Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Management of breeding ewes

 Management of breeding ewes
livestock technician in China is divided into eighteen sub
barren of breeding ewes, pregnancy period (within 3 months of pregnancy), late pregnancy (4 to 5 months of pregnancy), breast-feeding early and late lactation 5 stages. slower fetal development early period of pregnancy, nutritional needs of pregnant substance and almost the same space; late pregnancy and early lactation period of rapid growth of the fetus and the lamb survived the critical period, we should focus on doing the work of two periods of feeding and management .
agricultural areas and pastoral areas under the feeding conditions for breeding ewes of different rearing methods can be taken. in the vast rural areas, should be used to supplement the main feeding supplement to grazing. ration keeping with by fine, coarse, with the proportion of young, usually processed into powder, when fed with wet material is made adjustable, to determine the proportion of feed water to the water droplets Yong Shounie not appropriate. the nutritional standards for calculation of dry matter: Empty pregnant mother sheep and pregnant ewes pre-fed with a daily digestible crude protein should be 60 to 105 grams of salt 8 to 12 grams, 2.5 to 4.5 grams of calcium, phosphorus 1.8 to 3.0 grams, 10 to 15 mg carotene 0.95 ~ 1.4 feed kg. ewes during late pregnancy or early lactation ewes, each day should be fed 95 grams of protein digestion and 210 g, salt 10 to 15 grams, 6.5 and 9.6 grams of calcium, phosphorus 3.2 to 5.8 grams, carotene 15 20 mg of feed 1.0 ~ 2.1 kg, the feeding amount should be based on the size of ewe body weight appropriate adjustments. in the vast pastoral areas, should be used mainly to grazing, feeding, supplemented by feeding during the day half the time the animal husbandry , morning and evening and night feeding, the feeding amount is appropriate for the above half.
breeding ewes giving birth. ewes during late pregnancy should be strictly controlled to prevent overcrowding. grazing sheep and the sheep should be selected away from the Cattle homes close and smooth, rich grass pasture grazing. Cattle shed the lambing field should be set, and make Jiegao preparations.
midwifery Methods: Short birth attendants should be polished first nail scissors, arm Wash with soap and water, disinfection, coated with lubricant, and then proceed to midwifery. fetus is too large ewe vulva should be expanded to pull out the fetus to send back the two front legs, repeated after three or four times, one hand on head and forelegs of a Hand , with the ewes will lamb out of efforts to force responsibility. malposition should be responsible for the fetus with efforts to push the sheep back to the abdominal cavity, in assisting the output after a reset.
ewes after lambing because of fatigue and thirst, should drink salt water or warm rice soup, the water temperature is appropriate in the 12 ~ 15  . The first water intake to 1 to 1.5 liters appropriate. To prevent the sheep suffering from mastitis in ewes lambing Feeding Amount of feed should be reduced only fed high-quality feed, hay, or root crops. until four days after delivery from the third, and gradually increase the feed concentrate, silage material and juicy.

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