Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Management of breeding ewes

 Management of breeding ewes
livestock technician in China is divided into eighteen sub
barren of breeding ewes, pregnancy period (within 3 months of pregnancy), late pregnancy (4 to 5 months of pregnancy), breast-feeding early and late lactation 5 stages. slower fetal development early period of pregnancy, nutritional needs of pregnant substance and almost the same space; late pregnancy and early lactation period of rapid growth of the fetus and the lamb survived the critical period, we should focus on doing the work of two periods of feeding and management .
agricultural areas and pastoral areas under the feeding conditions for breeding ewes of different rearing methods can be taken. in the vast rural areas, should be used to supplement the main feeding supplement to grazing. ration keeping with by fine, coarse, with the proportion of young, usually processed into powder, when fed with wet material is made adjustable, to determine the proportion of feed water to the water droplets Yong Shounie not appropriate. the nutritional standards for calculation of dry matter: Empty pregnant mother sheep and pregnant ewes pre-fed with a daily digestible crude protein should be 60 to 105 grams of salt 8 to 12 grams, 2.5 to 4.5 grams of calcium, phosphorus 1.8 to 3.0 grams, 10 to 15 mg carotene 0.95 ~ 1.4 feed kg. ewes during late pregnancy or early lactation ewes, each day should be fed 95 grams of protein digestion and 210 g, salt 10 to 15 grams, 6.5 and 9.6 grams of calcium, phosphorus 3.2 to 5.8 grams, carotene 15 20 mg of feed 1.0 ~ 2.1 kg, the feeding amount should be based on the size of ewe body weight appropriate adjustments. in the vast pastoral areas, should be used mainly to grazing, feeding, supplemented by feeding during the day half the time the animal husbandry , morning and evening and night feeding, the feeding amount is appropriate for the above half.
breeding ewes giving birth. ewes during late pregnancy should be strictly controlled to prevent overcrowding. grazing sheep and the sheep should be selected away from the Cattle homes close and smooth, rich grass pasture grazing. Cattle shed the lambing field should be set, and make Jiegao preparations.
midwifery Methods: Short birth attendants should be polished first nail scissors, arm Wash with soap and water, disinfection, coated with lubricant, and then proceed to midwifery. fetus is too large ewe vulva should be expanded to pull out the fetus to send back the two front legs, repeated after three or four times, one hand on head and forelegs of a Hand , with the ewes will lamb out of efforts to force responsibility. malposition should be responsible for the fetus with efforts to push the sheep back to the abdominal cavity, in assisting the output after a reset.
ewes after lambing because of fatigue and thirst, should drink salt water or warm rice soup, the water temperature is appropriate in the 12 ~ 15  . The first water intake to 1 to 1.5 liters appropriate. To prevent the sheep suffering from mastitis in ewes lambing Feeding Amount of feed should be reduced only fed high-quality feed, hay, or root crops. until four days after delivery from the third, and gradually increase the feed concentrate, silage material and juicy.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Boer goats

 Boer goats are known as the world, many countries in Africa and has been New Zealand, Australia, Germany, the United States, Canada and other countries introduced. Since 1995, China's first Boer goat has been imported from Germany in many areas, including Jiangsu, Shandong and other places also has introduced a number of Boer goats, pure fan base through expanding gradually to expand the surrounding areas and throughout the country, showing good meat characteristics, wide adaptability, high economic value and significant heterosis. Boer goats for meat goat breeds, with Large size, fast growth; reproduce prolifically, litter and more; slaughter rate, many meat; meat tender, palatable; resistant rough feeding adaptability; disease resistance and genetic characteristics of stability.
Lishui County, according to the experience of the masses of hybrid sheep farming, grazing in normal conditions, about 6 months daily supplementation of corn hybrid sheep 150 grams, 100 grams of wheat bran, soybean meal and 50 grams, 3 grams of bone meal, after a month or so fattening , 6 kg weight can be 8 kg. In addition to improve the general daily management, the castration in time, regular deworming, the castration of sheep docile, easy to manage, easy to fattening, and the smell can be reduced to improve lamb quality.
Boer goat originated
on the origin, there are several origins to say, one from South Africa, two from India, three from Europe, now that the existence of these three sources are, in fact, Boer goat named in the 1800-1820 years, the real, according to Charles Boer goats in South Africa after nearly two centuries of acclimatization `crosses from the large meat goat breeds. Early in the 19th century, with the sheep farm owners living became stable, people began to raise their goats are some traits to select destinations. After a long selection of about a century, and gradually formed a good shape, high growth, high reproductive rate , soma hair short, head and shoulders with red spots and improved goat hair. Since July 1959 the South African Boer goat breeders association was established, and to develop standards for selection and breeding programs, after the election of Boer goats education into the regularization breeding. the first Boer goat breeding standard describes the morphological characteristics, with the producers understand and accept the production performance of goats advantage, began to enter the production characteristics of the Boer goat selection phase, the final form the current meat goat, known as the improved Boer goat. Since the introduction of the 90 years since China has effectively promoted the industrialization process of sheep, particularly in the Boer goat embryo transfer technology on thoroughbred breeding application, reduced our country and advanced countries the gap in this area.
physical characteristics
goat coat is white, red-brown head and neck, the amount of end to end with a white lip with hair. boer goat ears wide sag, hair short and thin. head stout, big eyes, brown; mouth palate well-structured; prominent forehead, nose and angle of curve and the corresponding curved, hooked nose was Eagle; public ewes were angle, solid angle , medium length, thick-based public horns, back, bending outward, thin and upright angle ewes; have bristles; ears long and large, wide drooping.
head: the head stout, big eyes, brown; mouth palate well structured; prominent forehead, nose and angle curve and the corresponding curved, hooked nose was Eagle; angle solid, medium length, thick-based public horns, back, bending outward, thin and upright angle ewes; a mane; ear long and large, broad drooping.
neck: neck stout, of medium length, and with body appearance, said; Shoulder flesh, the body is a match, a broad non-sudden sharp chest deep and wide chest with a good neck.
soma and abdomen: developed the forequarters, muscle fullness; the body is deep and wide, round barrel; ribs and waist opening match, the back broad and straight; abdominal compact; rump both broad and long, hip and leg muscles fullness; tail straight, set on thick, upturned.
limbs: legs straight, short and stout, the Department of the Ministry of joint tough, solid hoof shell, black; forelimb length is moderate, well-proportioned.
skin and hair: the body soft skin, neck and chest wrinkles significantly, especially ram staggering. hairless part of the eyelids and a stain. systemic capillary and short, shiny and a little nap. head and neck and ears with reddish brown. head brown neck and forequarters red, brown allowed, the amount of end to end with a vaginal lips. soma, chest, abdomen with a white skin, reddish brown stain allowed. tail brown-red, allowing the extension of the buttocks.
Sex Organs: Structure of ewes with a pair of good breast. Rams have a sagging scrotum, there are two uniform size, well-structured and larger testicles.
growth performance and quality adult Boer goat ram
, ewes were up to 75 cm body height -90 cm and 65 cm -75 cm, body weight was 95 kg and 65 kg -95 kg -120 kg. slaughter was higher, with an average of 48.3%. boer goat production can be maintained value to 10 years old, is the world's leading high-quality lean meat goat production. In addition, the Boer goat skins, excellent quality, is a superior leather materials.
common feed goats:
green feed : 1 forage maize, sorghum 2 forage barley, oats, ryegrass 4 3 bromegrass Melilotus 5 6 7 alfalfa can be directly fed milk vetch, etc., are made of hay or silage made adjustable.
roughage : 1 hay 2 stalks (corn stalks, wheat straw, rice straw, straw and soybean straw, etc.) 3 unfilled shell (legumes, cereals hull, cotton seed shell, etc.)
silage: 1 ear of corn forage with green corn stalks 2 3 a variety of grass silage materials
points: fine grass stems to 7-8 cm is appropriate, corn and other coarse straw is best not more than 1 cm.
goats in the world today The most famous large-scale meat goat breed. It is native to South Africa, is now distributed in Australia, New Zealand, Germany and other parts of the world, the number has reached 5 million or more. has a strong reproduction, fast growth, physical big, meat and more , good meat, leather board excellent, genetic stability, adaptability, and local goat crossing improvement effect is remarkable and so can be breeding impregnated .6 months, 2 annual output of 3 tires, tires can also be an annual output of 2, 1 births ~ 3, sometimes up to 4 ~ 5: The average lambing rate of 200% of each birth, about 300% per year; body weight up to 60 ~ 80 kg ewe, ram up to 90 ~ 130 kg, body weight can improve 20% ~ 30. Varieties of sheep in the world, the large size of Boer goats, meat production, benefit good, was hailed as varieties of hybrid parent terminal to the introduction, use. China has more than 170 million goats, of which, in addition to dairy, wool use, skin and hair with a goat, the low level of production and general goats goat meat accounted for 100 million more just. The sheep need to improve meat performance or direction to the meat, to achieve this goal must be crossbreeding high, it must be modified to hybrid parent seed. In China, though in volume terms is a large country sheep, but from the quality point of view is a scarcity of sheep breeding weak, therefore, begins with my unit since 1995 and continuously from abroad goats. Although the number of their herds has reached thousands of now, however, is far hundreds of millions of goats can not meet the requirements of crossing improvement needs to further accelerate the development of Boer goat industry pace. Practice has proved that, whether from the ecological, economic and social role perspective, or from the adjustment of industrial structure, improve people's lives, to the need for universal eugenic point of view, the development prospects of Boer goat is not a three or five years, not eight or ten years but has a broad, long-term development prospects. can be said that the introduction of Boer goats, rapid propagation and cross utilization, will raise our meat goat industry, a revolution and leaps.
common sheep disease and prevention
1. sheep anthrax. sheep anthrax caused by Bacillus anthracis a zoonotic as an acute infectious disease. pathogenesis of sheep during the performance of the short run, jump a few times, shake down, and head back and limbs as involuntary movements of swimming, after a few minutes after death. the highest incidence of the disease from May to September. once in spring and autumn anthrax vaccination, anthrax occurred in the area of each of the first vaccination, each vaccine sheep subcutaneous injection of 0.5 ml of Bacillus anthracis, can be immune a year.
2. gut toxicity the blood. catgut sudden onset of sepsis performance, dead before paddling stronger limbs, muscle tremors, eye movements, teeth, excessive saliva, and then significantly shrink neck, often die within 2-4 hours. treatment : (1) with 18-20 grams of sulfa guanidine, a fed with the first day, 2 talented 2 fed until cured. (2) can be fed with 10% lime, 200 ml each large sheep, lamb 50-80 ml each.
3. lamb dysentery disease. Lamb Lamb dysentery diarrhea showed. manure odor, and some thick as batter, and some thin water, later contain blood, usually l-2-day mortality. treatment: (l) oxytetracycline 0.2-0.3 grams, or 0.2-0.3 grams of pepsin plus, plus pour service 2 times a day; (2) can be used against lamb dysentery treatment of high serum, injected 0.5-l .0 ml.
4. Yanggan fasciola. Bingyang acute performance of the spirit dull, fever, loss of appetite disappeared, occasional diarrhea. severe anemia, increased abdominal circumference, full of massive ascites, often in the 3 - 5 days of death. Bingyang showed longer course of chronic anemia, weight loss, constipation alternating with diarrhea, dull hair thick random failure and died. Treatment: (1) with sulfuric acid dichlorophenol, 0.08-kg bw 0.1 g, dubbed an oral suspension; (2) PCP with nitrate, 3-5 milliliters per kilogram of body weight once orally. Prevention: Regular deworming, de-worming once each spring and autumn.
5. sheep mite echinococcosis . parasitic on the body surface of a sheep itch mite scabies mites and two. scabies mite parasitism in sheep more than paying lip service to, nose, around the eyes, ears, head, legs and base of tail, etc. inside. itch mite occurred in the close the arm and back hair, and then spread to the body. This is a more common sheep disease, and sheep production on a large breach of harm. Treatment and Prevention: 0.25% of net mite solution available for dipping, the Spring and Autumn each year time.
6. sheep pox disease (sheep smallpox). the early stages of fever (410C - 420C), eyes, nasal congestion, nose flow serous, purulent discharge. After 1-2 days pox. In skin, hair or no hair at least, such as around the eyes, lips, mouth, nose, limbs, tail inside of labia, breast, scrotum, foreskin red spots, etc., and the rapid formation of 3-5 mm diameter hard round papules. than 6 days, the rash increases, the formation of blisters, body temperature decreased slightly. vesicles by 2-5 days into pus bubble, the temperature rose again, usually for 2 days. Finally, soak dried pus and become dark brown The crusts. Some Bingyang will appear crippled, blind, cough, diarrhea, etc..
1. injection of sheep pox each year, attenuated vaccine. Once a sheep flock of sheep pox Bing Yang, should be immediately isolated, or out of Bing Yang, the incidence of those who are not emergency vaccination. Sheep pox endemic areas should be strictly limited and all kinds of animal products out of sheep, and only when the last one Bingyang recovered two months later, will lift the blockade.
2. to strengthen management of Bing Yang (warm, fed digestible feed, bedding straw, etc.), subcutaneous injection of 0.1% musk deer have alcohol, gentian violet, or iodine partial coating the mucosa with 0.1% potassium acid potassium were washed and coated iodine glycerin.
benefit analysis
Boer goat Boer Goat is the world recognized outstanding meat varieties, with individual large, the initial fast growth, adaptability, reproductive performance , a high rate of excellent characteristics of meat (see the previous page describes in detail the performance properties of goat production and introduced). Since the original species are pre-Boer goats imported from abroad, relatively more expensive, leading to the introduction of home breeding of a species breeding, pure species of relatively high prices. So friends of farmers, the modest initial investment by small-scale operation in the following ways, taking the production side of the building side of the development of the ideas rolling, and gradually built a small radiation surrounding sheep raising Chang
investment analysis of a 1 -2 first adult Boer ram
1, to establish ram breeding station. feeding adult ram, breeding ewes for the surrounding farmers for the Boer goat breeding sheep born hybrid sheep, goats, compared with normal breeding, Farmers can also obtain greater benefits. In general, a mature ram can hybridization 2-3 times a day, such as rest once every 4 days on average use 24 days a month, average month, 60 times of natural mating. now Boer breeding ram a charge 100 yuan in some areas, generally in the county, Shandong Jiaxiang 40 yuan / time, such as the average of 30 yuan a month at least 1,800 yuan profit a year to deduct 4 months high temperatures throughout the year an adult ram gain nearly 15,000 yuan. year investment, then recovered, and a net gain of an adult ram, in the coming year to continue to use.
2, create artificial insemination centers. insemination technology is to use the equipment properly species of male livestock semen collection, after a quality check, dilution and preservation of semen will be qualified in a timely manner with the input device within the dams of the reproductive tract, in lieu of public dams and to conceive a direct method of mating. Normally, an adult ram day 1 could be semen, and if a rest once every 4 days, the average 24 times a month semen. a normal semen can be prepared fresh semen 15-20 branch, the current artificial insemination with fresh semen package mating pregnancy (normal use of fresh mated to be fine with 2) fees of 10 yuan / head times a day can be profitable adult ram 100, 2,400 yuan per month, one year less 4 months hot weather, 19,200 yuan a year incomes. then recover the investment, and appropriate surplus and a net gain of one adult ram, ram for the coming year to continue to use.
3, sheep breeding services, and production of hybrid combination. feeding ram 1 or 2 above operate at the same time, keeping the local ewes with ram breeding of Boer goats in the hybrid production (the method is particularly suitable for the majority of sheep or goats large specialized households friends); a local female goats to an annual output of 2 tires, the average gain 4-6 lamb, local goats 26.3 kg body weight for 12 months, five lambs weight 131.5 kg, 32.7% of slaughtered carcasses rate will receive a 43 kg lamb, if calculated at 12 yuan per kilogram, a total income of 516 yuan. such as the use of Boer Goat breeding in the The same five sheep, each weighing 64.9 kg 12 months, 5 total weight of 324.5 kg lamb, slaughtered carcass rate of 46.8%, 151.87 kg mutton may be, calculated at 12 yuan per kilogram, a total income of 1822 yuan. In the same year raised under the circumstances, a ewe may Boer Goat income of 1,306 yuan more. 2.35-fold increase economic efficiency. as per 10 ewes more than annual income of 13,060 yuan. in the rural farming, fodder, fine materials and almost no human consumption costs. Through the above analysis, the raising of a sheep than species of 10 kung, who have the opportunity, who invested early, early gains will come, not miss an opportunity.
goat Yang She
a building, sheep basic requirements for building homes
1, ground
required dry, smooth, easy to clean. generally used the clay surface, easy to form new ones, but easy to wet and difficult to sterilize; indoor floor requires slightly higher than the outdoor ground, to prevent rain intrusion.
2, the wall masonry wall or walls can be
, according to local conditions and economic conditions, the general height of 2-3 meters, are lower in cold areas, areas with high temperatures can be higher.
3, doors and windows
general door wide and 1.5 meters, 1.8 meters, the area is generally larger windows (can be smaller litter size room), to facilitate ventilation. specific area can be based on local climate conditions, and bay windows 1-1.2 meters above the ground. Yang She should be sheltered sunny, close to the water.
Second, the stadium should be located outside the stadium Yang She
. fence height of 1.2-1.5 meters, the area of Yang She of 2-2.5 times, the terrain should be tilted slightly south, in the face for easy drainage of the sandy soil is suitable.
three area
Yang She can be the number of sheep. such as overcrowding, the indoor humidity, air pollution, there is impaired sheep health. Therefore, the Yang She should have enough space, so the sheep can only be free, the general area of each sheep should not be less than the following area: 1.1 lambing ewes -2.0 meters, 4-6 ram square meters, small ram 0.7-0.9 square meters, one year old ewe bred 0.7-0.8 square meters, 3-6-month-old lamb 0.4-0.6 square meters. 

Monday, December 27, 2010

A pool of water _ Sina blog

 Photography is known as an art, because it needs is a calm mind, the fickleness and vanity of any are bad things.
I believe, though into the digital age, but still need the basics of photography grasp. I see it, since exposure to photography, to learn to read five books.
the first book to take a good look, of course, product brochures! in the photography forum, someone asked if the instructions on the product have been very eye-catching The answer would have been severely beaten. You only fully understand the products and basic operating conditions, can we talk about the advantages of playing the system. Only in this way, the camera can really be your tool.
second The look of the book is to pumping pumping, pumping only the essence of the pits. People have different photos to pursue, let's not say, the pursuit of beautiful and bright, and perhaps not suitable for New Zealand taken, but I see it, it is still photography Bible. begins with the three requirements, theme, main, simple, throughout the film are based on our evaluation. see to understand New Zealand photo, the camera will be your right hand. you will start to light and joy and happiness for the color.
third of this depends on book, is emotional. too impulsive is not the camera man, because he saw only the clothing and facial expressions, he photographed the beautiful or ugly, not like or dislike; photographed smiles or tears, but not a happy or sad. like shooting the film, we called the shutter machine. simply is not a film for photography, but not art, photography is hidden in the back of the feelings of the film! Unfortunately, most people are still reading this book, I am also . but I knew the direction, I think we will break through. until the breakthrough in this step, the camera can be your feelings, you can easily open a film at the time, quickly returned to the scene at the time, with a cup of tea half pack of cigarettes, and a quiet afternoon.
depends on the fourth of this book is the life. too young people also can not understand the true meaning of photography. Yes, now a wide variety of cameras on the market, there are some Sony T200 fashion models for a class, but if the kind of fashion photography sony positioning, it is wrong at home. Photography is not a fashion, in the back of this word contains a number of years of accumulation of predecessors and essence, from the viewfinder, Look out, turn the focus ring, the scene began to clear the same time, you can vaguely see the master's figure floating in the air and over, Pina, if fleeting, If You Long Jiao. lens expression, is that you in the eyes of the world, is your life understanding. photographers, when the scenery in the film, he is full of awe; in the shoot birds, he was filled with joy, humanity in the film, he carved bones compassion. lens is life, your film is your understanding of the wider world, come to this step, the lens is your partner, you have not feel it's there, but it does start melting into your life.
the fifth book of this depends on is your own heart. the world all things are actually the projection of your heart, with no Guaai, and from then on became free, free ah! time, you no longer rise and fall Yunjuanyunshu as Italy, prosperous and downs, all is superficial, a one machine, from Swordsman. come in handy all the article, pick flowers can be hurt Ye Fei.
Hokkaido - Shiretoko sunset! 

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Successfully defended his 500-meter champion Wang Meng of China won the team the second gold

 Successfully defended his 500-meter champion Wang Meng of China won the team the second gold
2010   02  18  12:30:01 Source: Xinhua
2 17, Chinese players Wang Meng won the game after the cheers celebration. day of short track speed skating at the Winter Olympics Chinese athletes Wang Meng, the women's 500 meter final in the 048 results in 43 seconds won the gold medal. This is a Chinese team at the current Winter Olympics get second gold medal. Xinhua News Agency Reporter Chen Kaishe
Vancouver Feb. 17 Xinhua Sports (Xinhuanet Liu Yang Wang Jingyu) Turin Olympic champion Wang Meng, 17, in Vancouver, women's 500 meters short track speed skating final, beat the defending Qunfang success of the Chinese delegation won the second Olympic gold medal this year.
This is the third consecutive Olympic gold medals to obtain the project, Yang Salt Lake City Winter Olympic Games in 2002 the final of the project History of China won the first Olympic gold.
24-year-old Wang Meng in the same day of the quarter-finals and semi-finals in both the easy lead slip in the final is no one enemy, to 43 seconds 048 reelection title of the project. The World Cup season ranked fourth in the Canadian project Jana Marie 707 to 43 seconds to win the silver medal. the last Winter Olympics Item 11 of the Italian rich Tana obvious progress to 43 804 seconds, won the bronze medal.
teammate Wang Meng Zhou Yang not qualify for the A group final group in the B final to the final 44 seconds of 725 fifth win of the project.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mysterious Yorkshire

 (Question Chart: busy in Lhasa in the summer, and finally they arch out of an article on the British general election Bowen. With my feeling that this group of English would be difficult to attract the eye of the general election. But there is no turning back bow, or adhere to finish it it mm at his own indomitable spirit touched one. Fortunately, the changing situation, Bowen moved to the map, before finally be worthy of such a die-hard bloggers to the . that the text and graphics with anything to do with it? is now only written notes, if you mentioned somewhere, put it carry her out to talk about. As a result, inevitably, a hammer West East a stick. but not by rules and order, West Yorkshire people, so today let's talk about the things Yorkshire. This Yorkshire in the UK, although much of the well-known, but the Chinese people may not have the impression. Chinese people the impression that it is more physical clones, which Sisters, ! roaming the streets of York, to see where the strange sculptures, like the figure of the statue, the mystery is even more intense)
(Below: our house and start talking about it. to the time of York We live in West Yorkshire's largest city, where the there is indeed a heavenly feeling. Yorkshire where the place is the intersection of several major rivers, both singular view of the valley, there are large areas of wetlands. It is said the Romans from the earliest settlements in the repair here, but York mm and taken to enter into an easy to pronounce their name Lord of the UK, will be a fire burned York. But later, York and prosperity of the textile trade by virtue of the religious mm Romans have long played in the repair of a church here, that is the predecessor of today, York Minster, to attract Many of the students and the European pilgrims mm is developing very fast. Yorkshire was the largest administrative region in England, but in the 15th century, located in the confluence of several rivers, but also close to the sea port of Hull (Hull) become the main port area, York this is the real decline. now divided into four administrative regions of York Region: North Yorkshire, West Yorkshire, South Yorkshire and East York Administrative Region. we want to visit York City, located in the middle of North Yorkshire, but it is an independent administrative unit, not part of the North Yorkshire)
(Below: the early morning, I walk alone together, a sight that makes me a little feeling dizzy. the one hand, feel the beauty of scenery, on the other hand feel this is the mysterious desert alone. This may be subject to a mountains. This ; Haworth home. actually drop out from school are also a few weeks and soon die, only 10 years old. Since then, the Bronte Parsonage no longer afraid to let his children go to school, and only allow them to study at home. But the tragedy did not stop, his son because of alcohol and drug abuse, passed away early. The magic is his remaining three daughters, actually in the same year (1847) have each published both in English literature in the history of classic novels: old after the priest lost son, two daughters and have passed away, leaving only and three sisters as startlingly ambitious, full of strange weird ingredients)
(Below: dark snow, suzerain had to let him in the Villa in the night. night he had a strange dream: dream of the wind in the branches because of playing in the window, he worried that the glass broke, wanted to reach out to the branches break. did not think he caught, the woman was actually a pair of cold hands! a ghost weeping with the request to let her in, she said she called the ! Luoke Wu scared screaming. suzerain heard about, ask what the reason, he turned off the Luoke Wu, his throwing himself on the bed, I heard the sound of the name to call it ghost, I hope she comes with him This brings the dream hh meet a thrilling, the story of sorrow Qijue. the background of the novel, is often mutated York wilderness situation. This makes people today think of walking here, not from the ground and there was a little guilty)
(Below: traveling to some parts of Britain, often because of lack of popularity in some places too, could not help that some people will panic associations. This is a farm near our residence, the whole morning, I I did not see where there have been a person, it is surprising, wonder whether there are deserted here, it is only a Ghost Story-style house)
(Below: Nearby, a wood products processing plants, but also quiet enough to allow Life suspected)
(Bottom: Comparison of processing items'd This one is located, will always feel a little puzzled, but also where their customers do?)
(Below: No one answered these questions, and only enjoy the endless plains in the case of no one, silently exhibits It's magnificent. York this place, there had been a rule of the British dynasty, that is, Little Earl Lancaster, Henry (known as Henry IV) of waste militarism, which established a dynasty of Lancaster. This dynasty, Henry IV, grandson of the three Henry VI transmitted when the Duke of York, Edward III thought he was the first the descendants of five children, his mother is a descendant of the third son of Edward III, a double royal blood relationship, than a series of Lancaster is more qualified to inherit the throne, so the last 30 years occurred in the a large number of nobles were massacred, the last dynasty, the family unification in the distant cousin of Lancaster, Elizabeth I's grandfather)
(Below: the land of York, the most common is definitely the golden rape everywhere. It is said that the rape was not used to squeeze oil, but used when the power of oil, the so-called ; the Duke of York later succeeded to the throne, the Duke of York to the title of natural canceled; or title no successor. Andrew Duke of York today, only two daughters, the Duke of York usual they can not inherit the title, so Andrew's death, the title can not download. so it was that Figure: The entire center of York, or the name confluence of these rivers eventually into a river called the River Hull in the Humber estuary, into the North Sea)
(Bottom: near the city of York wilderness scenery. often a flat among the grass, such as weaving, alone stands a tree, give as many associations)
(Below: the distant green leaves are sometimes visible, but it is a contrasting red house, a little Liaozhai the mean. do not know if this is the singular scenery, making York a pan-European inadvertently photographed the human eye can not see that the York's many historic houses castles, ghost stories are also the most success it one of the reasons. Interestingly, the York will be counted on the meter, specifically the development of a place, and teach you how to find them. The style clothing wearing like a vampire who is the special was a bit creepy. even the specialized shops called I do not know what his intention to evade or, ultimately did not achieve their goals. Notice the first one, others are more clear, only he is very vague. Finally, I photographed the back of his mysterious)
(Attachment: Roaming Britain, then the election (11): 1910 election, the hero ; Asquith overtaken by his wife.
Asquith (Asquith ,1852-1928 years) can actually call him , mm compulsory education is from the British king State religion, but also shows that the rise in social status Asquith. because Asquith was born in Yorkshire, northeast England, where the people of London and other big cities in the eyes of a , this will be thinking about plant community can only be considered middle. and, unfortunately, in his very young, my father died. One of his uncle in London, he and his adopted brother and sister. Despite rough childhood life experience, But Asquith talented. He was the first in London, a business school, and later studied law at Oxford University.
at Oxford, he studied at the , has won the Cambridge special We understand that four-dimensional world and multi-dimensional world, helpful, mm said that the Buddha called .
mystery is not so Asquith, the son of former clothiers is about reality. at Oxford made the first degree examination, served as the President of the University Student Federation prominent scores, and graduation when he a lawyer. As talented, he was soon the phase of the Liberal Party, mm in part because of his eloquent. Campbell said later he entered the cabinet, when, during the heated parliamentary debate, the Campbell then in such The Miao Yu asked him to exit: .1890 elected Members of Parliament, he became a Queen's Counsel. Gladstone's cabinet in the Liberal Party, he also served as Minister of the Interior. this period, he appointed the first female Ombudsman, improved plant management methods, was then made against the institution of the After that (in 1898), had a chance, allowing him to become Liberal leader. but because of the Boer War the Liberal Party split into left and right, Campbell is opposed to the war party (strictly speaking is the middle), A Sikui Sri Lanka is a clear support for the war party, both very difficult to reconciliation, leading to split the Liberal Party, 10 the opposition, the leader of his dream fizzled out. not as a leader, Asquith has not been idle, he used the opportunity as a royal adviser , your life to make money, save the regiment, waiting for the opportunity to make a comeback.
1905 the Balfour resigned the Conservative, the Liberal leader Campbell cabinet, many people believe that Asquith and Campbell can not be settled until aristocracy to Campbell to accept title, entered the hospital, and let the House of Asquith as leader of the Liberal Party. But Campbell has successfully reached an agreement with Asquith, Asquith Campbell served as the most important cabinet position of Chancellor of the Exchequer. mm until Campbell is the king appointed starting from Campbell, the appointment of the next King book, As Prime Minister, sick, mm mandate of the cabinet, prime minister at the time of King Edward VII mm overseas holiday, Asquith had rushed to the outside line of movement of the king, Prime Minister of the people!
Chancellor of the Exchequer during his term in office, and took over as prime minister, and began known as the the traditional British to self-regulation. subtext of this idea is that everyone is free, and have responsibility for their own ability, your rich you are a hero, you are poor you deserve it! and this groups are not appropriate relief. pension, health care, education, employment, etc., by the individual through the are not responsible for the poor, mm of China's reform and opening up, full of social thinking is this, the last almost a catastrophe! Now we all know that attention to vulnerable groups, would be difficult to have a br> For this product, the responsibility in the community. So they were labeled In extreme socialism and extreme individualism liberalism, appeared a wave of is ;. If your English is better discrimination ability, we can see the difference between the two. the difference between them meaning, is ;, state and society began to stress the ; new ; new , in particular welcomed by the working class. After 10 long years after the return to power of the opposition Liberal Party is facing a very important transition tasks, is the need to adhere to the Sri Lanka has just come to power, on the development of the the National Labor agency system the implementation of these social reforms, is the Asquith cabinet succeeded him as Chancellor of the Exchequer's ;, in essence, funds, which with the United Kingdom needs to expand military spending had a great contradiction. Anglo-German relations were deteriorating, the arms race at Chi, the military urged to increase military spending. and in the Boer war, strongly opposed the war, support the dispute, from the Conservative Party to join the Liberal Party, he served as minister for foreign trade), oppose military expansion. At that time the Navy Department asked the main construction of four new ships, Lloyd - George and Winston. Churchill have expressed their opposition that wants to build only will build two. Finally, because of the German military situation grim, gray, etc. adhere to the foreign minister, the government still adopted a plan to build four ships. ridiculed Labour for this Admiral Fisher, Qiu two, says it is prepared the newly built ships were named The two strongly opposed to expansion of military people, but has led the UK's Although the constraints of the military, but social reforms funded by the state against the force or the Conservative Party. Conservative items of social reform bill passed, so they passed the upper house of the Conservative Party majority, the House rejected (that is, the Liberal Party) and a number of social legislation. This makes the Liberal Party and the upper house of the
in this years), you may find his name a bit weird. Indeed, he was a Quest worse, Asquith was not the father 7 years old, while Lloyd - George in less than 1 year old, his father had passed away! Asquith was raised by the uncle in London, a large, There are conditions that will allow him to Oxford. And Lloyd - George raised by his uncle, his uncle, a shoemaker only Welsh countryside. He was very young, and became a salesman for, and later he entered a law firms, affair continued, and made his wife in pain, he was also notorious.
Welsh and the backcountry of the ;. So, after their death, some Christians to not allow their country to the local (official) church cemetery funeral. In a lawsuit thus triggered, Lloyd - George plays his passionate and eloquent genius, in talking about the court, non-believers in the church cemetery States the right to defend the funeral. Since then, the hearts of his people in Wales, leaving the Welsh person he was Member of Parliament for the Liberal Party, and has been seen as are closely linked. origin lower, worked as a salesman, worked as a lawyer Lloyd - George, both landlords struggle with the nobility of passion, but also has Lloyds. George came up with a mind military spending and social insurance costs. This case vetoed the bill.
This may center Lloyd - George wants. because according to British tradition of political practice, the decision to the House budget is a to win the most powerful budget their He would incite a is pretty good!
pass the Budget, the government can not function. Asquith in the House leadership of Liberal Party members condemned the Senate passed a Thus, this can only be held in the 1913 general election (when the British Parliament's term of office is seven years), in the January 1910 start on (January 14 to February 9). but no one thought Because the struggle is intense, both sides refused to give, in this one year, turned out to be held two consecutive general elections! two elections, the Liberal Party is regarded as the ultimate get the upper house, so there can be turned into a None of the bodies, until today.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Deep downturn in the market outlook for housing prices should outperform peers price - luxury-World Bank experts - the focus of Bo ...

 How to stand out in the depressed property market, developers now become a major goal of .5 2 April, sponsored by the Central Plains property, Xiyuan in the co-benefits Industry experts believe that it outperformed peers is more important than outperforming the market, and to this end the only or most important strategy is to price.
prices this year, the adjustment process is still in the secondary market
Vice Centaline Yu Ka-hung, general manager that the current large volume shrinkage of the Shenzhen property market, future prices may continue to adjust. Wang Feng, director of Shenzhen Real Estate Institute says house prices this year will be in a process of adjustment. Shenzhen University, School of Economics, International Finance Shi-ping, director of the country, said this recognition, he believes the current market prices down there is normal.
Spring Fair reporter, interviewed more than a dozen industry positions, most of their monthly income 5000-10000 per hour, they are for the current price still can not accept, because the down payment, monthly for the pressure. they said will continue to wait and see, also expect house prices to fall further.
afternoon will show a low ebb
Yu Ka-hung, said the property market downturn is on the price formation test, the market is already a developer and developers, developers and home buyers in the three games. The experts suggested that in the current market conditions, the developer should cash, not easily get to or expansion projects. in Xi Yuan Hui Li Jian, general manager of marketing and management center that, in addition to cash, the developers have to integrate internal and external resources for industry innovation, improve product quality and community service. < br> city of Shenzhen Academy of Social Sciences Research Center operations, said Gao Haiyan, the Shenzhen property market to remain in the doldrums, the developer should realize three things: beat beat the market is more important than peers; cash flow is more important than profit margin ; do marketing is more important than being sold. He said that now is not the big market, but in a limited number of requirements that can cut the cake in question, and ran the only peer is the main strategy or price, only by the price normal cash flow can be achieved, and ultimately ease their difficulties.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Strive to be a rich man

 Last day, a neighbor in the QQ group investment in stock market transmitted to a short passage, I was inspired after reading, so the coexistence of up to copy, and now here I am Links for users enjoy. I had one of the individual changes text, as is read more smoothly.
hourly employees. <> income is inversely proportional to the size and number of opportunities, and the billing cycle is proportional to. every day, some very small chance of its earnings, over and over have the opportunity to leave a pack rat. <> larger funds, the higher the income, the less chance they appear. found or until that opportunity, perhaps only then once. <> dazzling, full of opportunities, the market is flooded with sound and fury, in the in which yelling sweat of the figure, are retail. vie with each other rushing to pick up the money buried, sooner or later someone else to pack up. <> more to the height, the more opportunities for smaller funds, but when big money has been In the settlement of the; more to the lower, the small capital can not find them (because there is no recorded tomorrow to buy today), is the chance of big money, but it proceeds at a very distant future. <> poor and most fundamental difference is that the rich, the poor look for opportunities every day, one day he will not return Huangran anxiety, he is the happiest day every day into the points, the so-called small steady flow of water. while the rich know , the opportunity is not that. From the time not much, so often and so on; from space, not many, so be patient to find. <> in order to have the mentality of the rich,UGGs, the first billing cycle to change the heart, do not Every day a small income for the complacent, not to find a small income nervous. <> The poor are poor because of small money fast. as always quick to point a little money, so always no big money. poor sharp-eyed fast chips, so often show bright, although very small; rich slow movement, often clumsy, and afterwards to know it was for myself. poor people do not eat a small loss, often accounting for some small cheap; rich and often eat a small loss, a large share of all cheap.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Check out 12 who fight for the right to rely on the past

 This article published in the hard and fast rules, but to late check-out membership cards must be done only in case of sufficient room can delay the check-out hh (exactly the same, not to do card is only for VIP customers, in short, a hotel is not very much love to implement the new specification. piece of a jigsaw, want this country is roughly .9 4, announced the new norms, public opinion, a burst of applause , while the situation was actually the case, everyone been fooled!
all the so-called Association only recommends the right, no law enforcement power. In short do not write this thing seriously. Interestingly, before the implementation of This is the industry standard, full of this stuff seriously. Why so-called , spacious hotel if it abandoned sandals?
original specifications regardless of the old, the new specification, which makers are the China Tourist Hotels Association. This is the story behind? it is hotel management companies, hotel supplies manufacturers and other relevant units, to form a national trade association. provisions. expect to clean up its own industry association portal, brandished a knife from the palace, it is futile, unrealistic. The reason why the trade association of the had to make concessions. As has been written on the concessions under the hotel is not implemented, trade associations do not operate that Xianxin.
any transaction in fact have a strong side and weak side, strong side often take advantage of a strong position to not fair conditions imposed on the other head. It has a bargaining issue. Previously, under the leadership of industry associations, consumers, industry-wide negotiations on the face of the united front; now under pressure, professional associations, go back behind the scenes, ask the hotel themselves and the consumer game. This is an improvement at least.
to eradicate the associations contribute to see, but the situation is so embarrassing Jiaoren. CASE relying on the government's business management system, has its advantages in resources. but it is limited to ;, not with the major industry associations, major telecommunications providers, real estate agency , collective rights, and other expressions of collective will. relative to the Consumers Association of sweetness and light of the criticism, merchants fear that more people days, the world's Chen Shuwei known that rights
short right of the consumer not fall from the sky, but can not expect industry associations, business is good when, and only under pressure, businesses will give up their vested interests in the terms of the King.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

I am a 28-year-old birthday telecommunications company

 I am a 28-year-old birthday telecommunications company vice president advised me to forget it open, and then the next day went to a day, registered a business, from the idea of opening the company up for just one day to the Trade and Industry Bureau of time!
And 2003 get a business license in August, did not know how safe is the same thing, looking for a technical vice president of Peking University Founder and told me one night, and then carries the package to start talking items, and many units, there was nothing I No, even fax machines, printers do not have all my property of the company is carrying a bag, a few seals, and then in September 2003, which is signed up for the second month of XXX Group company, and then began looking for recruitment of staff to implement one, until the engineers of the firewall, intrusion, network version of the anti-virus are on-site testing, I first see what kind of firewall? first see what the wall to see what anti-virus? and then do this project 50 % profit!
and then in October 2003, the company won the AAAA, when talking about the project, the Director of Technical people asked me: others: do not know? but I do good work, others do not care I do not know a security company boss Netscreen, the project gave me! The project has also made a 50% profit!
Provincial Environmental Bureau and then to deputy director of long talk VPN (encryption equipment used in the public network address), when I speak with people who say VPN technical staff said they all wanted to find a hole was drilled down, because I say all the wrong principle, but in the end Party silly those people still thought I was terrific, the basic project has been reported up now, just wait for the final funding it! then I think this will not do, determined to put no less than 100 domestic and foreign manufacturers of technical information security over all of , then the whole technological system and the factory systems are made of sets of PPT, every time I took to the technology exchange laptop, slide to the Party say, I can easily say in front of dozens of party manufacturers technical features, pricing, or even any one company and I hit with the tender, I could immediately determine which other manufacturers reported? reported what price? then know how to deal with him?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Misrepresented by the Chinese people for thousands of years of the seven words

 Respect for authority in the Chinese culture, the celebrity status of famous account is heavy, many artists say,
often guide their life world view people as a prime criteria, but these handed down for thousands of years in the famous,
there are some words being deliberately or ignorantly misrepresent themselves away from the intent of discourse and mind and confuse the world thousands of
audience. shadow Fucai, give some examples resolution or two to the world situation is also a good truth and the public hh text make up make up to me to talk big
home is estimated to be throwing eggs, vanity also satisfy the following example, began lecturing.
1 to Germany complained
the original sentence: br> mmm That is: Confucius taught us, people bully you, you have to endure, broken teeth have feelings inside, others
to bully you, but he should be better to use your love Probation him, use your mind to touch him. This
people feel very little distinction was. Just think, if I call a slap fight over who is playing who also laughed and said Well
the more you hit me I will you better hh such cases I will move to the dumbfounded, how good this one child, and more great sentiment
ah hh
But in fact, we do distort the original intent of Confucius, I had also never expected that the original sentence in the Confucius ; to Germany complained, why repay? to direct reporting
resentment, with kindness! how was the real situation is like? a disciple of Confucius, said to him: Master, someone hit me, I
not hit him, I would say to him well, with my morals and upbringing die of shame him, let him repent, okay? Confucius said the
, you complain about ethics, that > is now someone hit you, you should become distorted image now gentle doormat.
compared with Western culture, Eastern culture has long been considered a humble perseverance, the same is being bullied, take the lead in the Western
Brother of Jesus in the Bible to clamored for: And the East it? the spiritual leader of Sakyamuni Buddha
Nigeria said, to bully him, and shall eat her flesh, and he really a knife blade from his body to help the eagle to cut the meat, which was a bit close to the great BT has almost
. finished several big foreign leaders, to come back to China, Kong Lao master's why the phrase deliberately misinterpreted by others
it? roots or the needs of the feudal rulers, their thoughts, faith is nothing less than to become a Confucius
of thousands of people ; to Germany complained about of the to the bad habit of ruling class, if not the original words of Confucius phrase deliberately misinterpreted as this way, we Chinese people will support such a cowardly
into thinking inertia it? Some say the West is the nature of wolf bones, The Oriental is the sheep bones
sexual nature, where the shadow fell like to ask the moon, what is the reason we become like this? If we believe in the ancient Western
that since the Eye for eye, tooth for a tooth, ;
original sentence: ethics complaints, how can repay? to direct complaints, with kindness.

distortion level: 8
negative impact: 9
2, from which the people can not be made aware of.
original sentence:. Bo does that mean? is that the state rule of the people, instructed them to do things
drive on the line, do not let them understand what they are doing. Let me now seems absolutely clear to the feudal ruling class a few
thousands of years has been playing the fools trickery, small people Well, let them know so many dry even
it? best are lethargy, only know what we mean according to the mediocre life,Bailey UGG boots, sentence sermons is nothing less
vicious, it is thousands of years of Chinese feudal rulers enshrined treasure the size,UGG bailey button, the number of truth and deny the people of the creative
, but at the same time, our problems to come, of such a stupefying surgery, is really committed to educate the people of Confucius
the original intent of educators do?
> We know that the article in the Spring and Autumn Period there is no punctuation, then future generations to study Hou's article, it
again through a coherent words. Here insert one of Confucius's article why he was quoted after the
people very much? This is certainly one of their fame dictates of Confucius, and the other, it is because of his quotations from the scope of coverage
very broad and includes almost every aspect of social life, so that, no matter who the person was, holding
what purpose, are available from the Confucius quote out of context the words of the relevant parts of them, along with their personal inclinations < br> understanding and broken sentences, to prove his point. For example, say that the phrase ritual stuff of education of these three can be behind a
how to teach the emperor was becoming admonition trickery it? the original, which in turn is taken out of context with ulterior motives posterity, deliberately in the middle of a sentence
with an appropriate : hing in poetry, stand ceremony, as in music. the public can
, so that by the, not so well aware of.
basis, we must do a good job, if the people being the masters of poetry, music, good, let them freely, if people still play without
to the East, we're going to educate them and let them know and understand these things. Pass to fool the people into Confucius, to prevent people notice fools hear him the art of seeking knowledge. I really do not know what NB
how to misinterpret these words, you say that if P is the educator Confucius say , who believe ah? regard to the people when

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh my constellation matching

 Pisces: Aries
matching index
Shall Required:
a fire, a water, fire and water has always been incompatible , together with the constellation Aries is the beginning of 12, 12 constellation Pisces is the end, one a hard joint, Pisces, Aries will be negative and self-sacrifice of life that got to know what to do, which you full of optimism that kind of thinking can give them positive encouragement, but the results thankless job for not being lucky the gas stunning! but sometimes Pisces Aries will be tender and romantic feelings that attracted very contradictory. So two people to get along with long-term, must be improved.
Pisces: Taurus
matching index
On Love must-read:
your feelings is by the time the accumulated bit by bit, the more together the more the benefits can be found each other, at least we are very comfortable, sweet and self-evident.
Taurus is not quite know how to show Romance of the constellation, but he has the heart is, in many details of life in care to give the feeling of Pisces, Pisces is willing to sacrifice that kind of feeling is also deeply moved by their own Taurus, to the development dead set on breaking the order, Pisces can feel to the exceptionally strong possessive Taurus that, I felt completely surrounded by loved, not only did not resent, but also very enjoy.
in sexual life, the Taurus will be very concerned about the feelings of Pisces, will try to make him want to be satisfied, so as long as the Pisces to show his strengths mm equipment, even if not necessarily the fact that mental state can achieve perfect harmony.
Pisces: Gemini
matching index
marriage: < br> family:
Shall Required:
not too understanding, since we are different from a class, and has a multi-faceted personality and the emotional ups and downs, except at the beginning because of sexual attraction may be fascinated by each other outside long-term coexistence, is difficult to integrate into the strange world of the other, more want to leave each other. So you began dating, be sure to change yourself for each other, at least we all do today, tomorrow, as they change to go. have the determination to have a future. Another point to be careful, Gemini for their own interests, always telling lies, Pisces will to please each other and lying, lying to deceived, really do?
in sexual life, all with the degree of pricey, so often a relationship from the beginning in this regard, some strange way you will be interested to try, definitely with the the tendency of abuse.
Pisces: Cancer
matching index
Shall Required:
a very understanding Yes. both are feeling full of water sign, and all the lines have to love first, the relationship between you love art Zhensi a film, full of tears make you both the plot. from the start of the same vision of love with each other, to You know I always found a desire in people, you will try to give you a sense of security will be very careful to maintain the relationship between two people. but beware of your emotional strength is also your Achilles heel, because your sensitivity high, the more nervous each other, the greater the emotional effect by the other, small things will make you unhappy, not the eyes of a grain of sand miles! in a family that regard, Cancer best to organize the work, particularly in the financial Pisces this slovenly, sometimes make to the family in crisis.
in sexual life, we must first based on the emotional, with romantic ideas, love of physical contact with each other but show only a means, just the flesh contacts, help your feelings, the same, too indulge also affect other parts of life.
Pisces: Leo
matching index
family :
Red Chamber Required:
Although Leo Pisces can live and eat, but can you be a pair of good couple? this combination very complex, because the first Chuxiang Shi, everyone may be attracted each other, that finally Pisces one can protect them to find people who will think that Leo was in his focus, good and satisfaction, but the problem is after the honeymoon period. as full room and board the Pisces Leo so that more and more feel the warmth of the Beas Try to avoid the feelings of pressure, but can not let go, only by ear. Leo from the initial high above and looking down into Pisces, Pisces men feel useless, pathetic woman Pisces play all day. If and wife, Finally, the development will become a face and the heart does not and, nothing to outsiders, but each other's feelings is inversely proportional to the same time.
of us can be narrowed only one thing, but if long-term with these as a tool is impossible. I hope you can break the fate of friends!
Pisces: Virgo
matching index
Shall Required :
school is in the constellation Virgo and Pisces is 180 degrees on the house, a lot of things are the opposite, but rest assured, on the contrary a sense that some things in common, only the expression of ideas and methods, as long as correct and find a middle ground is definitely a pair of very understanding.
least Pisces Virgo can be a clear understanding of the human mind and attitude, even if he was critical of a lot of trouble, Pisces can accept this. And Virgin Block gentle nature but also because of Pisces, the convergence of a lot of unnecessary chatter. When started, the idea of Pisces to accept the expense of the love of Virgo Virgo way to use the services of Pisces, the two care about each other to respect each other . usually feeling the accident is probably the Virgo Pisces to catch him procrastination.
family life will be in charge if the Virgo good stability, but of life, Pisces to adjust their demand, or scare the Virgo, the results can not enjoy the truly adult sexual miles!
Pisces: Libra
matching index
Shall Required:
an extremely complex combination of because the two people in love do not really understand, but think they know how to love.
Pisces delicate and charming attitude, Libra will initially The fish, which Pisces does not matter, that someone is willing to love yourself is a good thing. The paradox is that we are not active, live a long time will give Pisces Libra fluctuating emotions and pissed off, but dared not attack, fear of harm to his heart, because Libra Pisces will not decide to heart all day, but he wanted to sacrifice themselves to accommodate scales, brought him happy, thinking that this was love. Who would have thought this kind of attitude we got love fading , also still have to continue, life so slightly.
but a good sexual life, because we are willing to change themselves with each other and some of the requirements, see each other meet, even if less than their peak, but also spiritual comfort .
Pisces: Scorpio
matching index
Shall Required:
best partner, very couple! !
Scorpio and Pisces can be regarded as the best of all the constellations match a pair, because we are all water signs, the same feelings as the most important, but a strong and weak, just a soft, complement each other, completely play the highest level of romance. You dramatic mood swings, but also make your love life full of drama, you love can be described as fireworks, bright charming. Bazhe Scorpio status in agape, with that kind of gentle and virtuous from the Pisces and dare not resist, willing to accept their fate, it is perfect for each other. In terms of family structure, Scorpio is definitely head of the family, the family no matter the size, all under his control, and unrealistic Pisces, someone to manage his life rhythm and finance, was only too glad.
activities in bed, everyone can have a burning desire to express themselves, enjoy the adult sexual, VeryGood!
Pisces: Sagittarius
matching index
Friendly :
Shall Required:
easily amenable to the idea of a pair, but to live a long time, it appears that too little thought.
for Sagittarius for love is often tense, never left hand,UGG boots cheap, they tried a change of tune, and Pisces people love became a word, they will not think about long-term problems, always stuck to the muddle. relationship between a beginning, Sagittarians can always turn pulled out the feelings, but Pisces struggle, sacrifice-style self-destruction means, no method, only the drag on the trailer and began to the time of a relationship, it can not be completely decoupled Pisces , resulting in difficult to clean up the situation.
Do not hastily confused for the moment a family must consider is there is no future, hurt the next generation on the bad, and we lack financial management concepts, regardless of the immediate post, so ah around the house a good pipe, for you, it is also not a small problem.
of both are important to you one thing, you can use sex to draw your relationship, but in the long run, have always relied on the future of communication.
Pisces: Capricorn
matching index
Shall Required:
and then have the opportunity to freeze the ice melted,cheap UGG boots, the Capricorn personality is like ice, like Cool, usually cautious, the heart will always have the worst, but gentle enough to run into Pisces, so that has never expect too much of a serious Capricorn softening, could not bear to hurt the Beas.
male Capricorn with Pisces women the most suitable, mature Capricorn Pisces with the warmth, love and be loved happened to parallel! main problem is that sometimes the expression of Capricorn do not understand romance, The little fish will sadly vulnerable.
female Pisces male Capricorn with a weight will be more communication problems. Capricorn male fish as one to please women, but unfortunately they did not know her style, let him down oh well! but On the financial side, female Capricorn will help quite a bit of fish Oh man.
of life can meet, be careful psychological more than physical problems, and sometimes Capricorn can not relax the pressure of reality, so the impact bent Enjoy Pisces, he will mistake you do not like him.
Pisces: Aquarius
matching index
Shall Required :
in together, that is, Aquarius, Pisces completely in their hands. the feeling as the first refuge of the Pisces, Aquarius, after once falling in love with a rational, completely blind in which intoxicated, and often with sex and love is equal. Aquarius fully aware of the Pisces personality, they never go its own way, no matter how deep the love of the Beas, still cool to do the things you like, you need to try to accept Pisces Shiyou considerate care, habits, or even feel it should be. The most strange thing is you in any case Shuaibu Diao each other, together they will always proper way to live all across the wall.
is concerned, totally Aquarius, and Pisces is only with the copies. If you care about Aquarius Pisces occasionally, they will enjoy.
Pisces: Pisces
matching index
Shall Required:
with four fish tour, you say what will happen? Because of their romance, but also each other's personality well, so a good degree of consistency, but the problem is too emotional, often irrational side, did not know what the world things and indulged in their own world where. If life no wind, no waves, so smooth that you naturally the most happy couple, but one day blow by the external environment, I am afraid you do not know how to face the reality. Also note that you are too emotional, a hurt deep attack them.
of life, both with a high degree, full of romance. Be careful not to be too addicted to sex. 

Monday, December 13, 2010


(picture from the Network of Community of Germany: a pure heart Yin)
weekend with friends to dinner, after dinner tea into her office to chat, her year-old son, quickly turn on the computer playing the game. will be heard to that of a boy shouted: , and constantly told him: up, then quickly move the mouse to two of the same Pokemon to link pattern to make a pair, connecting the line as if fleeting wisp of smoke, quickly eliminate the two patterns, as they are the consumer to heaven or hell it is not known by.
Lianliankan when the game is fascinated by a spring, rolling rainy weather and the endless number of anxious state of mind, much-needed way to release stress. this game, just hand-eye combined, the combination of accuracy and speed, no need to use the brain no heart, only without the release of the Earned tired of thinking.
downloaded the game just a person playing himself, against himself,bailey UGG boots, and so will soon tired of . Then to go QQ games and others without. to enter after the beginning of my retreat, and soon to negative eight hundred of points on the lowest level of Kingdom people, own is perhaps the most powerful, and once into the vast worlds, their own small as a drop of water on a grain of sand. I want to get my own mm Libra constellation, this constellation has two scores: 2 million and 44 million. So, I'm on the last line of a free leveling. that short time, with challenging goals, life seems to become really simple, and pure state of mind up. Soon, my speed I surprised himself up, I tied my negative points, from Capricorn to Aquarius, Pisces and then to reach first and then to the Libra Sagittarius, I am confident that the decision to hit the diamond for their own Libra.
There are a lot of the game can create obstacles for others, the props, but I am not good at using. play, I focus on their eye movements and manual, I did not and do not want to take the time to set up obstacles to others, I would rather use this time for himself with a few more lines, say, my heart seems to have faint disdain for those means of unfair competition. Oh, fair, serious personality scales originally! However,UGG boots clearance, opponents but will continue to give me the stumbling to others, perhaps more likely to trip over their own Oh!
Sometimes, though thousands of miles across the two patterns appear, in fact, that they had a pair, but the line waiting to be hidden discovery. Lianliankan play, to the fastest speed to the line to find out, match them to succeed. Lianliankan used to playing, watching the crowd outside the crowded feeling in the Lianliankan between people is also Lianliankan them unconscious, which, like with which the color, which looks similar with which, what with a pair of hh which is perhaps a matter of fact, and people would have been holding an invisible red line, the monthly Two people born in the old when their feet were tied in a red line, and they have continued from then walked toward each other, no matter how much the middle of mountains separated by much water, no matter how many intermediate rub shoulders with eventually they will meet, will link together. So in a corner of life, who will and who may encounter is the fate of this destined to have things.
However, I ultimately did not continue the fight for diamonds Libra . from the initial infatuation and then love to fade, to treat a person would be such a process? Therefore, we often can not foresee, a journey we will go far, a picture will stay long in our hearts, As the game Lianliankan, matching the success they go to heaven or a slide into hell, who can not see. 

Virgo Horoscope 2007

 Sign the letter has not been very fortune tellers and the like, but in 2006 began to believe all the so Ya-Ya, so to speak. Tonight alumni, has no intention to see taken seriously:
2007 Virgo years reforming mood, a year of stable growth.
the overall operation:
the first half of this year, still remains because of Jupiter in Virgo, so all kinds of fortune are still sustainable development, but also officially stationed in Pisces Uranus, so Virgo brings many unexpected shocks, changes in environment will affect you with the ups and downs of fortune, but it also brings many opportunities.
all stars gathered in September Virgo, the more intensified phase of hedge Uranus, unexpected changes will be very obvious, to be very attention. October because of the displacement of Jupiter, Virgo fortune have become more stable, attention will shift to other more level , so that the overall development of more stable at ease.
lucky month: May
good luck: white
workers: in the first half into the business on Polo house, although the overall performance of are certainly still excellent, but there are still not satisfied with their place in the second half will focus on practical operational level of effort, will get good results.
financial investment:
wealth or on the year maintain last year's good fortune, the income is stable and there are a lot of additional revenue, enough to make you easy financial management. would be more generous income after October, and many of the investment feedback and windfall are recorded at this time, in addition to special attention financial drain on impulse spending, but this is a time to harvest, how to make good use of this wealth, to rely on the wisdom of your careful planning!
investment remains mostly wait and see attitude was not to decide an impulse .
financial instruments: long-term equity investments and funds to start with, there is the possibility of profit.
love and marriage:
because Chiron and Juno effect, you look for contradictions in the attitude of endless love, Although he unsettled landscape of marriage and love, but the preparedness of the heart makes you hesitate, so they could not be determined, this loss may be a good opportunity and fate.
single you: This year, throughout the year Juno Ju wrapped in love inside the house, there should be a good fate will appear, may give you a surprise.
Health and Leisure:
the first half of this year, Virgo is health is also good, but sometimes busy too far, you can diet adjustments, in the second half, medical asteroids gradually gathered some treatment in the second half will be very effective, but also the implementation of various health diet or exercise program.
leisure, travel this year, general fortune, some little leisure activities can help Virgo achieve the goal to relax, such as a tea reception or meeting friends, good atmosphere in the can to forget the unpleasant things.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Cancer Information Center

 Your health destiny:
Money Games:
charm of Venus during the beginning of your love in the house will shine, so you do not add to the charm Index less. but such luck only last week, mid-love, vulnerable to setbacks, if appropriate, the transfer will have their own goals and the attention of a good result, everything will have to turn to the end of this month. and friends close relationships, help you expand your horizons, or even to visit friends of friends, on your social life a lot of improvement. his family quite well, also likely that some early poor communication, but so sad after No. 8 The situation would not occur again, because the communication between family and smoother, and I suggest you after dinner breezed to speak out just fine. in terms of money have to be careful, too much is taken that you lose someone . Physical health is only likely to have early in the stomach or tension headache, the other time relieving pressure on their own root of the problem, chaotic service medicine will make you more harm than good.
Cancer Cancer (6.22-7.22)
2006 Cancer in a coordinated reorganization, substantial progress in the year.
the overall operation:
Cancer in the first half of this year because of Kronos official presence, coupled with the continued stay in Ceres, so it is still continuing in the pragmatic level effects, Cancer pay more attention to the operation of reality, in this respect there are certain results.
the beginning of the second half, because the entry dated Polo conjunction with the formation of Kronos, so who has Cancer face many practical problems to be handled in a busy state. October, the angle of Jupiter after the change because of the displacement, the whole fortune of Cancer bring about change,UGG boots cheap, their own affairs and the integration of family circumstances to become an important focus of this year, takes Many efforts to resettle on their own lives.
lucky month: March
good luck: Opal
academic work:
student group: Cancer feel the pressure of the first half of the increase though, but the academic performance is still quite rosy, after the start of next semester, so that distractions increase, the phenomenon of fortune has declined, study results seem less than ideal.
workers: This year will be more a sense of Cancer heavy pressure, the upper half flexible use of annual general but also the resources around to the second half of the increase is because of their own affairs, seemed a bit spare any time, for not satisfied with the results of their work, but the responsibility-ridden, unable to make effective rectification and improvement.
financial investment:
Cancer fairly stable financial situation this year, there is no change in the first half, second half will be some more into the financial pipeline, or financial interest in the idea of consolidation, you can take this opportunity to reflect on their own financial direction.
investment, Cancer fortune this year is still not ideal, changes in the environment is still large, easy to influence by the surrounding atmosphere, making blind investment,cheap UGG boots, or pays to be careful.
financial instruments: Cancer of the year financial management to deposit with the Council and the best interests of the second half of the financial specialist who can ask a number of financial management plan prepared.
love and marriage:
this warm interpersonal and communication is still the focus on love, but half of beginning of the year, fewer opportunities for communication, no communication is also more thoughts. It should be noted that this year's Cancer pressure or the environment may be infected, must consider the issue of marriage, it also brings considerable problems.
have Your partner: this year the idea of marriage may occur because the environment and insufficient coordination, and anxiety issues too, but became a source of pressure, good communication and coordination both sides should avoid knot.
you single: single Cancer this year, there are pairs of opportunities, but because of his conservative attitude of retreat, driven by external forces may need to be successful.
Health and Leisure:
Cancer this year's general health status, Although no serious illness, but small problems might after another. coupled with the impact of mood and stress, poor mental condition may often appear to make some gymnastics or exercise can help boost the spirit.
half Cancer transport is also a good year for leisure, tourism or short-term opportunities abroad, while the second half began, the mood may not be any fun, and occasionally find some small entertainment to relax himself, so the pressure temporarily forget the annoying thing with the lock.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What kind of sign of the boys in the end he had the emotional masochism

 Fifth sun and the moon fell Capricorn Capricorn
fact that he had admitted the abuse! Because the other half is his own choice,Bailey UGG boots, often they will choose the other half of the very elite, for instance, particularly the mind smart, particularly high social status in particular will make money, and that this case, allowing him to reduce some of these struggles, and the other to love him, his heart also understand that under such circumstances, little by little by clamping restrict that abuse is normal, for instance, his wife asked him to pay out salaries, he secretly wish to take a little extra money, save a little twist their own money to go out seven three, what is the relationship, so he is clear Therefore, the husband of a Capricorn more good if more did not fight, but sometimes you have to look a little worried that his masochism was his voluntary, because he knows he's the other half is very good.
fourth sun and moon, the moon fell Scorpio
In fact, many men Scorpio Scorpio or the sun, he liked the role play that hurt his wife, so sometimes, you want to make him a performance space Well, if you are so sweet, and he who loves you could not speak, if you do a little Missy, you have a reaction, he speaks up and have a taste, and is also threatened him that if that is not good for me if things get out, he sounds Hello, Oh that love him, like verbal violence, that seems to have possession of the feeling, sometimes there will be a Scorpio, I'm sorry you dare you try me, he felt such a strong tone,cheap UGG boots, is a of love, so the next people do not understand.
Virgo sun and moon fall you must let it simply, Virgo has a forward recovery, you know the donkey, eat the red radish mood, be sure to set a threshold to him, he was in fact a lot of boys Virgo is a very Prince Charming-type guy, he would like to make good on his girlfriend, for instance, if you give him, I say The story so many times! If you get a girlfriend a ring, and then he saw said, I love love you, Virgo will feel good not challenging Oh! so that you meet, but if the girlfriend said, If you have nice necklace with Virgo boys that up to work to earn money to buy one, that is, is not always made him feel, is the perfect friend, he did the right thing is for him to do it, but If there are any better and never satisfied, always have an incentive to Virgo, the other boys might think you will too I do not know enough! you will not be asking too much waste, but Virgo does not feel as he would I did not do a good job, I quickly re-do it so your encouragement is his motivation, as not too kind to him on the right! he will succeed because of you, Oh!
second striker sun and moon fall Block
simply, it in fact Sagittarius boys, he likes girls with personality, that particularly intractable,bailey UGG boots, that is, to him at every turn, put his face to see, while Sagittarius will not read more like closer because of you will feel good to stimulate Oh, how could not handle what this man, to speak out is a little abnormal.

first Gemini Gemini sun and moon fell out of the bully quite suffering, do you remember last time Mrs Choi has , he husband is Gemini, and seen a few twin boys, my wife is really the more fierce, the more obedient he was more gentle, more took it on board, and sometimes changes in the constellation Gemini have this list, and simply, it is Fanjian words, you are good to feel good that he can bully you, you are bad for him he will feel good that you took the liberty that I'm good, so that is complementary to a situation, so if you want A Gemini man nicely, You're going to let him take a sadist and enjoy.

Mein Kampf

 Spare time, I often think about what we came to this world for? Of honor? Glory? Or hh
person alive, just decades, time has a vertical disappearing, so we have to cherish the good times, with The sweat poured today to spend tomorrow's success.
World War II, the famous prisoners of war who has written a book called Hitler's It is a heinous war criminals, human and his name has left us far away, I think everyone has their own goals in life, just look at the target is conducive to social progress or hinder the progress of society.
may We have the promise of vows into the promise, set ambitious personal goals, only one conviction in mind: Let your life brilliant, generous Ambilight, worthy of the foot of this land! But the promise was sincere, the mind was stirring ambition, between the passage of time is chipped away, forgotten, until it disappears without a trace. jis so no ambition, no Visible the next.
Mein Kampf is a belief that in mind, let your cool people live, live free and easy. Napoleon, Sun Yat-sen, Hitler is to the situation of people around the world situation. They are all excellent military strategist or a politician. is the idol of people's minds.
rain trained steadfast in upholding the eagle, to fighting the sky! I want to fly thousands of miles as the eagle, like the sky!

Monday, December 6, 2010

[Transfer] Leo philosophy of life!

 Leo, the constellation should be the second most contradictory, the most extreme personality constellation.
Most people think Leo is very careless, never good at observation, so wrong, if you really think Leo people are careless, then congratulations, you been fooled, you forget Leo, a born performer. Leo strange, for example, when someone said he was confident the time, the Lions tend to believe that this man is inferior, and when Some say he was humbled when the Lions tend to be vigilant, and will think this is very confident. very contradictory ideas, often in the performance of their own time as well. lion always afraid that others will see through his mind, because he knows that they how often to see what others think. so that others will see through their fear. So sometimes will deliberately play the fool. This is why sometimes people will think Leo's silly Huhu. Oh ... Congratulations, you they cheated.
when you think they will continue to silly, he would suddenly make some surprising things to all people, so everyone will admiration. This is why, many people would often see Leo were a few things. tend to say three words:: Leo is so contradictory. both self-esteem and confidence, so people would be Leo --- narcissistic people often say Leo. yes ah. Leo is narcissistic, narcissism is the self-confidence and low self-esteem because of contradictions. Lions tend to everything as a challenge. love. cause. friendship. every corner of life they want to see through nature. hope to get some energy. and they will gain some confidence. The failure of one thing,UGG boots, their confidence will be greatly reduced, endless grief. this time the lion, the lion expressionless not give up on themselves to meet, but to find a corner alone, to reflect on their own, to sum up their own gains and losses. (this time may make other people feel very decadent, will other people think is a low self-esteem, wrong, Leo will never admit defeat, but will want to setbacks like courage. because people think that Leo No one can conquer them) and then recover to finish his mind did not want to accomplish, and even revenge. Some people may feel that Scorpio was like revenge,cheap UGG boots, yes, but the lion's Revenge is placed directly kill each other ! (of course not the death of life) and gives him no respite. And when all is complete, they will be more confident courage. and Scorpio revenge knife is inserted from behind it. but also in revenge after completing the total is afraid of timidity. so we do not mess with the Leos. In fact, Leo, as revenge is rare. lion for the breach of his people, are hierarchical. Some people can forgive, some people can not do friends, some become enemies, some of people become enemies ...
Leo for love,UGG boots cheap, is so contradictory, both specific and helping them, people who can not find the specific before, Leo is so polygamous, Daochuliuqing they think is good terms respect for each other. they do not like Minato and love. but in general if you encounter a true love, they are so specific. but parents will always ranked top two in the eyes of Leo. So Leo is very filial.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

University of inspirational stories humorous youth village official registration screen (Reprinted)

 Reprinted from Xinhua Entertainment Channel:

movie jointly produced, and performed the story of college students when the village official. The day before yesterday, the crew creative staff Jiang Yang, the producer, screenwriter and director,cheap UGG boots, led by strong, came to Northwestern University in Film and Television Faculty, and students to play and discuss, to listen to their views.
students Liu made the Student Village village, the village committee as assistant director. to support and encourage the party secretary Liu Xu Bo, but the village committee director Willie the prime of life, the idea of Xu Bo anxious disdain, not support, which sent off to eat dinner around the dispute to the creditors to borrow money to build roads, farmers and tourism development project, construction of the village engaged in digital networks such as plot, a series of interesting stories. strong, said: , will be assigned to a second-hand bike, but this car is easy ball dropped, it will be many a story full of comedy. is the name of the film has a double meaning, one that bicycles do not ball dropped, and second, that critical moment in life not ball dropped. in a film school graduate students the question: many interesting stories. that students of language structure is also very interesting, this will also show up in the film. and we were re-creation of art. West Allis big film professor Chang said: employment, in fact, his career can be achieved. students to rural, urban and rural living conditions and the different ideas,UGGs, will cause significant disparity, caused by conflict, naturally have a lot of interesting things happen. This film should be fun to shoot past. Field 2 Give us the director of a training opportunity. the television series the star list, there are two familiar names,UGG boots clearance, one is the Olympic diving champion Sang Xue,Discount UGG boots, in this Country Films, she could not show their diving skills, will play a restaurant waiter. while the other is Honglei . strong, said: views, the

Friday, December 3, 2010

12 constellations Scorpio and Sagittarius social second place

 This week Notes Kallen want to share with you the topic of social constellation of 12, this part of the latest published in the Kallen Scorpio and Sagittarius's distinctive, and has a strong representation, hope you like oh. Danian just passed, the majority of users wish Tiger well-being, good fortune and happiness! and thank you for the support over the past year Kallen ^ _ ^ < br> Why are Scorpio and Sagittarius constellation of social networking with the column 12, slowly analysis. start with Scorpio. Scorpio as a spirit, very easy to host. but a great drawback is that Scorpio , do not want to solve their own do not want to see things turn a blind eye, causing strong resentment of people around. than the change of constellation Scorpius constellation based on rough and the effect of an additional mm of people he knew too broad, too wanted to do something more, as many relationships as debris piled up there, when it came quickly with a rummage, like are confused. Thus, it is easy to give In figure out human nature, Sagittarius Gemini and Scorpio that is not lost, even in some respects more so. and Sagittarius well versed in hard work and painstaking efforts of long-term relationship between Gemini and Scorpio a lot stronger than, arguably has been very good job. But the problem is that Sagittarius is too self-contradictory mm all the best intentions of his claim, but the default is always someone else's malicious; he fully appreciate the importance of discipline, but the nature of respect for freedom; he can Yingqixinchang, but fear alone in the middle of the night; he wanted to cover everything, but suddenly this psychological imbalance hh Sagittarius people feel very inconsistent, and sometimes may not be intentional , but it gives calculation of the see who is frightened. In addition there is a class of Sagittarius, is the opposite of a front. You clearly do not understand anything but self-righteous, others rejected the gesture has been made, he will have and the other Competition and mental stamina you know him a little polite mm He felt hope remain, your pupil showing reverence for his master to rope sawing off; you want him ruthless, he felt that you want to trial him more confident to harass you, until the physical and mental health than the Gemini, however, he can focus, so successful politicians and businessmen, the Scorpio is greater than the Gemini.
Sagittarius IQ index: three-star
Sagittarius fact is not really a very clever Constellation, he was more proud of is emotional intelligence. So not only young Sagittarius do not see any special, but look a little dull; to middle age, you will be screaming: I side with the original One such character!
EQ index Scorpio: Scorpio is a three-star
real want to please people make even when compared only to make poor shape. The problem is not their biological cycle frequency of each other's lives,UGGs, an opportunity to miss each other, it missed one of the world.
EQ Sagittarius Index: Four-star
Sagittarius is growing into a fine figure, many strategists and people come from Sagittarius sexologist.
Scorpio facial features: each person was young, people rarely Scorpio man can refuse. In fact, Scorpio is not a rich guy in the constellation, but their dark eyes, a complex temperament, a strong sense of presence, few can resist. Kalllen often joke that, Scorpio is not as idols, that is, like a criminal. But neither of these qualities, but why are most attractive to inexperienced girls, under such a strong light, even selfish, self, telling their own stories of these shortcomings, has become the unique qualities of others not to follow. by this constellation influence, Scorpio females more than other signs of a deep, has not copy the glamorous. in Kallen's eyes, really scared Yan four, or even double them, but Scorpio women. Scorpio glamorous woman Witch even close to heaven together,UGG boots clearance, a kind of willing to receive long-term. So Indre live up to Sophie. Marceau, Brigitte Lin as the Qin and Han did not marry, so Vivien Leigh Lawrence left the hh so much larger than the popular Scorpio man Scorpio woman.
facial characteristics of Sagittarius: Sagittarius not a particularly striking constellation, not to say that there is no hotties this constellation constellation mm which is not a natural creature of startling beauty of the Hunchback of Notre Dame and then surprise people? Kallen mean,Bailey UGG boots, from the looks on the identification, not Sagittarius Like several other typical signs that, people will be able to identify it at once. If framed the unique features of the case, I am afraid that Sagittarians more emphasis on The hush smile to Britney Spears , the relative appearance, the EQ and thoughts Sagittarius more impressive.
dress features Scorpio: Scorpio is not a good example would be to wear clothes, but fortunately they do not feel that this is how great things. Scorpio and like to wear clothing consistent with their status, not have to get the kind of mentality, so probably about dress a little go with the flow. but because they love a single color, temperament and haze, it can also bring out some unique taste. Dress features
Sagittarius: Sagittarius and Aries is almost parallel will not wear clothes. They like to go with youth and sexy, do not pay attention to the overall coordination, so a lot of Sagittarius is clearly in the clothing which 有苦说不出 mm bought a very expensive dress, how others see it is blank?
Scorpio social nirvana: the deep, cold, waiting in the wings
Sagittarius social nirvana: longer than the calculation, good try to figure out
Scorpio personality features: Liangleichadao!
constellation Scorpio, and other standard, as the constellation is not easy to close. but he has the advantage of water sign, once close to it will become best buddies. Scorpios who identified himself very well, is the real office or the office, you need a conspiracy of silence mm, when he can for you in a timely endorsement can help you in underpinning the right time can make plans for you, and you measure the length of hh and such a person, non-striker none other than the seat is a prerequisite for your interest. but remember, your feelings, something only if the feelings of the stretches that will develop into friends and political allies, it may be unwise to your own, No, especially with people.
Kallen suggestions: Compared to Gemini, Scorpio and Sagittarius more of a thick and reason, not merely as a social game. but compared to Gemini, they lack the relaxed state of mind, too would like to obtained from some of the benefits of a relationship. In fact, they can really do so mm Scorpio was known as the Really fresh air it? read when you make the world a person, that person will no longer be trusted,UGG bailey button, no longer worthy of praise, you the only thing left, I am afraid to write his memoirs and the Ninth Five-Year Strategy  !

Thursday, December 2, 2010

With your name and who

 You and him (her) the name of the combined amount in ÷ 2, you get between the figures represents the fate of the!
The following figures if the figures do not belong to you, to prove that.'re Just good friends only.!
10 there is a problem between you
10.5 You and he (she) will always pull up the relationship that you meant to belong
11.5 on
12.5 he (she) miss you so much
13 he (she) will leave you,cheap UGG boots, you phase
14 Love does not result
15 he (she) began to have feelings for you
15.5 he (she) every night you think you
16.5 meant for him (her) does not like you, you do not bother him (her) a
17 you have to cherish his (her)
17.5 he (she) is always on you did not give up
18 he (she) does not You'll love affair you
19.5 he (she) loves you
20 Sometimes he (she) will miss you
20.5 surface that they not ignored, in fact,UGGs, have a good impression
21 heart you forget it
21.5 he (she) will be against you
22 you belong with
22.5 he (she) will love you
23 you your very fate
24 Love is very smooth
25 he (she) loves you
25.5 peerless beauty
26 you are you should make him (her) was never meant you declare
26.5 were
27 he (she) love you till the fever
27.5 doomed just friends you missed
28 hit him (her) destined for You fool
29 fate appeared. Do not force
29.5 he (she) had crush on you
30 will be very happy with you you
30.5 Do not love him (her),UGG bailey button, he (she) is the bane of your life, destined to miss you
31.5 he (she) will be a change of heart. You have to save
32 she (she) always Oh,UGG shoes, you want to turn love to read or else you will be referred to Oh Oh unhappy