Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bright note This article is stronger disruptive

 Do not accept is normal, but worth a look. I do not know who the author is, can not find the original source. Can only provide this link

eat food behind cover: the physical (visible) for nutrients would constitute the human body, the invisible man will be thinking of ideas. British researchers found that people who eat junk food, very easy way to solve problems with violence, bad temper.

What is junk food? After junk food is fried, roasted, burned, smoked, simmered and other processing, or added during processing, generation or consumption of harmful substances in the body of food.

the World Health Organization's top ten junk foods include: fried foods, preserved foods (salt, vegetables, pickled cabbage), Processing of meat products (meat, meat floss, sausage, ham, etc.), biscuits food,UGG shoes, soft drinks cola beverages, convenience foods (mainly refers to instant noodles and puffed food), canned food (including meat and fish and fruit), plum preserves preserved food, frozen dessert foods (ice cream, popsicles, ice cream ), grilled food.

Why do some people, self-cultivation for decades, is still very strong sense of ego? Eating something invisible behind the cover too much negative energy.

What is negative energy? All man, all belong to the negative energy, they are all built on the destruction and degeneration above, including each stage of production ideas, material, temperature, and water. We can choose to eat the least damage (negative energy is the minimum). Less production and processing of the link, the more simple, the less negative energy also smaller.

spring, grass, a natural product, represents the positive energy of all the Masters, are obtained in a natural state of enlightenment Buddha! All the Masters or the Buddha in the Dawu long ago have had no food.

human origin?

Indian Buddhism: the human voice in heaven the angels of light falling into the weak and turn into the light tone heaven. All life on this day are natural chemical and biological weapons. Do not eat substances. The idea for food with joy, owned a variety of super powers can be used to exchange the light from the mouth, no men and women, noble and humble.

light to fly to heaven on earth tones, began to drink on earth is The human body became thick cloud, and began losing all capacity (supernatural powers), can only walk on the earth to produce a call We began to eat

modern science that humans evolved from apes, humans, gorillas, chimpanzees, why only humans developed a modern civilization? Human Human evolution has gone through four important process, meat (fish), the use of fire, eat grains and beans, salt.

one, from the meat and began to talk about.

ancient human animal is a vegetarian, the staple food is the leaves, grass and fruit, and now scientists have studied the teeth of human ancestors concluded, about 250 million years ago humans began eating meat.

human meat grew: to 70-10 million years ago human beings eat meat have almost close to 100% of the total! After humans began eating meat, humanity becomes more and more savage and brutal, all kinds of desire growth, to meet the desires, humans began to make and use tools, destruction of nature. There is a difference between the human animal, animals will be generated only in the estrus sex, animal sex is to reproduce. Humans do not like animals will be generated only in the heat of sexual desire. Man is only a fig leaf after eating meat, when people put up after the shame at the shelter, the opposite sex can not be arbitrary, the fig leaf that is a kind of first refusal. Also eating meat lead to rapid development of accelerated decline in life expectancy.

70 million years ago to 20,000 years ago, the average human life expectancy is only 18 years old, because then many human meat is close to the total amount of food intake of a hundred per cent. 2 years after the farming culture began to appear, most humans start with grains instead of meat and fish as a staple food, the average human life expectancy has increased substantially, but still far away from the natural life!

the life of mammals according to information about their sexual maturity of 8-11 times the average 16-year-old modern sexual maturity, their natural life span should be 120-180 years old, if you eat fruit natural environment grass and leaves, human sexual maturity should be 30 years old, the average human life span should be 200-300 years old!

recorded on the Old Testament, man is eating the Forbidden fruit is the Garden of Eden Eve tempted by the devil Satan, and Adam ate the forbidden fruit together, the knower of shame and evil, commit sin, and thus subject to punishment from God, was expelled from the Garden of Eden. Has become a human ancestor in lieu of that.

Toushijinguo is considered the original sin of mankind and the beginning of all other sins. At first, two naked and were not ashamed; eating the forbidden fruit, they fear of being seen naked, they sewed fig leaves for clothes.

before the Flood, the human life span is 800-900 years old, and very brave, when all the animals and people are eating grass. After the flood, everything changed. After the great flood that God can only eat meat, but limited only to live to 120 or so people, force is also greatly reduced. Christian also pointed out that the classic fall of mankind is closely related to the weak and the food!

Buddhist corrupt world beyond human records highest average life expectancy of 80 004 thousand years, the lowest average life expectancy is 10 years old. Life by the four thousand years old, each reduced by one hundred years old, that the Life from a hundred years old by one year to life for every four thousand years old, that the increase in robbery

Shortening of life expectancy is due to sense of community decision, because private ownership, money and the right to development, leading to rivalry and jealousy,Bailey UGG boots, leading to the rapid shortening of life expectancy, leading to disasters and disease.

Second, fire!

Statistics, 79 million years ago, the earliest human use of fire has started! Humans started using fire, the human desire for further expansion, began to destroy the forest because of the need firewood for cooking, you need to keep out the cold huts, you need to create a variety of equipment, weapons, killing animals, killing each other!

love living in the Arctic people of Jimo the past have raw meat-eating, they can live to 100 years old, then they cook meat and then eat the use of fire, and their average life expectancy down to the present 27 years old, can be seen eating meat does not necessarily short life, but only if your living environment in minus 50 degrees below the arctic regions, no heating, relying on your body resist the arctic, you have to eat local organic meat, you have raw food, the price is you will always be barbarians will never have true wisdom.

meat, there is a nutrient called L-carnitine, you can make the body burn fats increased 11-fold speed up the metabolism! Mammals living in the Arctic contains large amounts of the substance in meat, L-carnitine is not high temperature, the use of fire in the massive destruction of material!

humans began cooking with fire, the cost of food

vegetables and natural heated water in the container, the water loss of oxygen, a variety of active ingredients into death, has become stagnant. Enzyme in plants, enzymes, vitamin C at temperatures above 50 degrees will be completely destroyed, all kinds of plant nutrients in the high temperature will be damaged to varying degrees, vegetables and mineral substances may dissolve in the soup, some will be changed by the activity into the death, we can not provide human nutrition, energy is only one remaining original dozen.

been eating cooked food, human hair back faded, humans began to fear the cold, the natural wind and rain do not invade the human body is cold and heat, humans began to clothe the cold, and then kill other animals, for their fur. Later, to satisfy their own vanity (desire) with the bones of other animals, the production of jewelry!

eat cooked food, the human spleen and bile began to degenerate,UGG boots clearance, become larger, because after cooking, the plant enzyme and the enzyme itself is destroyed, the human spleen and gall bladder and digestive juices need to secrete large amounts of enzymes Decomposition of absorption, increasing the workload of the spleen and gall bladder 10 times, most people consume energy.

eat cooked food, our body fluids (saliva, gastric juice, blood) began to increase acidity, humans began to become increasingly dependent on food, the natural human body is a few months without eating, nor hungry Now the human body, half a day without food to hungry bear.

eat cooked food, lazy man, began to have subcutaneous fat, in addition to non-human primates do not have subcutaneous fat.

gods: myths and legends of the middle finger are generally people do not have super powers and can man live forever; Taoist practice refers to those who attained to obtain supernatural powers.

other-worldly air, the Taoist god said do not eat cooked food. Fireworks is the smoke, the idea is the meaning of food, everyone has to eat, only the gods do not eat, not the aggregate of the stained earth, beyond the scope of this world.

Third, grain

Some people say that God has given human food is grain, according to the information is in thousands of years ago humans began to eat grains, cereals are the main nutrients of starch and a small part of the protein, grain pressure on the human body than meat and beans will be much smaller and therefore living in the temperate from the meat into the human staple food grain, greatly increased life expectancy! But not as the natural energy of plants! The energy of Reiki with plenty of water is the highest, followed by fungi - Ferns - Bare subclass quilt --- --- --- fruit vegetables (modified plants) - whole grains - beans - Nuts --- fish (fish) meat - all kinds of denatured (processed) food, the more original, more low food, the higher its energy, the higher the energy consumption of the food, resulting in the desire and the more the ego low.

PANG: Legend of the health house. According to classical records, PANG lived more than eight years old, his good health is the

Taoist refraining from eating grain surgery

bigu that do not eat grains, Taoism believes that people eat whole grains, to form a manure product in the gut to produce bad smell, the way impede immortality. under the dead body of God and God. The personal God are all three dead yin God. Treasures on the body good, good body punch in the lower body a good lust. Three dead habitual residence in the human body is the root cause of desire is poison the body's demons. As the three dead in the valley of the human body relies on gas to survive, and if people do not eat corn, off the valley of gas,Discount UGG boots, then the three dead worms in the human body can not survive.

after people started eating cereal salt to the Subway, if broken grains and beans, there will be a taste of the food you want to eat the desire to break emotions, (happy, angry, sadness, fear, love, evil, worry).

bigu I tried seven days, eating only raw green vegetables, that period, almost no emotions. Temptation does not work for me. Just modified vegetables. There is so magical results. If you eat organic even better. But in the domestic real hard to eat organic, only the natural concentration of China (wild, organic energy higher than) the grass, trees, spring water, preferably not in the vicinity of Reiki with plenty of mountain man.

four, beans

human when to start eating beans, has been difficult to trace. All pulses have a characteristic high protein content, protein accounts for at least 10% of its weight, in particular the protein content of soybeans can even reach 40%!

nutrition according to first-line study of daily required protein is its own weight (in kilograms) multiplied by 0.6 g, if it is heavy physical exercise and the children growing season, then multiplied by the 0.8 grams. That is a 70 kg adult, one day need 42 grams of protein quality, if the athletes, 56 g is sufficient. In order to more insurance, Institute of Nutrition recommended intake amounted to 90 grams, while the modern daily protein intake to a few hundred grams in general!

extra protein (either plant protein or animal protein), will increase the burden on the liver and kidney several times! Kidneys need the extra protein the body into uric acid excretion to ensure that body fluids of PH will not fall, the kidneys have to work hard, the body of the parathyroid glands release parathyroid hormone, bone alkaline minerals so that (for example, calcium) dissolved in the blood, to ensure that the PH does not decrease the blood, bones become more fragile then (if the body PH value fell to 6.8, cells can not survive, people will die) the excess proteins and lipids, body need to discharge through the skin, skin secretion of oil, dirt, ear wax, gum, dandruff, and is the body of excess lipid and protein products. A variety of body odor, bad breath, foot odor, flavors and the meat is edible (sodium) excretion phenomenon. If you eat no protein

, your surface will not produce secretions and body odor is almost, you do not how to shower, shampoo. People wrong, backward view of nutrition - much more than make up less good.

In fact, the natural human protein supplement is not required!

constitute the basic units of protein amino acids, only to graze cattle and sheep, primates eating fruits and leaves, the protein content of these foods are very low, even zero. But these animals are not deficient in protein, milk is rich in protein! Because plants containing various amino acids, the body will be synthesized in their best for their body protein. Strong acidic protein in gastric juice to digest and absorb protein digestion process, all nutrients, loss of energy is the largest supply of energy is minimal. Excessive absorption of the protein, the body burden is the greatest!

V. Subway salt

salt is the ancestor of human beings is a million years ago began to eat salt. Ten thousand years ago after eating all salt for human consumption taste, human emotions to further expand, thereby creating a civilization and doom.

can construct the human sense of taste, and is constantly in the construction of the. Degeneration of many people who love to eat, taste the food weight and feel good, in fact, that delicious feeling is a delusion, hallucinations, eating in the first transgender people are feeling particularly unpalatable food, spits out, Later, however, keep the taste buds to accept such stimulation, adapted, used to feel good, you taste has changed.

modern, eat lettuce taste like jerky hard to swallow, because the lettuce is highly alkaline, while 90% of people today are acidic, acidic saliva juices come into contact with highly alkaline, contrast too, will feel jerky difficult to swallow, so after some time, body slowly adjusted to alkaline, the PH has increased saliva, will feel tastes good. Salt, monosodium glutamate, a variety of seasonings main ingredient is sodium, potassium and sodium ratio of natural human body is 10 to 1 ratio of potassium and sodium in the modern human body really is 1 to 4, containing large amounts of potassium in both green plants, potassium can make people happy , and sodium lead to depression, violent, anxious, irritable, rebellious, decadent, and other main cause of bad feelings.

intake of one gram of salt for every body, will the loss of 5 mg of calcium, adult daily requirement for calcium, the body is not recommended by the Nutrition Society, 800 mg, but by the loss of calcium in your body 5 times If you eat twenty grams of salt a day, you will lost 100 mg of calcium, you need to add a day to fill 500 mg of calcium, so the more salt, your bones will be more vulnerable.

before the World Health Organization recommended amount of salt per person per day not more than 6 grams is 3 to 5 grams, to the south of China the amount of salt per person per day is more than ten grams, or even in some parts of the north to twenty to thirty grams.

from a nutritional point of view, a strong acid salt, the salt in the body can turn into hydrochloric acid, and hydrochloric acid is the main component structure can eat more salt, the stronger the acidity of gastric juice, the more your digestive system to digest acidic foods, acidic foods can make people eat more, because the acidic foods, need a stronger acidity of gastric juice to digest, such as gastric acidity predators of the wolf twenty times stronger than human! Why would people

hunger. Because gastric acidity is too high to stimulate the stomach nerves, and then on to the brain lead to the central nervous system, it will produce hunger. Strong acidic gastric juice (PH less than 2), need to moderate acidic to alkaline (PH4 to 8) and in the food dilution, so that the PH value of gastric juice increased hunger will gradually disappear, until a few hours later, food digestion over the small intestine through the pylorus, the gastric acid secretion began to gather, to a certain amount of time they have hunger.

ten thousand years ago, human ancestors began to eat Subway of salt, and then to a variety of flavors, and produce all kinds of ideas, the development of a modern civilization, and finally to the

emotions, pleasure, is an illusion and false sense of, are deceptive, they would have been no human feeling, human beings do not have to rely on the food could have been viable, because eating a variety of food, rough, low frequency, these foods behind the tangible and intangible form the human body, feelings, ideas. Only joy and love, desire is fulfilled by the joy of not really get the joy.

in full view of the above subversion of modern nutritional science and knowledge of our readers in the past! Some people find it difficult to accept in a short time, the more difficult it is accepted by the public the truth! After all, the history of human evolution over four hundred years there is a fault! If you eat no

starch, protein, and junk food, food, time of day, not more than three hours of sleep, energy but more energy. As digestion, metabolism of starch and protein foods, need to consume energy more than five times the class is grass, so take a long sleep to replenish energy!

ferns if people eat in the wild leaves and mountain spring water, subcutaneous fat will disappear, emotions will disappear, you can not do sleep for long periods of fatigue, sleep only an hour a day is enough, for some time , the body alkaline, the body becomes light, cold and heat does not invade, become the very light weight, meditation become very easy, full of joy, time becomes very fast, even months without eating it does not produce hunger, then a period of time, you can transition to just drink water, body weight will gradually disappear, God will restore most of sufficient communication, lack of sleep can be, and then some time in the world is no longer dependent on any food, gradual return of the human instinct!

the world but we all know that the vegetarian, which is vegetarian, there are many different diets, such as:

fruitarian,, is the people who eat fruits and subsistence;

waterian, is the only drink for a living person;

solarian, is that people who rely on sunlight to live; there breatharian, you can live without food or drink is good people.

User feedback:

After a short break in the food and fresh fruit are continuing with life, I realized that the article talked about the different echelon of food energy. People do along the salt, cereals, beans, meat, this ladder-style diet and degradation. So to return to the source - the brightest from our, we are also in the daily diet one by one down the ladder to go get rid of the bad food. Fresh air

Jericho Sunfire fitness coach who in his

I recently ate 90% of the food is fruit, raw vegetables and dried fruit, almost no salt, no salt was found after many delicious are not Whenever there is a bit of salt as long as the mouth, taste, taste buds immediately mobilized and began to sour vinegar, sugar, sweet, and then immediately thought The desire and taste are closely linked.

taste or discard them, abandoning them, as if life will become boring, does not. Do not put sauce in the tasting lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, celery, I actually tasted one of the most refreshing and natural taste, the taste really good. And finished, there is a fragrance most.

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