Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chinese Nationalist forces of corruption

 The further deterioration of the armed forces of corruption in the living environment of the soldiers, even if is own army, the soldiers are always hungry, not just food, almost all military supplies are scarce.

formally seventy-nine each a rifle, each of a set of uniform, but did not issue a new uniform long-term, so some units march a few months later, tattered uniforms, was called . A photographer's Chinese Expeditionary Force signalman, roll call standing on the roadside, his uniforms stitched shoulder and waist, two large patches, even so, in the back still have a long gap, pants and fat , short, shoes with laces Le veins exposed feet, only wearing helmets and the Messenger of the printed were assigned to the equipment

soldiers sandals and also his fight. A platoon leader is one of the most important work to teach new recruits are learning to play straw sandals, with a rope and rags and hemp wear shoes twisted grass, can take two months, if only Ma grass, so wear shoes thirty-four days scattered aircraft. As a result, the Chinese Expeditionary Army soldiers gather booty, often even the dead do not let off on the rag

course to supply shortages caused difficulties, but the corruption of the army, no doubt worsened the survival of the soldiers in the army to experience corruption. yellow cloth, I heard a number of Executive, the army quartermaster collusion reselling the goods to the Mainland market, Dali often see a variety of military goods to sell. the distribution of material forces never open, completely black-box operation, to get good equipment to Executive to give bribes.

American Studies of the Chinese military after the summary of the food distribution system: According to army regulations, issued to each soldier rice 24 ounces a day, a salt; a full monthly salary, If all spent on food a month, you can buy a pound of pork. a Chinese soldier by these quotas can be a good living. But, in fact, they really had was assigned to them as part of the food and money, because Executive are accustomed to for their deduction of pay of the armed forces of corruption are common.

GCD Eighth Route Army rations

GCD should be recognized when the military commander of the soldiers from the general to share weal and woe

war, the Kuomintang engaged in blocking 40 years later, the Eighth Route Army suspended the pay, Mao's army with the ancient sages of Cultivation and magic, presented to the military pumpkin, millet strong support of the Eighth Route Army soldier, also accompanied them down the anti - Japanese battlefield. Shandong onion pancake feed with the same people with their own team, tied a few green onions on a backpack Shandong millet plus rifles,

GCD, arrived in Yan'an in the early years, ushered in a period of Without the KMT army besieged, from the Japanese invaders, a stable life, food and clothing guaranteed. South Anhui Incident, the National Government to stop military supplies to Yenan and implementation of material blocked. Border troops and horses preparing for the government mobilized, but partial case of natural disasters, food is extremely tense. General staff of Yan'an is a small rice and potatoes meal, cabbage soup, a level will be assigned to some of the old comrades of rice. 115 division commander war correspondent Ke Hua Lin several times asked to eat, but every time an old stewing hen.

Kang Da participants who recalled that between 1938 and 1940, in the Kang Da Life the one hand, laundry, etc. to put on dry clothes, before back to school. made a dollar a month pocket money. live in the cave to dig and eat the food and burning of firewood to carry back tens of miles to go outside and eat the majority of small rice and Potato. Each student must shave their heads, and some intellectuals also shaved head and a freak. , friends, the little rice mixed with lard is the highest military and civilian delicious

for the border, the most tangible benefits of large-scale production is to improve the life of large-scale production of food after the military standard is a four-course soup. After large-scale production, every weekend can be steamed mutton soup and the Royal Army

the food is certainly not less famous corned beef, canned, food, but far lower than the U.S. military over in Germany and the Soviet Union. Daily rations British infantry


1 and 1 / 4 pounds fresh or frozen, or canned meat or 1 pound bacon E Dh $ UB)

3 ounces of cheese, 5 / 8 oz jam tea 4 oz sugar 2 oz salt 3 oz 1 / 36 oz pepper 1 / 20 oz mustard 8 ounces of fresh vegetables, dehydrated vegetables or 2 oz. 1 / 10 Gil lime juice (fresh vegetables in the absence of circumstances sufficient as a substitute, 1 Jill equal to a quarter pint) 1 / 2 Gill rum (1 Jill equal to a quarter pint) of not more than a week supply 2 ounces of tobacco SB Blending wine with 1 pint (wine, brandy) instead of a hard liquor rations to use 4 ounces dried fruit jam instead of using 4 ounces 4 ounces butter, lard, margarine, or 1 / 2 pint of cooking oil instead of 4 ounces bacon ( bacon

U.S. military.

the United States the most sumptuous meal cooked on the battlefield will be the coffee to the point where there is enjoyably will have to get a lot of firewood and water, while the ignition in the front line more suspected suicide Therefore, the Department of the United States military brains to find two more practical and feasible method of Le First, the coffee ground into fine powder, made from soluble coffee, the second is to drink the water that the beans are roasted in the place of origin, and then small quantities of ground, instant drinks. chocolate, chewing gum and Coca-Cola field lunch boxes, had been separated from World War II U.S. soldiers carry a few pieces of good enough material. vaunted 400 million outbound soldiers drank 1 billion a year even bottles of Coke. slovenly appearance with the soldiers the United States, wherever he went, always chocolate and chewing gum, happy children Shihai spread to the surrounding hair. those who are the scourge of war into an Pola Hu of the Western Europeans, looking at envy. this field boxes, is not only a good butter coated bread, lunch meat, salad, condiments, but also there are the two on a few mouthfuls.

the food they eat breakfast egg powder is the main source of production in various forms, usually mixed. no matter how do these eggs have pancakes, made with flour and egg powder, not only like a flying saucer, and was exactly. forces distributed to the However, too rough, and only suitable for --- French toast or egg powder used to do. sometimes oats, but, like sticky rubber

adequate supplies during the war the United States, showing strong economic strength and technological power are equipped with several sets of U.S. troops each khaki uniforms and woolen uniforms; in addition to clothing, jackets, coats, duck down sleeping bags, boots, raincoats and so on. In the food sector, the most characteristic is the guise of various types of cans.

1937, the United States, Hormel Foods first produced in a Allied World War II, the main food source of protein 3 `, u ^ w

American recipes, noon and night, with canned food stewed prunes, the waste heat of minced meat mixed with canned food, mostly meat spam, known as the roast pork luncheon meat, dinner put it on rice cakes, the next morning is the luncheon meat pies. God knows where they get so much lunch meat, must be ordered into the barrels come! ... ... lunch stew Sipa Mu meat, sending spam, as well as cooking grease

spam war, Eisenhower saw Hormel's president, and he thanked them for their spam, and then added with a smile: and almost everyone my age that can be said is what I eat luncheon meat that hard times and enjoy a beautiful memories, I grew up, it has been my favorite 2g0_ [$ [m
< br> During World War II, the U.S. fast food development field. field types over 23 kinds of food. C-type food (individual combat food) is most common in World War II, the soldiers eat most meals. It weighs about 3 kg, a choice of 11 meals for soldiers, which contains 5 pulses. The U.S. military also for the special operations teams, including jungle warfare and mountain warfare troops, developed a special food, called B-type food, the main detachment assigned to 100 people.

widely used during World War II U.S. industrial production and packaging of combat rations (Combat rations), their evolution and distribution Fang fairly complex. friends often heard of World War II films that there are three, namely, C rations (C ration), K rations (K ration) and D rations (D ration)

C combat rations are developed from the beginning of 1938. U.S. combat rations designed specifically with the C No restaurant in the troops under combat conditions, requiring easy to man-portable, nutritious meals to meet

C combat rations packed in 6 small tin cans, and an attachment package. which three metal canned meat , called the M component. the other three metal cans is a bakery, called the B component. 6 cans a day's ration composition. In most cases, the U.S. military C rations for the cold food fight. but can also heat food.
< br> M with a variety of ingredients Fang: meat and beans, meat and vegetables, meat and macaroni noodles, bacon, eggs and potatoes, meat and noodles, pork and rice, sausage and beans, pork and beans, bacon and lima beans, chicken and vegetables. repackage these things cooked in tin cans, packed in wooden boxes or cartons shipped to the front. logisticians catering catering options depending on the time combination. For example, : M1 No. portfolio programs, including ham, eggs and potatoes, meat and beans, chicken, vegetables; M4 combination of programs, including No. pork and beans, meat, pasta, ham, lima beans. can be seen, no matter what program are balanced nutrition, calories and taste

B has a variety of ingredients with Fang: biscuits, mixed compression cereals, sugar-coated peanuts or raisins, instant coffee, sugar, instant lemon or orange powder, flour, fruit sugar, jam, milk, cocoa powder and brown sugar. logisticians meals depending on when the different components can be added with Fang. B1, for example, combined programs are: biscuits, compressed mixture of cereals, coffee, side candy, sugar-coated peanuts. B4 combination No. B1, with the same program, but replaced the sugar with the chocolate peanut.

[to the M1, the three cans and three cans together B4 is a C combat rations. of course, do not forget with send an annex to the package. Annex package there are nine high-level cigarettes, water purification tablets, matches, toilet paper, chewing gum and can opener XbaUmCuh

there is a U.S. military during World War II is widely used in the K field rations (K Field Rations). K rations were the first since the U.S. Army in 1942 with the earliest use of force is the K rations paratroopers x? 6  Ci

early K rations wrapped in brown paper box. Later into color boxes, breakfast, brown boxes, lunch boxes are green and blue boxes for dinner. This color is easy to distinguish between the soldiers to choose their types of food.

K combat rations meals box containing canned cheese, cookies, candy, gum, beverage powder, sugar, salt tablets, cigarettes, matches, knife and wooden spoon to open cans.

vK combat rations dinner box containing canned meat , biscuits, meat soup, candy, chewing gum, instant coffee powder, sugar, cigarettes, open can opener, toilet paper and a wooden spoon

another World War II combat rations D is very well known in the food. its composition to there is a kind of chocolate. D is a high-calorie high-level rations of food, because everyone likes to eat chocolate, the U.S. military but also to boost the morale D rations as a good thing. D rations weight 124 grams, from Jose Pennsylvania City, Jose company. By the way, Jose is also home to Lieutenant Winters. br>
Jose with its irresistible taste of chocolate, very scarce in the war, popular material world, is the most popular food, has become a symbol of American culture. in the TV series , E Webster even give chocolate never tasted a chocolate Dutch children. S% IhpTSe6

Jose at the end of World War II produced a total of 3 billion chocolate, its production capacity peak of 24 million per week.

German and Japanese and even the British are particularly envious of the U.S. military's combat rations and cigarettes. After the Normandy landing U.S. troops captured a lot of eating and drinking out combat rations, Germans to guard them stunned, because they have never seen such a good food for many years the.

in the war, the Axis prisoners of war captured by the U.S. food supply is relatively good, basic guarantees survival needs. But in 45 years after the war German prisoners of war captured by the pernicious influence of the Nazi concentration camps, subjected to cruel treatment

logistics in World War II, the mighty force of the diet is definitely not sloppy, it is important factor in the decision outcome of a war.

brown bread at least 40 million people saving the lives of nearly 1,000 people to maintain the combat effectiveness of its assigned Fang

simple, but the complexity of baking and accurate, usually three days. during the Battle of Stalingrad, Soviet commanders often hungry all the troops who wear the watch or the ring together, hard to swallow for the exchange of black bread and horse sausage. U.S. aid canned luncheon meat was originally a World War II, the staple food of the coalition forces, and even then the former Soviet Union leader Nikita Khrushchev said, black bread, when the supply of poor, black bread is one of 10 soldiers a day rations. followed by tea, since 1886 as tea and sugar to be important military supplies, troops who dispensed tea, compared with only low prevalence of liquor multiple forces. Since Russia does not produce tea, until after the 1904 Russo-Japanese War began with the tea sent to the Soviet army soldiers are generally

place to eat, some cooking classes do. Chuishi Ban is usually a kilometer or farther away from the front, usually one tied with a belt bag, put some water bottles to food to the front. in the row, these containers are usually sufficient. food material is in place logistics units drawn or rationing. usually are the same for each meal. everyone ate the same big pot in the photo is very common. using containers and cooking utensils when cooking is similar to the American Civil War.

food usually consists of cabbage 〕 〔Shchi soup and boiled buckwheat Kasha soup 〔〕. These are the standards of the Russian countryside, a common raw materials. an old Russian saying: Men often are eaten. thousand two hundred million people in the Army to provide half a pound of weight per person per day. these foods in 1943 is very common until, in 2043,cheap UGG boots, through Lend-Lease Act to material things is also very common. these materials often referred to as the species made by the gel precipitation broken things〕, vegetables, oil, margarine, canned or block dry milk, dried eggs, coarse flour and coffee. Although the supply has not stopped the coffee, but tea is still the traditional common beverages. Russian Tea 〔Samovar, Russia, the traditional tea utensils, similar to the coffee pot〕 in the front line are common. combat operations during the rationing of bread and sausages are also very common. some of the forces in reducing the encirclement of Stalingrad , some freed prisoners of war died in the Soviet Union see this very reason: they are weak people who fed bread and sausages, but I do not know their body is already weak to digest that.

soldiers around the tableware is manufacture, or rationing, or captured in Germany. There are two tableware styles, the early scoop water with a spoon is a small mouth pot, is a kidney shape of the late German. It is said that Soviet soldiers prefer the German cutlery. often they eat when brought from home will use large spoon. recruits enlisted when that will be told from home with a big spoon, this is the famous was carried into the boots.

after dinner, the soldiers might want to smoke, soldiers often own cigarettes. combined with cheap cigarettes 〔horse Makhorka, made of hand-rolled by the smoker himself, not a machine to produce〕. cigarette paper, often difficult to be specific. So the soldiers with a variety of paper, usually the regimental newspaper. Before the war, the Soviet Union did not create a western-style cigarettes,Discount UGG boots, 〔may mean with filter tips? 〕 only the direct use of roll tobacco. 〔may be similar to our famous senior officers in charge. Fortunately, the soldiers may be used to more like rotten wood smoke flavor. Alexander Werth said: During the siege, Werth writes: impact is obvious. few soldiers would agree to use their tobacco exchange chocolate. tobacco in their hearts than the compressed air to Leningrad food. I drove up, I think, the Almighty, ah, I'm finished. tanks closer, burst into flames. I said to myself, is he finished, not me. So the way I roll five cigarettes a day. Yes Perhaps when it is not cigarettes, but I do not want to lie to you, then I really rolled and smoked five cigarettes. in the battle so that you can put the gun down, point a cigarette, as long as time permits, After fighting broke out you can smoke. but you can not forget your goal, once you forget, you no longer need cigarettes smoked. match is in short supply, matches look like tree branches, while the lighter look very usual, more fashionable is a shell like the artillery, and writing slogans on the patriotic slogans or individual. forces are often needed. as long as possible, soldiers will drink it. drink wine usually captured German troops is better than the official rations. And like wine, a soldier may be a certain country has a brand to the local honors when the forces When the army staged a traditional usually taken out of it with his teeth.

Soviet prisoners of war captured in the German food

1941 年 6 the end of the first batch of prisoners of war have arrived here. prisoner transport conditions, particularly before the war months, is extremely poor, the supply of food is not only hard to swallow, but very few, not enough to allocate the vast majority of prisoners of war hungry.

most of the Soviet prisoners of war suffering from starvation caused by the edema disease, scurvy, endless diarrhea, tuberculosis. Soviets could not bear hunger, eat all day looking for any thing: grass, roots, insects, cafeteria leftovers and other residues.

German food German food

basically three meals a day. which accounted for 50% of the lunch, dinner 33%, 13% breakfast, which followed the German people's living habits - in order to the center for the daily lunch meal meals


the highest priority level assigned to include:

Black sold 750 grams of bread butter (vegetable cream) or consumption of 45 grams of fat < br>
sausage (raw canned food) 120 grams (sometimes smoked artificial honey, jam or 200 grams of #} 3 $ n /

boiled potatoes, vegetables and 750 grams {fmSmD

120 grams of meat br>
1 bag of chocolate or candy cigarettes, Volume 7 of paper and wrap the food with a canned good, put the carton 0j @ gC0xu) |

bring food (cookies are usually full set of paper and its canned eTw sh]

frozen biscuits 250 grams 150 grams 200 grams of dried vegetables ju ~ js

25 grams of salt and 25 grams of coffee biscuit also called Zwieback, and one after drying similar to the hard biscuits after baking. B @ U; [cO &

bring food (half serving)-Halbeiserne Portion

processing biscuits 250 g 200 g fresh meat (mainly canned food) 2. . fighting food,

1943 years of fighting requires the supply of special food without cooking. is characterized by easy to carry and contain high calories divided into: large-scale combat food (Grosskampfpaeckchen) and close-quarters combat food (Nachkampfpackchen) two only supplied to the front-line combat units.

including: biscuits, confectionery, canned food chocolate and tobacco are reproduced in the supply vehicle, and then by the commander ordered the food before the attack.

fighting foods (canned chocolate)

figure on the left of the cap, the right side of the tank bottom. This is one of a few styles. some style to the production date instead of the national eagle emblem flag. each tank equipped with a bar of chocolate. In addition, it also packed in cartons of chocolate. soldiers during the war the actual situation of food supply:

for soldiers fighting in the field of food should be consumed within 24 hours with the cover of night served on the front line: brought to the food was cold coffee, and a large soup pot out of the chowder, each of us also got Bankuai big bread, a spoonful of honey and margarine and 150 grams of artificial meat or cheese. hungry we can not look at these things are eaten, because the next time the food supply could be sent within 24 hours after the

1944 onwards, the additional troops the food standards are lower, did not reduce total food, but meat and fat the proportion of reduced, replaced by potatoes and vegetables. 86.LkwlqoH

= x8F! W} Bt <

German army soldiers in the field were used in the field with the utensils, the manufacturer and the style of many. field with the tableware, the official German standard called Essbesteck. allocated to each of the German front-line soldiers, and lunch boxes with use. collapsible spoon / fork the Germans in World War one of the most widely used tableware, the initial aluminum type, the following is the later type of iron. This cutlery knife was also added as an open cans with. Late in the war, Germany's supply of aluminum have been given priority in the production of aircraft and other weapons, so from 1941 began the manufacture of tableware by the iron instead of the general material

Thanks to the German Greece from Norway has been down, and then received from the Greek city of Moscow under the

reporters 威廉夏伊勒 memories: the On the battlefield, officers and soldiers are eating out of a kitchen to do something. Gongbi Nie, when I was a young captain to accompany me to eat lunch, and ordinary soldiers line up for meals together, waiting the flow of the kitchen The father, arranged for the boys plan a visit to Paris, and these young soldiers for the respect and affection of the colonel is also very difficult to the point of exaggeration, and this love and respect not because of his rank, but because he is a real man. The officers of Hitler also formulated such rules: they must learn to care about the issue of private soldiers. In German, the most efficient unit is responsible for the delivery of mail, whether the soldiers are in where they are always on time and hand-delivered letters and parcels to the hands of soldiers. Some time ago, very few German soldiers almost did not pass this free service for the military postal delivery point Jiali Ji stockings, spices and other something

German morale Another reason is that they know: they can enjoy the country can provide the best treatment, while ordinary citizens may not be home even if such treatment. they can ready access to food and clothing, winter, the German heating equipment is no ordinary family, but actually there in the barracks. engage ordinary citizens generally do not work every day to see oranges, coffee, and fresh vegetables, but the soldiers Yes. last Christmas, is Jiali Ji food parcels to the soldiers, not the other way round. Hitler once said: As a soldier in the last world war, he would like to see all the new boys in the army are subjects from their school to benefit from this example looks as if he is indeed fulfilled his promise of course, there are a few exceptions: Germany accounted for the Governor, the capital of Poland) a rest, a captain of the SS area banquet at the station several of his understanding of the Nazi party cadres, including the German Embassy in Krakow and Frankfurt an der Oder local officials in the region. To this banquet, the division commander specifically used the ambulance to transport the train iced drinks and food ... ... hard disk, you need to use scissors to cut the number of bread, how many grams of bread cards, and soldiers will be able to enjoy the card used in conjunction with soldiers in wartime Tanjia free food supply.

devils food

no balls will be greatly reduced fighting the Japanese in Japan

the food looks very good recruits, but in fact subsequently became very temper of people. A former army when the shipyard workers in the recruits Yokohama said: From now on everything will become severe after it. '. lunches may add a little meat or fish, rice, dinner is just a bowl of soup with a little rice and vegetables.

diet of World War II Japanese naval officer aboard

above: < br>

dried fish, seaweed, miso soup, salted pickles, rice (Japanese only spur of the moment in case of illness), if someone want to eat Western-style, they may be told the night before orderly preparation of coffee, cereal and the like English breakfast, with Liuyang experienced officers and do not exclude this type of breakfast, but most still prefer Japanese-style breakfast.

Lunch -

in accordance with the soup, fish, meat, Western-style order of serving a full meal, meals need to wear both summer and winter coat, and in accordance with the British dining table manners. joint commander of the fleet is in their own private dining room, there is orderly stood by the side, sometimes the commander of the dining hall, while fleet officials and other entertainment along with meals (according to etiquette, commander of the central sitting on the side of the table, sitting opposite him chief of staff, the other a senior staff officers, lieutenants, Fleet translation power long, Fleet Weather length, chief engineer of the fleet, the fleet of the Comptroller, Fleet, Chief Medical Officer, Fleet military long, the flagship captain, etc.).

officer sub-room high-low, respectively, with the junior officer in the officers room dine, dining five minutes combined fleet commander, a military band set in the rear deck, playing semi-classical or popular music in Europe and America,UGGs, not the Song of military music, even if the war have also maintained the tradition, it would be band practice time per day. Most of the officers and men as soon as possible after lunch, to the rear deck to enjoy the music. But it was only when the ship will anchor at + cE tm

Japanese dinner

including raw fish, pickled vegetables, grilled fish, steamed eggs, miso soup and other Japanese cuisine, located in different places in the ships have a local flavor dishes such as lobster, snapper and other fish.

after dinner hungry to the orderly officer to leftovers, in fact, more specifically kitchen to cook a pot to deal with these officers, the other with a few poached egg with the soy sauce, black vinegar as a second dinner 35N / v G0 < br>
ship the size of dishes with different ship, the bigger the dish the better. Navy Stomach King)

officers must pay for food, the young officers who often spend money like water, there are agents of household officers (military officers rose up from the non-commissioned officers) know how to compare savings compared.

average soldier:

did not like the officers were required to eat a full set of Western, but it is also and Western dishes and has, butter chicken, curry beef agar, miso soup, fish, salted pickles and other Japanese dishes. staple food is rice mixed with barley. Breakfast is also rice, pickles based, half past seven for breakfast, but before blowing reveille to get up, when on duty, in order to first fill the stomach, will go to the kitchen something to eat first, and often give them big Maifan kitchen, fried tofu pieces with the soy sauce mixed with pickles Vegetable Rice

due to the impact of the traditional diet, Japan's military logistics sector has been improved by all means pilot food. to perform the task of pilots bombing of Chongqing, for example, their staple food is sandwiches and sushi, drank tea and wine, and lactic acid drinks was the most senior

In addition, each pilot is also equipped with Development of quality chocolate and candy

American prisoners of war held in Japan, the food

food, rice and soup for breakfast, lunch with rice and seaweed, sometimes bread, brought by the prisoners of war place of work, dinner is rice, soup and a vegetable, such as onions, potatoes, carrots, cabbage or eggplant, every 10 days there will be fish, meat once or twice a month.

food and beverage, by the responsible management account to provide rice and vegetables Japanese soldiers, prisoners take turns cooking, food is basically a Japanese-style: a bowl of rice, a bowl of miso soup and some pickles. In some camps, one day there will be a meal of bread, several times a month meat or fish, but with the Japanese food supply, protein-rich meat,bailey UGG boots, then there will be no. usually prisoners of war to work with a lunch box, and in some cases, the employment of prisoners of war, the company will also provide a little food.
 prisoners of war is one of the most serious problems of hunger and malnutrition, although the Japanese claim that the most difficult times in war, have worked hard to provide food for the prisoners of war, but it is undeniable that the war ended, the prisoners are in a state of extreme hunger

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