Monday, October 25, 2010

Art is the origin of works of art and artists

 Origin appeared that the existence of beings in which the nature of the source. What is art? We are looking for work in the real essence of art. The reality of work is to play a role in his works, namely that truth happens to requirements. We think this germinal truth for the world between the earth and the realization of the dispute. In this dispute be aggregated up unrest (Bewegnis), there is silence. Based on self-sustaining work on this. ... ...

However, there is work to be created only in the creative process in order for us to grasp. Forced by this fact, we have in-depth understanding of the activities of artists in order to reach the origin of works of art. Work based entirely on the works of their own to describe the work there, this approach has proven to be unworkable.

works no matter if we put aside, away to track the nature of creation, then we simply want to stick to our shoes,UGG boots clearance, at first painting on the farm, followed by the state on the views of the Greek temple.

think we have created for the production of (Hervorbringen). However, the production equipment is also a production. But certainly not in the works of handicraft - This is a strange language games, ⑩ even if we need to craft products and plant products separately, not works of handicraft. However, the production of creative and production methods and how to distinguish the production of it? Literally, we are easy to distinguish what works creation and production equipment, and according to the basic features of their own to explore the production of two ways, but also how difficult. Under the impression that the closest we potters and sculptors in the activities, the activities of carpenters and painters and found the same behavior. Creation itself needs to craft behavior. Great artists can be the most respected arts and crafts. They first asked the attentive care of skilled talent skills. The most important thing is that their efforts in the pursuit of eternal youth crafts well-trained. ... ...

The state apparatus and the work is completed existence of creation is the same thing, that is, they contain some kind of production out of something. But all other produce different, as works of art are created, so be creative there will become part of the work was created. But is it the other the formation of raw products and other goods is not it? Any raw product, as long as it is to be made to be sure to be given some production there. True. However, works of art, there are also full of creative creations, such a presence will be created in a unique way from creating works,UGG boots, the raw product from such and such visible. Should the case, then we must be able to discover and experience the works were created in the present.

emerge from the work being created out there that this is not necessarily from famous works of the master's hands. Whether the work can be created as masterpieces, and its creators are therefore looking for the congregation of the head, this is not the point. The key is not to find out the name of the unknown. The point is that the mere In other words, where the beings had no shelter, which occurred the first time. In other words, the existence of such a work, indeed to exist. Works as the impact of this work, and that the continuity of the momentum is not visible, it constitutes a work of self-sustaining stability. It is in the works of artists and the advent of the process, conditions are no one knows when the momentum was there writing this

true, But An apparatus more within easy reach, it's As a result, there is electrical appliances with its increasingly turning themselves off to die. For example, a hammer is. In general, each existing on things at hand we can find it. But even noticed this, and people soon forget,bailey UGG boots, because it is quite common. However, there is nothing there this time there are more unusual things that do? In the case artwork is different, and it works as it exists, but this extraordinary thing. It is the existence of the creation events (Ereignis) is not simply reflected in the works, rather, works to the incident - that works as exist in this work - projecting out in front of their own, and has constantly around the projection of the incident itself. The more radical works of his open, and that uniqueness, that works there, indeed there is the uniqueness of this fact, it even more clear. Momentum into the open the more fundamental areas of his work has been the more surprising, but also the more lonely. This ... ...

Works of the more alone in the form of which is fixed based on their own, the more purely seem freed all the people associated with, then the momentum, the existence of such works, and the more open access into a single Park, gloomy even more amazing things essential to be flung, but seems kind of things past, even more essential to be turned red. However, this does not clash with what kinds of means of violence, because the more the work itself came into existence purely by its own who turned out in the open nature, the more easily work into our nature in this open, and at the same time us out of the ordinary mediocrity. Subject to such Yinue process means: to change our relationship with the world and the earth, and then suppress the behavior of our general prevalence and evaluation, understanding and viewing to stay in the work place of truth there. This CD just to stay in the inhibitory state was created by what is becoming the work. This Only such conservation, work is creative in its existence as a reality show before, and now is that is: the way the scene works.

If the work can not exist without being created, which essentially requires creator, the same, if not saved by being creative things would not exist. ... ...

To the provisions of thing, whether it is a carrier of the characteristics of the inspection, or to give them the feeling of a unified analysis of diversity, to no avail. As consideration for the land that is self-representation out, from the apparatus that the material factors - formal structure, not to mention. In order to obtain a kind of thing, while the correct amount of factors knowledge, we must see things on the ownership of the land. It is the nature of the earth that nothing Pocu manners and self-locking. But the earth is only in the occasion of a world embedded in its confrontation with the world, it revealed itself. Land dispute with the world in the form of fixed work, and through this form was able to open it. We can experience only through the work itself apparatus apparatus factors. This applies not only equipment, but also to factors of thing. We do not have direct knowledge of factors of thing, even may know, that is the uncertain knowledge of the truth of the germinal need for work in the works, but the way work is work. ... ...

Therefore, the essence of art was first defined as set of truth into their own work. But we knew that this provision has a deliberate ambiguity. The one hand it said: to establish the truth of art is itself fixed in form, in which there are fixed in a state of uncovering the creation of the production occurred. On the other hand, set into the work also means that: there is work to enter into the movement and occurrence. This is preserved. Thus, art is: the truth of the creation of works of preservation. Therefore, the art is the generation and occurrence of the truth (ein Werden und Geschehen der Wahrheit). So, is the source of truth for free? Indeed, if there is no (Nichta) refers to the pure non-existent (Nicht), while those who were there as usual that the existing things, which in turn sustains through the works of existential (das Dastehen) and revealed is there really only be conceived as those kept by the actual conduct of works to shake. The usual things from existing things and there is never see the truth. Rather, only by being thrown in the state (Gew or fen heit) in the arrival of the open nature of the planning, open fields to open and there were only occur out of clarity. ... ...

Art is truth setting itself into the works. In this proposition implies a fundamental ambiguity,Discount UGG boots, whereby it seems, the truth at the same time acts as the main set is the object of conduct set. But the subject and the object here is not the right name, they hinder us to think about the nature of this ambiguity. The task of thinking beyond the scope of this article. Art is a historic, historic works of art is the creation of the preservation of truth. Art place for poetry. Poetry is the gift, foundation, meaning the beginning of the creation of the triple. As the creation of art is essentially historical. This is not just that: art has a history of the external sense, it is a period of change together with many other things there, and change, disappear, to provide changing scenes of history. Indeed, the art calendar Shijian Ji; art is a fundamental sense of history.

Art for the truth to the fore. As the preservation of creating the art is to make the truth of beings in the works jumped out of the source. With the source of making something jumped out from nature in the origin of the creation of a jump in to something into existence, this is the origin of the word. 12

the origin of works of art, but also is the creator and origin of the depositary, which is a nation in the historic origin of this, but art. This is so because art, in its essence is an origin: is the prominent way of truth into existence, that is the historic truth of the outstanding way to generate.

we ask the nature of art. Why were you so questioning it? We do this kind of questioning, the aim is really to be able to ask more: art in our historical Dasein is not an origin, whether and under what conditions, the arts can be and must be a source.

can not force such a contemplative art and its production. However, this thought of that (das besinnliche Wissen) is first, and therefore is also essential for generation of art. Only know the art of preparing such a space, provide a way to create, for the preservation of those who prepared the site.

in this slow growth can only know that will make a decision: Can art be a source which must be a leader, or art which is always a client only as a popular associated cultural phenomenon.

us here in our historic presence in the near to the origin of it? Do we know the origin of which is noticed that the essence of it? Or, in our attitudes towards the arts, we are still only, or inherited the stereotypes, just copy the knowledge of the past form?

for this or this or his choices and decisions, there is a reliable sign. This points to the poet Holderlin signs, the works of the poet is still placed in front of the Germans, constitute a test. Holderlin poem:

door according to the origin of those so it is hard

abandoned in situ.

- The ratio is usually a Latin translation of two words, here Quedui Heidegger made a distinction between the two words. We translated Vernunft right to - Translator

② is a first between persons and things, things), so Heidegger said, were the first Automotive car than we feel the sound is more proximate to us. This exceeds the Special can be found in Martin Heidegger: - Translator

③ Geschehnis in everyday German term means Heidegger to emphasize We - Translator

④ late Heidegger often the term We translated as - Translator

⑤ through translated as - Translator

⑥ attention here - Translator

⑦ ), - Translator

⑧ Clearly, Heidegger here called - Translator

⑨ sentence in the links. - Translator

⑩ in German, - Translator

○ 11Daβ clause in German, is, directly, the equivalent word in English to guide the clause that, independent used as - Translator

○ 12 Heidegger in this suggesting the German - Translator

(Sun Zhouxing translation)

discussed several issues

1, How does Heidegger distinguish works of art from things view of art? Is Heidegger's criticism valid?

3, What is the point of the example of Van Gogh's painting?

4, Compare Heidegger's understanding of art can as revelation of truth with that of other philosophers you have read. What is distinctive about his view? Do you find it plausible?

5, Heidegger treats a painting and a building as paradigms of works of art. Do you think these two very different types of things have a common status as works of art? Why or why not?

6, Heidegger's talk of there any validity to it?

7, Why does Heidegger think that all art is, in its essence, poetry? Would you agree?

8, Can Heidegger's view of art function as a general criterion for distinguishing works of art from other things, as he seems to think? Are there examples of works of art that do not fit his account? If so, what are they and why don't they satisfy his criterion?
 9, Aristotle and Heidegger share the view that art is related to truth. How similar are their overall accounts of art? How different?

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