Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Boer goats

 Boer goats are known as the world, many countries in Africa and has been New Zealand, Australia, Germany, the United States, Canada and other countries introduced. Since 1995, China's first Boer goat has been imported from Germany in many areas, including Jiangsu, Shandong and other places also has introduced a number of Boer goats, pure fan base through expanding gradually to expand the surrounding areas and throughout the country, showing good meat characteristics, wide adaptability, high economic value and significant heterosis. Boer goats for meat goat breeds, with Large size, fast growth; reproduce prolifically, litter and more; slaughter rate, many meat; meat tender, palatable; resistant rough feeding adaptability; disease resistance and genetic characteristics of stability.
Lishui County, according to the experience of the masses of hybrid sheep farming, grazing in normal conditions, about 6 months daily supplementation of corn hybrid sheep 150 grams, 100 grams of wheat bran, soybean meal and 50 grams, 3 grams of bone meal, after a month or so fattening , 6 kg weight can be 8 kg. In addition to improve the general daily management, the castration in time, regular deworming, the castration of sheep docile, easy to manage, easy to fattening, and the smell can be reduced to improve lamb quality.
Boer goat originated
on the origin, there are several origins to say, one from South Africa, two from India, three from Europe, now that the existence of these three sources are, in fact, Boer goat named in the 1800-1820 years, the real, according to Charles Boer goats in South Africa after nearly two centuries of acclimatization `crosses from the large meat goat breeds. Early in the 19th century, with the sheep farm owners living became stable, people began to raise their goats are some traits to select destinations. After a long selection of about a century, and gradually formed a good shape, high growth, high reproductive rate , soma hair short, head and shoulders with red spots and improved goat hair. Since July 1959 the South African Boer goat breeders association was established, and to develop standards for selection and breeding programs, after the election of Boer goats education into the regularization breeding. the first Boer goat breeding standard describes the morphological characteristics, with the producers understand and accept the production performance of goats advantage, began to enter the production characteristics of the Boer goat selection phase, the final form the current meat goat, known as the improved Boer goat. Since the introduction of the 90 years since China has effectively promoted the industrialization process of sheep, particularly in the Boer goat embryo transfer technology on thoroughbred breeding application, reduced our country and advanced countries the gap in this area.
physical characteristics
goat coat is white, red-brown head and neck, the amount of end to end with a white lip with hair. boer goat ears wide sag, hair short and thin. head stout, big eyes, brown; mouth palate well-structured; prominent forehead, nose and angle of curve and the corresponding curved, hooked nose was Eagle; public ewes were angle, solid angle , medium length, thick-based public horns, back, bending outward, thin and upright angle ewes; have bristles; ears long and large, wide drooping.
head: the head stout, big eyes, brown; mouth palate well structured; prominent forehead, nose and angle curve and the corresponding curved, hooked nose was Eagle; angle solid, medium length, thick-based public horns, back, bending outward, thin and upright angle ewes; a mane; ear long and large, broad drooping.
neck: neck stout, of medium length, and with body appearance, said; Shoulder flesh, the body is a match, a broad non-sudden sharp chest deep and wide chest with a good neck.
soma and abdomen: developed the forequarters, muscle fullness; the body is deep and wide, round barrel; ribs and waist opening match, the back broad and straight; abdominal compact; rump both broad and long, hip and leg muscles fullness; tail straight, set on thick, upturned.
limbs: legs straight, short and stout, the Department of the Ministry of joint tough, solid hoof shell, black; forelimb length is moderate, well-proportioned.
skin and hair: the body soft skin, neck and chest wrinkles significantly, especially ram staggering. hairless part of the eyelids and a stain. systemic capillary and short, shiny and a little nap. head and neck and ears with reddish brown. head brown neck and forequarters red, brown allowed, the amount of end to end with a vaginal lips. soma, chest, abdomen with a white skin, reddish brown stain allowed. tail brown-red, allowing the extension of the buttocks.
Sex Organs: Structure of ewes with a pair of good breast. Rams have a sagging scrotum, there are two uniform size, well-structured and larger testicles.
growth performance and quality adult Boer goat ram
, ewes were up to 75 cm body height -90 cm and 65 cm -75 cm, body weight was 95 kg and 65 kg -95 kg -120 kg. slaughter was higher, with an average of 48.3%. boer goat production can be maintained value to 10 years old, is the world's leading high-quality lean meat goat production. In addition, the Boer goat skins, excellent quality, is a superior leather materials.
common feed goats:
green feed : 1 forage maize, sorghum 2 forage barley, oats, ryegrass 4 3 bromegrass Melilotus 5 6 7 alfalfa can be directly fed milk vetch, etc., are made of hay or silage made adjustable.
roughage : 1 hay 2 stalks (corn stalks, wheat straw, rice straw, straw and soybean straw, etc.) 3 unfilled shell (legumes, cereals hull, cotton seed shell, etc.)
silage: 1 ear of corn forage with green corn stalks 2 3 a variety of grass silage materials
points: fine grass stems to 7-8 cm is appropriate, corn and other coarse straw is best not more than 1 cm.
goats in the world today The most famous large-scale meat goat breed. It is native to South Africa, is now distributed in Australia, New Zealand, Germany and other parts of the world, the number has reached 5 million or more. has a strong reproduction, fast growth, physical big, meat and more , good meat, leather board excellent, genetic stability, adaptability, and local goat crossing improvement effect is remarkable and so can be breeding impregnated .6 months, 2 annual output of 3 tires, tires can also be an annual output of 2, 1 births ~ 3, sometimes up to 4 ~ 5: The average lambing rate of 200% of each birth, about 300% per year; body weight up to 60 ~ 80 kg ewe, ram up to 90 ~ 130 kg, body weight can improve 20% ~ 30. Varieties of sheep in the world, the large size of Boer goats, meat production, benefit good, was hailed as varieties of hybrid parent terminal to the introduction, use. China has more than 170 million goats, of which, in addition to dairy, wool use, skin and hair with a goat, the low level of production and general goats goat meat accounted for 100 million more just. The sheep need to improve meat performance or direction to the meat, to achieve this goal must be crossbreeding high, it must be modified to hybrid parent seed. In China, though in volume terms is a large country sheep, but from the quality point of view is a scarcity of sheep breeding weak, therefore, begins with my unit since 1995 and continuously from abroad goats. Although the number of their herds has reached thousands of now, however, is far hundreds of millions of goats can not meet the requirements of crossing improvement needs to further accelerate the development of Boer goat industry pace. Practice has proved that, whether from the ecological, economic and social role perspective, or from the adjustment of industrial structure, improve people's lives, to the need for universal eugenic point of view, the development prospects of Boer goat is not a three or five years, not eight or ten years but has a broad, long-term development prospects. can be said that the introduction of Boer goats, rapid propagation and cross utilization, will raise our meat goat industry, a revolution and leaps.
common sheep disease and prevention
1. sheep anthrax. sheep anthrax caused by Bacillus anthracis a zoonotic as an acute infectious disease. pathogenesis of sheep during the performance of the short run, jump a few times, shake down, and head back and limbs as involuntary movements of swimming, after a few minutes after death. the highest incidence of the disease from May to September. once in spring and autumn anthrax vaccination, anthrax occurred in the area of each of the first vaccination, each vaccine sheep subcutaneous injection of 0.5 ml of Bacillus anthracis, can be immune a year.
2. gut toxicity the blood. catgut sudden onset of sepsis performance, dead before paddling stronger limbs, muscle tremors, eye movements, teeth, excessive saliva, and then significantly shrink neck, often die within 2-4 hours. treatment : (1) with 18-20 grams of sulfa guanidine, a fed with the first day, 2 talented 2 fed until cured. (2) can be fed with 10% lime, 200 ml each large sheep, lamb 50-80 ml each.
3. lamb dysentery disease. Lamb Lamb dysentery diarrhea showed. manure odor, and some thick as batter, and some thin water, later contain blood, usually l-2-day mortality. treatment: (l) oxytetracycline 0.2-0.3 grams, or 0.2-0.3 grams of pepsin plus, plus pour service 2 times a day; (2) can be used against lamb dysentery treatment of high serum, injected 0.5-l .0 ml.
4. Yanggan fasciola. Bingyang acute performance of the spirit dull, fever, loss of appetite disappeared, occasional diarrhea. severe anemia, increased abdominal circumference, full of massive ascites, often in the 3 - 5 days of death. Bingyang showed longer course of chronic anemia, weight loss, constipation alternating with diarrhea, dull hair thick random failure and died. Treatment: (1) with sulfuric acid dichlorophenol, 0.08-kg bw 0.1 g, dubbed an oral suspension; (2) PCP with nitrate, 3-5 milliliters per kilogram of body weight once orally. Prevention: Regular deworming, de-worming once each spring and autumn.
5. sheep mite echinococcosis . parasitic on the body surface of a sheep itch mite scabies mites and two. scabies mite parasitism in sheep more than paying lip service to, nose, around the eyes, ears, head, legs and base of tail, etc. inside. itch mite occurred in the close the arm and back hair, and then spread to the body. This is a more common sheep disease, and sheep production on a large breach of harm. Treatment and Prevention: 0.25% of net mite solution available for dipping, the Spring and Autumn each year time.
6. sheep pox disease (sheep smallpox). the early stages of fever (410C - 420C), eyes, nasal congestion, nose flow serous, purulent discharge. After 1-2 days pox. In skin, hair or no hair at least, such as around the eyes, lips, mouth, nose, limbs, tail inside of labia, breast, scrotum, foreskin red spots, etc., and the rapid formation of 3-5 mm diameter hard round papules. than 6 days, the rash increases, the formation of blisters, body temperature decreased slightly. vesicles by 2-5 days into pus bubble, the temperature rose again, usually for 2 days. Finally, soak dried pus and become dark brown The crusts. Some Bingyang will appear crippled, blind, cough, diarrhea, etc..
1. injection of sheep pox each year, attenuated vaccine. Once a sheep flock of sheep pox Bing Yang, should be immediately isolated, or out of Bing Yang, the incidence of those who are not emergency vaccination. Sheep pox endemic areas should be strictly limited and all kinds of animal products out of sheep, and only when the last one Bingyang recovered two months later, will lift the blockade.
2. to strengthen management of Bing Yang (warm, fed digestible feed, bedding straw, etc.), subcutaneous injection of 0.1% musk deer have alcohol, gentian violet, or iodine partial coating the mucosa with 0.1% potassium acid potassium were washed and coated iodine glycerin.
benefit analysis
Boer goat Boer Goat is the world recognized outstanding meat varieties, with individual large, the initial fast growth, adaptability, reproductive performance , a high rate of excellent characteristics of meat (see the previous page describes in detail the performance properties of goat production and introduced). Since the original species are pre-Boer goats imported from abroad, relatively more expensive, leading to the introduction of home breeding of a species breeding, pure species of relatively high prices. So friends of farmers, the modest initial investment by small-scale operation in the following ways, taking the production side of the building side of the development of the ideas rolling, and gradually built a small radiation surrounding sheep raising Chang
investment analysis of a 1 -2 first adult Boer ram
1, to establish ram breeding station. feeding adult ram, breeding ewes for the surrounding farmers for the Boer goat breeding sheep born hybrid sheep, goats, compared with normal breeding, Farmers can also obtain greater benefits. In general, a mature ram can hybridization 2-3 times a day, such as rest once every 4 days on average use 24 days a month, average month, 60 times of natural mating. now Boer breeding ram a charge 100 yuan in some areas, generally in the county, Shandong Jiaxiang 40 yuan / time, such as the average of 30 yuan a month at least 1,800 yuan profit a year to deduct 4 months high temperatures throughout the year an adult ram gain nearly 15,000 yuan. year investment, then recovered, and a net gain of an adult ram, in the coming year to continue to use.
2, create artificial insemination centers. insemination technology is to use the equipment properly species of male livestock semen collection, after a quality check, dilution and preservation of semen will be qualified in a timely manner with the input device within the dams of the reproductive tract, in lieu of public dams and to conceive a direct method of mating. Normally, an adult ram day 1 could be semen, and if a rest once every 4 days, the average 24 times a month semen. a normal semen can be prepared fresh semen 15-20 branch, the current artificial insemination with fresh semen package mating pregnancy (normal use of fresh mated to be fine with 2) fees of 10 yuan / head times a day can be profitable adult ram 100, 2,400 yuan per month, one year less 4 months hot weather, 19,200 yuan a year incomes. then recover the investment, and appropriate surplus and a net gain of one adult ram, ram for the coming year to continue to use.
3, sheep breeding services, and production of hybrid combination. feeding ram 1 or 2 above operate at the same time, keeping the local ewes with ram breeding of Boer goats in the hybrid production (the method is particularly suitable for the majority of sheep or goats large specialized households friends); a local female goats to an annual output of 2 tires, the average gain 4-6 lamb, local goats 26.3 kg body weight for 12 months, five lambs weight 131.5 kg, 32.7% of slaughtered carcasses rate will receive a 43 kg lamb, if calculated at 12 yuan per kilogram, a total income of 516 yuan. such as the use of Boer Goat breeding in the The same five sheep, each weighing 64.9 kg 12 months, 5 total weight of 324.5 kg lamb, slaughtered carcass rate of 46.8%, 151.87 kg mutton may be, calculated at 12 yuan per kilogram, a total income of 1822 yuan. In the same year raised under the circumstances, a ewe may Boer Goat income of 1,306 yuan more. 2.35-fold increase economic efficiency. as per 10 ewes more than annual income of 13,060 yuan. in the rural farming, fodder, fine materials and almost no human consumption costs. Through the above analysis, the raising of a sheep than species of 10 kung, who have the opportunity, who invested early, early gains will come, not miss an opportunity.
goat Yang She
a building, sheep basic requirements for building homes
1, ground
required dry, smooth, easy to clean. generally used the clay surface, easy to form new ones, but easy to wet and difficult to sterilize; indoor floor requires slightly higher than the outdoor ground, to prevent rain intrusion.
2, the wall masonry wall or walls can be
, according to local conditions and economic conditions, the general height of 2-3 meters, are lower in cold areas, areas with high temperatures can be higher.
3, doors and windows
general door wide and 1.5 meters, 1.8 meters, the area is generally larger windows (can be smaller litter size room), to facilitate ventilation. specific area can be based on local climate conditions, and bay windows 1-1.2 meters above the ground. Yang She should be sheltered sunny, close to the water.
Second, the stadium should be located outside the stadium Yang She
. fence height of 1.2-1.5 meters, the area of Yang She of 2-2.5 times, the terrain should be tilted slightly south, in the face for easy drainage of the sandy soil is suitable.
three area
Yang She can be the number of sheep. such as overcrowding, the indoor humidity, air pollution, there is impaired sheep health. Therefore, the Yang She should have enough space, so the sheep can only be free, the general area of each sheep should not be less than the following area: 1.1 lambing ewes -2.0 meters, 4-6 ram square meters, small ram 0.7-0.9 square meters, one year old ewe bred 0.7-0.8 square meters, 3-6-month-old lamb 0.4-0.6 square meters. 

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