elements of a happy marriage: equality & tolerance & Growth
Hers: a lot of good women in the marriage will complain, I thought I lost a marriage, do you think of where their errors?
Yu Dan: in marriage, can not take age, status of that matter. The beginning of the marriage, the wise woman will be two people on the absolute equality of status, before all charges are torn, no loss, no less. You are 10 years younger than him, you young and beautiful, you're better than his great reputation, you're better than his money ... ... This can not be lofty and full of unwilling reasons.
known to have such a story: Britain's Queen Elizabeth to participate in social activities back home very late and found the bedroom door tightly closed. The Queen stood in the door to knock on the door, the husband asked: She knocked, asked her husband, the Queen replied: Queen Elizabeth seemed to be aware of what, finally, she replied:
- This story tells us that no woman is eligible before the domineering lover. Into the marriage, the first two are nothing more than the second are the rich world. Nothing is because the equality of all the bills have been torn to pieces, rich with love than the world because, as the two men will spend a lifetime.
Hers: tolerance is undoubtedly essential for a happy marriage index, specifically, how to interpret it?
Yu Dan: Your manners have a gentle glow, the atmosphere that you are a woman; your heart has a large measure, that you are a happy woman.
Hers: Does this mean a woman to a large extent, to change yourself?
Yu Dan: no conflict between many of the concepts, inclusive does not mean obedience and connivance. Face in front of people to meet two people in private places Shique should be open. I suggest that a problem may wish to talk in the bedroom, unable to agree on body language can also have it, there is also something intimate about later, will not upgrade to the point where the Cold War. Marriage which need love, need wisdom.
modern society, some women the biggest myths about marriage is that they refuse to grow, that men take care of women is a matter of course, is bound by conscience and responsibility. Marriage is indeed very important responsibility and conscience, but its role can not be overstated. The maintenance of marriage a woman can not just rely on the conscience and responsibility, you have to have their own charm, so that their marriage has been a living, not dying to become a convention.
Hers: the growth of women in marriage is another major element of a happy marriage it?
Yu Dan: I think the best things in this world is the growth needed to grow a human life, marriage of two people need to grow, which means that one can enjoy themselves without the fear of aging, because she is always growing, She has the weapons to contend with the time, she has confidence, she saw his life come to bloom.
a marriage continue to grow, that is, your marriage, you never have to feel like a romantic lover. And pressure can not be lost because of busy two people's private time, to resort to casual, fine talk about friends, chat world, the evaluation of evaluation of what had happened, talk about children and the elderly, the communication, make your feelings has been very fit.
this person as a living brain to reason, to be very responsible, the family will be running very smoothly; as the heart of the living, we must make family a romantic, naive, a happy dream. This is a balanced combination of ... ...

the composition of a happy marriage:
Yu Dan: the independence that a woman has her own world is very complete, and then to marriage and love, she need only be obtained without the need for sacrifice. She can create, can stimulate new vitality, she could pleasure and enjoyment, but her husband is not a Ku Gualian with the child that I was looking for you, and you must give me anything. So I think that independence does not conflict with the happy marriage, independent women that tolerance is, the less independent the less tolerant, because she felt he owed her.
Hers: you have two people to see how the division of family roles?
Yu Dan: Inside the marriage, the two roles in the family division of labor will be a casual. A good marriage is balanced, which requires a person as a The brain alive as the man to reason, to grasp the family money, support the elderly, children's education, etc., that people want great sense of responsibility, the family will be running very smoothly; as the heart of the living, we must show home, a romantic, a naive, have a happy, a dream. The so-called a fly, one do not fly, is a balanced portfolio.
I do not fly often have some ideas, have been the end of July I was going and her husband, daughter go to Japan on vacation, her husband taking into account such factors as now the spread of influenza, and resolutely to the rejected. I will also depressed about, but I would argue with him. I said we go to Japan, went to Dalian, it is also the beach ah! This proposal was accepted by her husband. This is the heart and brain of game theory. He felt I was too tricky, carrying children to Mount Everest will dry things out, but if not me, we have not go even in Dalian, we will spend a summer nest in the home, bored, fight, nothing worth mentioning. So, is this a good marriage, heart to brain compromise, the brain on the heart has to accommodate the crazy dream, everything was harmonious.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

8 son of a bitch how to divide the leadership

 Led to the investigation of a grass-roots level, lunch was arranged to the local grass-roots leader of the most luxurious hotel. Coincided with the summer, leading go thirsty, Shun Shouqiang carry their senior cup on the desktop, pointing to the empty glass to the waiter told to: ! Heard leading orders, took the crowd hurried investigation, pointing out: be understood this time waiter, placed to understand the little waiter is dumb, can not help but side with resentment color, In fact, the restaurant manager, standing in rooms not far from it, heard the leaders quickly came to speak loudly. Entered the room one?? Situation to know the waiter said something wrong, lost the first leading a smile, afraid to do things big trouble, and soon Hui Touchong waiter said, bear with me! her young, naive! This shows that we usually paid insufficient attention to the service, business skills, low ... ... which capacity he is responsible person, then finished, Good! I'll go. . Look at this grass-roots leader of a short-lived fad is also hard to explain things to, cried:
little while, and seven of eight plates placed in the seat plate surface. Primary responsible person to advise you to eat more attentive. See less Dongkuaizi leadership to the table with their chopsticks, hold down the plate turtle's head, ; do a circle of people looked at each other. Leadership knew he was not malicious, pick up the spoon, and got along with a spoonful of turtle soup. Primary responsible for such a compliment to the leadership at a glance, know not how excited: In short, anger led to the hands of the spoon heavily put down. Understand their own grass-roots leader said something wrong, can no more explain what this thing added insult to injury. Attendants at the moment happens to offer a cup of turtle eggs, grass-roots level responsible be found. The primary person in charge of the fire, how to divide? 8 7 son of a bitch how to divide the leadership?

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Love 's Passage

 First love is the first time two hearts collide. Like two charged clouds in the sky quietly and blindly Fudong Zhao; all of a sudden, they met together, and immediately issued a dazzling lightning!!
; you say, but hold back the loneliness of love, but look forward to destruction alone. So the way we are weaving a virtual dream, save the lonely love using fall!!!
Real love is not clear that can not be called love that clear. Jiujiuguiyi, all eyes are similar to obscurity, concealment of the heart are all doing their utmost, is to be missed to say the whispers of ancient and beautiful phrase: her and give her free!!!
I will love you longer than your life, but can not love you longer than some of my own life!!!
I love you as deep as the sea, as soft as the sand, as much as Chinese people!!! Love is not time to fiddle with, though rosy lips and cheeks were hard to avoid the hostility of time, love does not change due to momentary change, it stands firmly, until the end of the end!!!
of God to humanity, said: > In some cases, the so-called love is only the warmth of the moment ----- moment to keep you warm, but could no longer disguise the passion long after the patient!!!
After that, I think you do not forget one thing: Do not forget to miss me. Miss my waiting, do not ecstasy to know.
knowing that loss of freedom, which is clearly for life together, had been party, the party so fast, but also willing to make commitments. The pursuit of freedom is not a process, you blame the candidate is not free, that is, you do not designate him.
is the world's most desolate of the distance from the very human, each other. Suddenly one day, he phase, phase, from very close. Then one day, not the phase, and this close to people, but also very, even more than before.
the candidate, not that, after loss, must be one, everything is finished, each Wandering Road, more than not, have to let go.
love every paragraph, must hope and disappointment, Yu, and certainly, smiles and heartbreak. Do not cry, just had a smile, after a miss, that you are book people, and then recycling. There one does not need repeated.