Saturday, January 29, 2011

Central parity of 6.5876 yuan against the U.S. dollar high three consecutive trading days

 From the China Foreign Exchange Trade Center's latest data show that on Jan. 27 reported central parity rate of RMB 6.5876 to the dollar once again rewrite the record high since the exchange rate reform.

PBC authorized the China Foreign Exchange Trade Center, January 27, 2011 RMB exchange rate for the interbank foreign exchange market: 1 U.S. dollar against 6.5876 yuan, 1 euro for 9.0316 yuan, 100 yen of 8.0239 yuan, a dollar of 0.84636 yuan, 1 pound of 10.4937 yuan, 1 yuan of 0.46335 ringgit, one yuan for 4.5096 Russian ruble.

Do panic! The main force is still diving? Stuck with the stock is likely to have saved! March the stock market changes are likely to occur? Tug of war behind the hidden financial trends!
The previous session, the RMB against the U.S. dollar central parity rate reported 6.5878.

Barack Obama on Wednesday State of the Union, once the market risk appetite has improved. Federal Reserve kept interest rates on Thursday morning and the second round of the quantitative easing program unchanged, in line with market expectations. In this context, the international foreign exchange markets remain weak U.S. dollar adjustment, while central parity of RMB against the U.S. dollar hit a new high for a third day.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Comments tragic animal Wan-sheng Wang Feifei phase masterpiece

 Wang Feifei Wang Feifei Animal welfare Animal welfare postcards postcards EP Wang Feifei public record is very small. What is the reason I do not know the way of such an important public areas in the development of pop music. Animal Protection of such a mankind, the world focus on promoting the public welfare in the subject matter actually as no one is interested. Fortunately, the end of 2010, artist Wang Feifei launched an animal theme masterpiece

With the This time the launch of the new single Trip-hop style as a work, specific animal scene.

music sounded the moment, will emerge out of casual sight in order to obtain ivory poachers have been killed by elephants in groups wreckage to get tiger, tiger and the tiger by unscrupulous hunters to kill the body , for the collection of bile and waiting to be caged black bear killing, in order to obtain fur seals were skinned alive, and was cut off shark fins and the tragic death of ... ... a lot of pictures form the tragic phase of animal million students.

music, although not the slightest help from the sound made by animals, but was solid in our hearts to hear from the elephant's scream and whine from the tiger, bear the grief from complain, moan from the seals and the cry from the sharks ... ... When you hear the cries of Does not matter who refuse to have a tiger tapestries, tiger bone, tiger health care system? You choose who would give up drugs of unknown efficacy of bear bile? Will refuse to have those flashy fur coat? Would give up eating shark's fin that does not itch, hurt Conquers? If the answer is yes,

you hear that you see, moved, so that you save and lend a helping hand to change the tragic status quo. Because, after all, resulting in the sound and picture, is humanity itself ... ...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A stock spring still far away

 Macroeconomic more relaxed

in January will be announced in late December 2010 and fourth quarter economic data, including data on behalf of CPI inflation is expected to be 5.1% the previous month highs, 1,2 months of economic data will be combined in the March announcement, so within 2 months of inflationary pressures and monetary tightening pressure is not great. From the Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Agriculture, agricultural price index published by the circumstances, the retail price index of agricultural products has been a continuous decline in wholesale prices of agricultural products has declined, indicating that the national grain supply to the governor, the mayor basket price control measures such as the initial effect. In addition, data from the base point of view of inflation, CPI since December 2009 from the sharp rise in CPI in December 2010 therefore will be reduced year on year. With the decline in CPI, the central task of macroeconomic regulation and control will reduce the next step will not control inflation as the paramount task for macroeconomic news is good news.

the choice of investment strategy, in the shock of January, in the short-term investors can buy low, sell high toss of the band to take action strategy, and the overall market in 2011 because of the good, the long-term investors may be low in each callback may gradually increase the position to meet the upcoming spring market.

January, the international situation has improved

from the A-share market's history, in addition to Jidushenhan year bear market, but each spring, there will be a wave of large or small market, by investors known as the 2011 Spring Festival is approaching, the stock market will give investors a surprise?

in accordance with the practice in previous years, the central bank may be in the New Year work meeting held after the first. Year is expected to target new lending, may be more around 7.5 trillion yuan last year, the scale of decline. In addition, promote the establishment of new credit management system, in the

market will be affected accordingly, banking, insurance and other heavyweights may also be repeated, combined with close to Chinese New Year holiday, the funds need to hedge, while statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture, the recent price and have a tendency to accelerate the rise again, it is estimated that in January in Shanghai and Shenzhen will once again face the shock after the half.

probability of maintaining the status quo of global liquidity large capital flows may change. From the developed economies, the U.S. economy has shown a more clear signs of recovery, the implementation of further reducing the need for quantitative easing, due to present its domestic inflation is still low, so the future monetary policy, the larger the probability of maintaining the status quo; Japan In the absence of substantive results before the Therefore, the medium to long term to maintain the current global liquidity situation easing the probability for large events, however, boosted by the U.S. economic recovery and the early capital flows to emerging markets continue to make these emerging countries have the domestic asset prices have increased more significantly, So capital flows to emerging markets to continue the momentum decreases, the possibility of future investment to increase.

2010 年 12 months, the Shanghai and Shenzhen under the pressure of funds, tumbled present trend in the 12 months most of the basic tape In the 2750-2950 point range bound. 2010 the broader market rebounded in late day, down 12 points the entire month Shanghai, Shenzhen City, up 122 points. Just before the end of the market that the December rate hike possible, without, Dec. 25 raised the benchmark interest rate the central bank suddenly announced 0.25%. The increase in deposit reserve ratio before, institutions such as making year-end market funds face extremely nervous. In this context, the market finally bent over the end of the trend appears Powei to close at 2808 points. As to the reasons for settlement by the end of the market, institutional funds tightened; the same time, by the end of the last month to stop issuing the provisions of fixed asset loans, lending market interest rates rose sharply, making the short-term funds in the market is facing greater pressure. Plate from the industry point of view, non-ferrous metals, mining, building materials, ferrous metals, real estate and home appliances industries rose, pharmaceutical biotechnology, food and beverage, delivery equipment, light manufacturing and apparel and textile industry decline in the forefront of the column.

2010 despite years of A-share market hit the most number of stocks, but its decline has become a large investor painful experience. This situation will have changed the beginning of 2011, investors could usher in the spring of profit?

expected in January loose global and domestic liquidity situation will continue, domestic monetary policy tightening is still the keynote, but the intensity should be higher than in December reduced.

the December Market turnover decreased 4 percent compared with November, the SFC 81 industries over 9 months into the net outflow of funds. But when the downturn in the market, institutional financial transactions remain active, particularly in December, continued high proportion of institutional trading, and hit a new high over the past year. In the broader market remained relatively stable situation, institutional trading accounted for the increase means that the agency is actively transfer positions convertible funds, and individual investors wait and see. Great single track the flow of funds, we find non-ferrous metal smelting and rolling processing industry and coal mining industry to become the main focus of funds into the plate.

money supply still tight

December painful to me

expected to fly

institutions in order to start the New Year and the layout of the harvest, in the context of appreciation of the renminbi, the international venture capital will once again favor the emerging capital markets such as China, while the broader market dynamic price-earnings ratio is currently at historically low levels and, Therefore, among the release of suppressed emotions, the broader market rally will appear shortly.

from the demand side in terms of funds by the end of Year 12 IPO of rapid expansion of the funding needs of early January produced a certain pressure. Pressure from the additional financing is still greater, from the historical data, additional large-scale projects implemented at the beginning and end of the high probability, so in January of the additional pressure may still not optimistic. Placement is expected in January smaller scale on capital requirements. January lifting of the ban is about 280 billion market value, is December 1 / 2, had little effect on the financial side.

Therefore, from a financial point of view the demand side, demand for funds in January and December may be the same as the scale of demand, remain high, there is some pressure on the market.

However, the central bank, the Commission, China Banking Regulatory Commission, China Insurance Regulatory Commission's 2011 work meeting is expected to be held this month in succession, the 2011 blockbuster meeting will set the tone of financial supervision, a series of market highly concerned about the regulatory trends emerge in the next two weeks is expected to introduce a range of financial regulatory arrangements for the

the liquidity squeeze is expected to be eased, and external market have stimulated higher, A shares celebrate the grand opening in 2011. Analysts said the data will provide annual disclosure of the overall market valuation support in January, while the short-term funds the banking system faces tight credit mitigation and recovery of investment in fixed assets, December CPI will fall and so the marginal improvement of market sentiment and provide a rebound force.

capital supply from the point of view, with the easing of inter-Korean conflict, risk aversion makes the decline in foreign investors, the recent capital inflows into China by overseas funds were net re- into the state of investor sentiment somewhat stable, the board announced the company's average daily number of new A share accounts and securities accounts active degree of rebound. December 2010 the number of new issues of the Fund is only 10 for the November 1 / 3, but in January the number of new rapid increase in the Fund is expected to eliminate the future situation of insufficient supply of new money. Therefore, the overall situation, the supply of funds, short-term negative factors will disappear, and long-term trend in money supply has not changed, the supply side of funds in January is expected to be slightly better at 12 months.

Li Xiaopeng not to pay more attention to the results of the process of exchange that still persist in the Asian Games play

 News reporter Ma Xiao Nan Men are from the bottom of Yongchuan Yongchuan zero temperatures although 2 ℃, but also some of snowflakes falling from time to time, dropped to the ground it into water, the plot on the pitch, green grass then becomes slippery. This year's four-nation women's football tournament will be launched here this afternoon, will face Chinese team ranked first, fourth and ninth in the United States, Sweden and the Canadian team. The Women's World Cup held in Germany, as World Cup matches in an international A-level, the United States, Sweden and Canada have sent the first team competition, the face of such strong opponents, the Chinese women's football coach Li Xiaopeng frankly, the results will not be forced more attention to this rare opportunity to bring the process.

miss this year as Women's World Cup, Si Guosai for the Chinese team is a rare opportunity to compete with the top teams, Li Xiaopeng said the Siguo Sai, the results can not force, but will attach importance to the process of the game . When the Games do not play by sticking to the Li Xiaopeng, told reporters in this Siguo Sai, it still will not hang on, hang on to the players can not exercise, or to exchange that. After the Asian Games women's football coaches to join the mix and striker Li Jinyu Hao Wei training training in the backcourt, as well as recruit new people into the group are Li Xiaopeng on the Si Guosai to test and study focus. Li Xiaopeng said at the press conference, to their period is May, then in May will pay more attention to results, prior to continue running team.

Yongchuan the day before the Chinese team arrived in the afternoon will be at the Chongqing University of Arts for the recovery of the training. National Women's generals arrived in Chongqing, will experience the mountain's freezing rain, and close to 0 ℃ low temperature. At yesterday's conference, head coach Li Xiaopeng did not even wear a coat as he says, Chongqing, okay, not cold. As everyone knows, he asked the girls the day before yesterday, and women's football the most, and that is Such low temperatures so that our visitors really depressed one, it came last week in Brazil, Canada Yongchuan planes drugs to deduct a few days ago with the help of the organizing committee had to go to Chongqing city purchased the largest pharmacy a large number of cold medicine.

the United States will play Sweden in the World Cup and the same group, while the Chinese team and the Korean team in the same group as the simulation object, Cox, Aolei Li, Peng Lam, Box and other veteran were played, and is well-known striker did not travel hatchetman Warm Bach came to Chongqing, the U.S. head coach Pia said that if the Si Guosai can win in Sweden, will give an edge on the morale of the World Cup.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

3 British dog racing dog probability of an accident while crossing the finish line a few hundred parts per million (Figure)

 Three dogs while crossing the finish line

chance of one in a million

Xinhua BEIJING, Jan. 21, according to British media reports, appeared in the British dog racing amazing race scene, while three dogs nose to reach the terminal, in the field can not distinguish between Hawkeye playback has finally announced the three dogs the same for the championship.

three dogs are a venue of Killishan Masai, 5 and 2 channel Ayamzagirl to Droopys Djokovic. Finally, ? 500 first prize shared equally by the owner of three dogs.

When the results of the competition announced, the audience cheered. According to bookmakers, said a spokesman, said such an outcome likely to occur only a few hundred million to one. Like a won the lottery prize, to go out immediately after the lightning strike the same.

gaming companies, according to estimates, about 10 million people voted for this game note, half of whom will be rewarded.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wang Yong China-US economic relationship is still the

 Peking University Professor Wang Yong, director of economic research center to the partners rather than excludes the United States, bilateral economic rebalancing is necessary for both sides to expand opening up to trade and investment rather than protectionism.

bilateral economic relations is still the

Wang Yong: You can say that the current Sino-US economic cooperation mechanism to form a network, involving all aspects of economic relations. In addition to the cooperation between local governments, the central government level, from low to high, both sides have dozens of deputy ministerial level functional organization, on top of this there is the Strategic Economic Dialogue, high-level dialogue, China and the U.S. Joint Commission (JCCT) three Vice-Prime-level mechanism.

the president took office, we have strategic economic dialogue and combined high-level dialogue, known as the Strategic Economic Dialogue, in this based on the most important thing is communication between the two heads of state, including regular summit meeting from time to time, the hotline consultations and so on.

Daily: China and the U.S. economy what is the most important mutual concern?

Yong: Sino-US economic interdependence so that both sides are highly concerned about the other macro-economic stability.

Specifically, China's main concerns are three aspects. The first is the U.S. macroeconomic policy stability, continuity, especially toward the dollar; the second is the safety of the assets in the United States, which mainly is the safety of U.S. Treasury bonds purchased; the third is the open U.S. market , including the United States on China to increase investment in the U.S. Open, and U.S. trade protectionism.

U.S. concern about China's economy can be summarized as three points. First, China's macroeconomic policies, including the issue of China's economic growth, and formation mechanism of RMB exchange rate reform to the problem; the second is the issue of Sino-US trade balance; third-invested enterprises in China, the U.S. market opening concerns and the adjustment of foreign direct investment policy, including the independent innovation of China's policy, government procurement, intellectual property protection and other policies.

by the end of December 2010 JCCT 21st annual meeting, the two countries in these areas of common concern and reached some agreement, both sides are satisfied with the results, it is also economic as the Hu President's visit created a good atmosphere.

Daily: Do you think the economic aspects of Sino-US competitors or collaborators in the end is?

Yong: I think this issue should be a more accurate representation of the Sino-US economic relations in the end is more competitive or more cooperative. From the Sino-US economic structure, industrial structure and development stage, it is more between the two complementary, cooperative stronger. Moreover, such a trend in the future for a long period of time will exist within, will continue to promote Sino-US relations toward a more healthy direction.

Sino-US relations in almost all fields is not zero-sum game, by creating a cooperative atmosphere between the two sides of the strategy is not to improve relations of trust, develop mutual trust between the two sides, so that Sino-US relations have may return to the past to cooperate to promote the kind of virtuous cycle of cooperation, the track up.

I believe that the Sino-US economic relations, China-US relations on the whole play, Now some people think that economic and trade relations also lead to instability, so the But I think it is the function of a stable relationship will continue to exist, the breakdown of this relationship for both sides are very high costs.

economic integration in East Asia do not have to exclude the United States

Daily: How do you view the current East Asian integration in the United States in the role?

Yong: East Asian economic integration is not just an economic issue, also related to strategic and security issues.

United States as the sole superpower after the Cold War, and its policy bias in all major regions of the world occupies a dominant position. Under this premise, it does not want to form an East Asia without U.S. participation, there is no US-led regional cooperation mechanisms. The early 90s from the 20th century, Malaysia's then the last two years in Japan's

from the perspective of regional integration, the United States is now more hope for greater cooperation to replace the form of regional cooperation in East Asia, so the United States proposed the ) plans as Obama

Daily: that it wants to integrate itself into the leadership of East Asia?

Wang Yong: Yes. To turn America into a major driving force to build a US-centric regional cooperation mechanisms, the United States and the countries concerned to sign a free trade agreement on deepening cooperation agreements, so that one can guarantee that these areas continue to open to American products gate, while ensuring that these countries are still under the influence of the United States.

Daily: How do you view the current East Asian economic integration, the phenomenon appeared excludes the United States?

Yong: First, such cooperation itself, we should not over-interpret the common development of countries in the region needs, it is necessary to establish such a body, not necessarily compete with more meaning and the United States , and more out of intrinsic motivation.

in the post-crisis era of the global political economy, the United States on many issues over the past dominant position has been watered down, a lot of things it can not intervene. The current world trend is that many areas may not necessarily have to be the development of relations between the United States, but also not necessarily subject to American influence, because it has the region's needs, as long as the interest in the relevant countries can be carried out together, on The United States should adjust their mentality.

the other hand, these cooperation mechanisms and related institutions, it should be open to U.S. capital, not the exclusion of the United States, if the United States is willing to contribute, it should be encouraged to play a constructive role. So that we can put some people described some of the possible competition between China and the U.S. relationship into a cooperative relationship.

must be vigilant that there are accustomed to a zero-sum game mentality to look at the trend of the two sides of the issue, which makes us unable to move. Multilateralism and regional integration is a worldwide trend, not all Asian regional cooperation are seen as competition between China and the United States, which is absolutely wrong idea.

China needs more effective

Yong: This is a very complicated but it is worth exploring.

first to adopt a pragmatic attitude. China should not be simplistic, emotional, especially the conspiracy theory perspective on the United States and other countries in some of the views on the currency issue. China's economy today has grown to the world economy and plays a decisive role in regional economic level, but our positioning and our awareness of the changes still have some gaps, we do not recognize that our component requires us to assume corresponding responsibilities.

must also recognize that the reform of RMB exchange rate not only affect China-US economic and trade relations, but also affect the future of China's macroeconomic development. Most economists now believe that a modest appreciation of the yuan, to better reflect the market value in China's long-term interests.

highlighted the problem of inflation in the current circumstances, the adjustment of RMB exchange rate, increase imports, to stabilize prices through imports, which for the balanced development of our overall economy is good. Meanwhile, the continued reform of the RMB exchange rate of RMB as an international currency for the expansion, in particular the role of the international reserve currency is very large.

Daily News: We are very worried about the current appreciation of the renminbi caused a dramatic decline in Chinese exports, how should we respond to this concern?

Wang Yong: Yes, many people worry that RMB appreciation makes Chinese exporters being squeezed profit margins and cause the closure of factories and workers lose their jobs. But I personally think that this loss may be measured by our specific method of calculation of a relationship. If far as exporters and unemployed workers, the loss does exist. But on the whole national economic restructuring and economic growth mode transformation, we very much need more international experience, the formation of the RMB exchange rate and capital controls greater strides. By attracting more investment, while more imports, and promote innovation and economic system go faster and farther.

Daily News: We are very concerned about the current quantitative easing policy of the United States (QE2) due to China's

Yong: similar to QE2's approach not only do the United States, the European Union, Britain, Japan, including our own are doing, and its sole purpose is to market by expanding the money supply to reduce financing costs, thereby increasing the investment artificially stimulate the economy.

the U.S. dollar in the international monetary system in the leading position, we are particularly concerned about the United States, primarily for two reasons QE2. First, the United States when implementing this policy did not discuss the main affected countries, in particular the G20 members did not discuss with a very strong unilateral nature; Second, the specific impact, the United States issued currency in the international economy cycle ultimately into other countries, the domestic currency in circulation, increasing the pressure on other countries, that is what we call

from the global economy, we are in a new phase in the global economy, the level of global inflation in recent years are very powerful, although the U.S. currency over the years made led to this result, but had to say that the major countries are too dependent on the means of issuing currency to stimulate the economy. This is not a Chinese problem, but economic globalization global issues.

Although not expect to changes in the exchange rate formation mechanism reform.

Daily: How do you think China should deal with the U.S. currency over-fat and other types of irresponsible policy?

Yong: This relates to our ability to effectively carry out the For instance, we and other international mechanisms in the G20 will be negative impact on U.S. policy to unite the country to put pressure on the United States, making it more responsible policies. We can also mobilize and our interests, policy goals similar to some countries put pressure on the United States, such as the EU and even some countries in Southeast Asia, many countries are the U.S. dollar foreign exchange reserves, can cooperate.

regret is that we still do not see this step, on the contrary to be used by the Americans. To do this, we must realize that we own in the global economy and a more important role in the important responsibilities, which gives us a more basic use of a more open attitude to carry out effective

bilateral economic re-balance the need to be open and collaborative

Daily: the face of economic crisis, the current Sino-US economic adjustment in focus, how you see the two countries in economic adjustment coordination?

Wang Yong: China's economic adjustment is not easy to achieve, and are subject to the current economic situation and has formed the industrial structure, adjustment costs on society as a whole is not uniform, and by the damage to the industry must put pressure on the government, resulting in adjustment costs, such political and economic phenomenon of economic adjustment are similar in all countries, will not be smooth.

to adjust the direction, China needs a domestic demand-driven economic growth, to reduce dependence on the international market, this industry need to gradually upgrade the product structure, increase the technological content of products to enhance self- innovation, and increase local value-added share of products, which rely on cheap labor and the change in the international value chain in the low level state. The United States needs to reduce dependence on imported products, to save more in order to reduce dependence on foreign financing instruments, but also need to produce more and more to export, the U.S. proposed to revitalize the U.S. manufacturing sector, develop their own strategies in emerging industries is out of this consideration.

as trade and investment between China and close ties adjustment will have a significant impact on each other, but the current situation can be said that the two countries to adjust to the center from both ends. We are too dependent on overseas markets, the United States too dependent on overseas products, this adjustment is conducive to both increase the similarity of economic structure between the two countries to address the economic imbalance.

Daily: What is the adjustment of the current outstanding problems, you should think how to solve these problems?

Yong: The current adjustment process does have some contradictions, the most fundamental is the U.S. trying to expand domestic production and exports while reducing imports to China to improve the trade balance. For example, in cross-border investment, the United States wants to put more capital to stay in the United States to revive the manufacturing sector, while China wants to continue to absorb the United States to invest in China, especially for large multinational corporations, high-quality investment, making it a conflict of interest between the two countries .

but a cooperative approach is to be found. Now it seems, first of all is that both sides want to conclude bilateral investment agreements as soon as possible. The agenda of the Bush administration in late 2008 has been launched, but has not yet been reached. Points of the agreement the two sides to be more open to investment, especially U.S. investment in China to be more open, so as to compensate for the outflow of capital, thereby contributing to U.S. economic prosperity. Many local governments in the U.S. investment in China is very welcome, but due to that China's investment in advanced technology may lead to the loss of the United States, these efforts suffered a so-called

Second, I think we can to sign a China and the U.S. economies are highly complementary, and now both sides have very low tariffs, the conclusion of the Agreement is entirely feasible, although both sides have some industries will be affected, but on the promotion of bilateral economic and trade relations to a more positive direction is meaningful.

The third is that we should seize the new opportunity for the WTO Rapid economic development in China today, more than any other country we have the bargaining power, we should make full use of this advantage. This year the new WTO Ministerial Conference was held again, Japan and the United States and Europe need to further coordinate their positions four, the Chinese tariff reductions and market opening in the positive attitude contribute to better coordination and the United States. In short, the face of

practical actions and positive attitude will help improve our foreign relations in 2010, there were the passive situation, the strategic mutual trust can not be changed overnight, we are now the most effective economic card is to lay hands and create a platform for cooperation.

Daily: Zbigniew Brzezinski recently wrote to President Hu Jintao visited the United States comparable to this 30 years ago, Deng Xiaoping visited the United States, you have to look at?

Yong: Zbigniew Brzezinski as a strategist, experienced in January 1979 by Deng Xiaoping's visit to the U.S., but today and the prevailing strategic environment has been very different. At that time China and the U.S. response to the former Soviet Union have a common basis of security threats, on top of this Sino-US alliance formed between one and a half, and now the international strategic environment has changed, we do not have a common enemy and competitor.

but in view of the adjustment of U.S. policy toward China has not yet finally set the tone for the visit is very important. For China, we have to an open, positive attitude to shape their strategic mutual trust. In the past three decades of experience tells us that open attitude is the key to success. I believe a word, China will change the world, we must first change yourself. China's best interest to change the world, must be the most feasible way to achieve by changing their own.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Premier League - Chelsea 2-0 front brake broke back to 3-0 Arsenal won the first four

 Final match will end, the Blues with Ana Ivanovic and Nicolas Anelka Chelsea's 2-0 home win over Blackburn goal.

Blackburn Rovers Chelsea Chelsea last 12 times the face winless bad idea, 4 level 8 and losing to the team psychologically very much afraid of opponents. Chelsea in last week's 7-0 rout of Ipswich in the FA Cup is finally back on offense a little feeling. The status of Blackburn is also very good recently, the last round 3-1 home league win over Liverpool, a direct result of the other coach was fired Hodgson. Frank Lampard 5 times in the past to face Blackburn at home when the ball into the 5, Anelka is 11 times in his career Blackburn break the door, the two will be the killer Blackburn Chelsea won 3 home confidence in security points.

second half, Blackburn substitutions adjustment, just replaced Santa Cruz in the winter break to join Kalinic. 46 minutes, Anelka out of the way the restricted area after a low drive space when the far corner, the ball just wide door. 49 minutes, midfielder Florent Malouda foul tackle by referee yellow card warning. 56 minutes, leading Chelsea home Lampard corner to give it to the front, Terry header after the ferry point, Ivanovic got the ball calmly Shishe, ball two guards from the Blackburn and across the network between the legs, 1 -0. Ivanovic in the first leg of the two sides clash this season opponents had winning shots in the second half. 67 minutes, Chelsea left corner to the front, Lampard volley outside the area, Terry header in front of the hanging doors, rub the ball out of the column.

1 minute, Chelsea failed offensive front, Blackburn quick counter-attack, Hoy Wright Akira open space when the former closed after volley, the ball fell to the ground with their feet by Cech denied. 35 minutes, Anelka out of the way empty when outside the area after the shot far corner rubbing, the ball just wide. 36 minutes pass in the right side of the restricted area Bosingwa, Lampard header from the center front of the ball over the bar. 41 minutes, crossing the ball on the right in front of Drogba, Anelka Unfortunately, the ball hit the goal in front of outflanking column. End of the game the first half, both sides end up being 0-0 quiz.

Chelsea (433): 1 - Petr Cech / 17 - Bosingwa, 26 - Terry, 2 - Ana Ivanovic, 3 - Ashley - Cole / 8 - Frank Lampard, 5 - Egypt Xin (78'46-Mackay Karen), 7 - Ramirez / 15 - Florent Malouda, 11 - Didier Drogba, 39 - Nicolas Anelka (78'21-Kalu)

opening 2 minutes, the Blues left corner to obtain the opportunity to give Frank Lampard corner to the door, Blackburn defender siege not far, Ramirez to keep up with strong volley, the ball hit the crossbar pop up. The first 17 minutes, Chelsea on the right corner to the front, middle Essien header, the ball wide. The first 23 minutes, Blackburn substitutions adjustment Lowe replaced Dunn. 29 minutes, Bosingwa volley outside the area, the ball over the bar. 32 minutes, Drogba up front offside, but unfortunately failed to form a single-pole shot the ball will not ring true.

Beijing January 15 ,10-11 the evening of 23-point English Premier League season, the first 23 fully staged, the Blues Chelsea vs. Blackburn sits. After 90 minutes of fierce fighting, the ultimate blue with Ana Ivanovic and Nicolas Anelka Chelsea's 2-0 home win over Blackburn goal. Anelka 12th career Blackburn break the door, after the Chelsea game which points to reach 38 points, temporarily rose to No. 4 beyond the Spurs.

68 minutes, Blackburn substitutions adjustment, Roberts replaced Hoy Wright. 69 minutes, Frank Lampard restricted line position lob the ball over Robinson could not top. The first 75 minutes, Blackburn returned after the market failure, formed after Drogba steals pole, but unfortunately the old Warcraft Robinson shot was denied. The first 76 minutes, the Blues extended the lead, Frank Lampard corner to the left to the door, leaping high header that Ivanovic, Anelka 3 meters in front of leg touched the ball crashed network, 2 - 0. This is the 12th career Anelka Blackburn break the door. 78 minutes, Chelsea substitutions adjustment, Karen MacKay replaced Michael Essien, Anelka replaced Kalou. 85 minutes, Malouda volley outside the area have been Robinson. 86 minutes, Drogba long shots outside the area, the ball slightly over the bar.

both ex situ rematch
Blackburn (442): 1 - Robinson / 27 - Michel Salgado, 6 - Nelson, 4 - Samu Ba, 5 - Jiwei Te / 3 - Aoxi Sen, 23 - Hoy Wright (68 '30-Roberts), 8 - David - Dunn (24'35-Lowe), 12 - Pedersen / 41-M-Diouf, 9 - Kalinic (46'18-santa cruz Si)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How to spend the end of the year award custom list of your own image to buy

 Professional who went to the most exciting time for the end of the year, a year of hard work, and finally to the time to send year-end awards. I believe a lot of friends yet in the end of the year award, when the hand, it had already planned to develop their own corruption, many friends will be considering the purchase of a digital camera before, but after all the camera equipment is not a single-use products, accessories, or the necessary need to buy. How to put together a set of shooting equipment, it is not clear to all, and rode years ago this time, we work together to explore the year-end awards will be spent on how to buy the camera on the big issues right.

5000   budget for purchase year-end awards program recommended reading Company year-end bonus and the three cards trap high financial impact of the RMB exchange rate geometric outbound Chinese New Year as choice is no longer confined, in addition to other card machine, there is still a single power entry SLR cameras and optional, a lot more options than ever before. For the 5000 budget to buy a digital camera friends, price is always the first one, so here focus on the recommended products are cost-effective, quality performance, at least a year or two in every aspect to satisfy themselves.

5000 元 program budget consumer cameras: Panasonic LX5 / Canon S95 + Kingston SD6 (class 6) 8G memory card + octopus tripod

Recommended products: Panasonic LX5

< p> Price: 3650 yuan

the 5000 budget, choose the consumption of the camera room to loose more, the card may wish to consider professional cameras, Panasonic is the last year of the LX5 new level, where overall performance is the best at that level, and retained the maximum aperture of 2.0 LX3 and increase the lens focal length, imaging performance is very good. Portable body, and look full of retro atmosphere. Panasonic DMC-LX5 image evaluation forum offer online shopping Nett

LX5 less the same shape with the LX3, still follows the LX3 has a top body work, showing its camera style of the King as a flagship. LX5 uses similar rangefinder camera style, classic retro style. Body using a metal material, after a very fine matte surface treatment process, machine work very well.

Panasonic LX5 While overall there is no real drastic changes, but there are still many impressive changes, such as lens, the LX3's most criticized of the 2.5 optical zoom lens users upgrade to 3.8 times, maintaining a large F2.0 maximum aperture, the equivalent focal lengths for the 24-90mm, the new lens for Panasonic LX5 with greatly increased usefulness; other sensor specifications and LX3 though the same as the 10 million pixel 1/1.63 inch CCD sensors, but the new sensor by increasing the sensitivity and saturation, extended dynamic range. With the new image processing engine improves picture quality under low light performance.

Recommended products: Canon S95

Product Price: 2,800 yuan
Canon introduced the Canon S95 is a professional-grade digital cameras, most of the parameters and the G12 the same, only the positioning of different, S95 more focused on portability, body size and similar to the mainstream camera card, without a huge professional camera body common. Also the price is reasonable, the estimated 5,000 could save a lot.

Canon PowerShot S95 picture evaluation forum offer online shopping Nett

advanced version of the S95 as the S90 from the parameter table can not see much improvement, but in fact in image stabilization and noise reduction done a more effective adjustment of the retention of S90 acclaimed classical manual control ring and simple exterior design, S95 asked City fans will undoubtedly stir up a lot of enthusiasm.

Canon PowerShot S95

released last year compared to previous generation models S90, S95, on the whole look and feel of handling a higher level, better than the S90 on the many, but with the top portable DC demeanor. Specification comparison table from the point of view, the difference between two cameras is only the appearance of size and body weight, while S95 has a 720p HD video capabilities. The S95 is a place where innovation is the same size configuration performance under the more excellent quality, first for shooting night scenes or dark demand, PowerShot S95 is equipped with the

In addition, the Canon S95 is not just a have a strong ability of large aperture manual digital camera, but with a richer Smart Filters pattern: Poster mode, sepia mode, fish-eye effect, miniature landscape mode , in actual use has a good performance.

Recommended products: Kingston SD6/FE (Class 6 SDHC) 8G memory card

Reference price: 135 yuan Kingston SD6/8GBFE (8GB Class 6 SDHC ) image series of evaluation forums offer online shopping Nett

for consumer cameras, the memory card of choice, the most important thing is the choice of volume, 8G capacity fully to meet shooting needs, as to speed, there is no necessary to the pursuit of too high speed, basically do not have access, Kingston SD6-8G Class 6 level to read and write speed, write often have 10MB / s so it is important that the higher price, 135 yuan, that can be purchased.

Recommended products: octopus tripod

reference price :25-300

tripod with the camera a bit overkill in the consumer, but for the consumer with a small camera tripod is necessary, primarily for regulating the shooting angle, put on a small tripod in the bag, it will not too much trouble. Recommended that the octopus-style tripod can be twisted to any angle, you can put in any stable surface, but also entangled in a number of tubular structure, the general frame compact cameras are small in numbers and even meet the requirements. For such a lightweight camera, you can buy joby original, you can also buy a high imitation, the effect will not be far worse, which is as low as ten dollars.
Edit Comment: For the 5000 budget to purchase consumer camera, friends, camera and accessories options are high, it is proposed to purchase professional-grade consumer camera, Panasonic and Canon S95 LX5 are among the higher of the two portable models, can act as a card to carry the camera. The Panasonic LX5 good place to be than the Canon S95 is equipped with hot shoe and data ports, not only an external flash, but also can use the electronic viewfinder, scalability is stronger.
body for about 3,000 yuan, the 5000 budget for the rest of much of the money, but spending less attachment to the camera, LCD protective film when the general business will be sent to buy, so do not have to be purchased separately. Some businesses will be supplied memory card 4G card, here it is recommended to buy their own 8G memory card, memory card read speed without too high demands, but still above the level recommended class6, octopus tripod high flexibility, whether to buy joby's individual needs to see the original, high imitation products on the market sufficient to meet consumer demand for the use of the camera, you can not buy original.

5000 元 program budget SLR camera: Nikon D3100 (18-55mm) kit + SanDisk Extreme HD Video SDHC (8GB) Memory Card + Kenko 52mm UV coating layer mirror

Recommended Products: Nikon D3100 kit (18-55mm)

Price: 4280 yuan
5000 yuan which SLR camera, Canon 550D and Nikon D3100 is the superior performance of two major products, while 5,000 If the budget is clearly more suitable choice Nikon D3100, the price of 4,000 yuan his early, more appropriate accessories for the selection of a full choice left.

Nikon D3100 (with 18-55mm lens) picture series of evaluation forums offer online shopping Nett

in appearance Nikon D3100 D3000 still continues the design, the camera is small and exquisite style, button layout is reasonable and feel is still very good, Nikon has maintained the style. Nikon D3100 biggest change between the appearance of body hidden in the back of the fuselage, the fuselage on the back of innovative added a Live View button, by rotating the button to enter or exit the live view. Than before, need to enter the menu and then transferred out of Live View function this method of operation, is clearly much more convenient. Nikon D3100 sensitive devices and autofocus module with

D3100 Nikon DX Format CMOS image sensor and new image processor EXPEED 2, can capture high-quality clear photos. Nikon D3100 also be described as the absolute highlight of the video shoot, and features support for 1920x1080 resolution or 1280x720 resolution 24FPS 30FPS video, the format is MOV (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC). Video capture can be used AF-F (full-time servo AF) mode, do not press the shutter button to keep your subject within the focus and greatly enhance usability.

Recommended products: SanDisk Extreme HD Video SDHC (8GB) memory card

Reference price: 300 yuan

SanDisk Extreme HD Video SDHC (8G) offer online shopping picture evaluation forum Nett

entry speed continuous shooting SLR cameras is not too high though, but the data throughput, if using RAW format shooting, high-speed card is required, and the other, and now high-definition video capture function into a SLR camera standard, so the card can not read and write speed is too slow. SanDisk Extreme HD Video SDHC write speed of about 20M / S to meet the literacy requirements of low-end SLR cameras.

Recommended products: Kenko 52mm UV coating layer mirror

Price: 55 yuan

is for digital SLR , UV microscope lens UV protection has reduced the effectiveness of the above. Therefore, when the mirror in the choice of UV, if not counterfeit products, the impact on quality has become very small, especially for sets of lens, choose not to Kenko UV ultra hundred dollars to meet the requirements of the mirror.
Edit Comment: Nikon D3100 the market late last year, compared with the previous generation, better quality, and the new full-time video capture capabilities with auto focus, shooting performance is remarkable , and to function, it is the function of SLR cameras, video capture the best of them, therefore, highlights cost-effective, and coupled with the high-speed SDHC memory cards and UV filters are required to purchase the accessories when you purchase, there is not much suspense .

10000 元 budget purchase program
believe the number of year-end awards up to five office workers are also many, so willing to take the budget out of 10,000 yuan to buy photographic equipment, friend, must be chosen in the high-end SLR camera. This level is the most abundant product, so the choices were left to purchase a lot, but the SLR camera body design, a full set of shooting lens system, so the brand of choice is the choice of the system.

Recommended products: Canon 60D (single)

Price: 5999 yuan a
million equipment budget, you can choose the body have Canon 60D, Nikon D7000, Nikon D90, Sony A580, Pentax K-7, etc., choose the system is critical, therefore, although the Sony A580 and Pentax K-7's high cost, but the lens is clearly not the choice of more than Canon and Nikon, Pentax lenses are indeed less some, while Sony's lens and the quality uneven, Carl Zeiss lens is undoubtedly good, but the price is too high, Sony's own brand of lens choices less 10,000 yuan budget for the future, various lenses friends want Shuashua or choose a good Canon or Nikon.

Canon 60D and Nikon D7000 is the latest launch of two new mid-SLR products, compared to more expensive Canon 60D body, the lens, the operability to be higher, while the Nikon D90 Although the performance is good, but in D7000 before the product is clearly an old, discontinued date is unknown, best to choose the new SLR camera.

Canon EOS 60D photo forums offer

evaluation Canon EOS 60D body design is its biggest bright spot can be equipped with multi-angle shot of about 104 million points, 3.0-inch rotating LCD monitor, which In the Canon EOS series SLR is the first time. 60D's LCD monitor can be opened horizontally, vertically adjusting the angle, to achieve fast and high-angle and low angle shooting. In addition to the 5-layer surface coatings, including anti-reflective coating, dust and scratch hard coating fluorine coating, in the sunny outdoors shooting video or adjust the angle of the LCD monitor when shooting in real-time display can be effectively suppress the reflected light, good visibility.

Canon EOS 60D Canon EOS series SLR addition to continued excellent performance, but also increased the innovative fun features a very interesting creative filters. This feature can be completed in the camera capture an image (S-RAW, except with the M-RAW) of the simple editing. EOS 60D carrying a total of 4 creative filter effects, particles were black and white, soft focus, toy camera effects and miniature landscape. For the PS technology is not sophisticated users, this feature is not only interesting, but also to stimulate the creation of the user not the same passion. Canon 60D advantages disadvantages 1 summarizes the advantages and disadvantages, quality, high sensitivity advantage 2, the rotating screen to facilitate real-time viewing, display quality 3, metering, white balance accuracy of 4, 1 body feel better than expected, and the Quick Control Dial four-way controller feel generally 2 types of small creative filters, and only after shooting for 3, the default color subdued, needs some post-processing

Recommended products: Tamron SP AF 17-50mm F2.8 XR Di II VC

Reference Price: 3600 yuan Tamron SP AF 17-50mm F2.8 XR Di II VC Forum Gallery offer online shopping Nett evaluation
main features:
Tamron SP AF17 -50mm F/2.8 XR Di II VC B005 generation inherited the excellent optical properties of the lens while loading the Dragon alone, anti-shake compensation system, high-performance R & D [VC], VC image stabilization lens can be realized by current control parallel displacement, lightweight body for the camera to make a contribution. XR (high refractive index glass lenses) the use of fixed number of dispersion. Together with three complex aspherical lens elements of the rational allocation of power, while maintaining high performance, all optical systems will become more compact structure.

as a SP DiII (APS-C format digital SLR only) lenses, using a new optical design to achieve a high resolution and high contrast, high-quality high-quality graphic image plane but delicate digital quality. In addition, the implementation of a special adhesive side of the lens coating process, completely inhibited the appearance of ghost flare, so you can capture a clear portrait of a sense of being transparent.

Model: B005

focal length :17-50mm

Aperture: F/2.8

angle: 78 ° 45 ~ 31 ° 11

working distance: 72mm

Total Length: 94.5mm

diameter: 79.6mm

Weight: 570g

number of aperture blades : 7

Minimum Aperture: F/32

Standard accessories: Petal-type hood

Recommended products: Kenko 72mm Multi-Coated UV mirror

reference price :150-350

Tamron SP AF 17-50mm F2.8 XR Di II VC lens 72mm diameter filter supports, so the use of 72mm of double-coated filter to meet the requirements of the Friends of the level of impact, cost is also higher, less than 200 yuan, there are many choices. Similarly the role of the main lens for protection, but the impact on the quality of the smaller lot.

Recommended products: SanDisk Extreme HD Video SDHC (8GB) memory card

Reference price: 300 yuan

SanDisk Extreme HD Video SDHC (8G) offer online shopping pictures real evaluation forum Price

entry speed continuous shooting SLR cameras is not too high though, but the data throughput, if using RAW format shooting, high-speed card is required, and the other, and now high-definition video capture function into a standard SLR camera distribution, so the card can not read and write speed is too slow. SanDisk Extreme HD Video SDHC write speed of about 20M / S to meet the literacy requirements of low-end SLR cameras.

Edit Comment: Canon 60D was launched last year in a cost-effective end SLR camera, although higher than the previous generation product positioning declined treatment, but the overall performance is still much higher than the previous generation, it is important is the price low enough for the lens and accessories chosen to remain a sufficient amount, Tamron SP AF 17-50mm F2.8 XR Di II VC lens which is named vice plants with high rates of a product, the new version than the old version Add the anti-shake function, and focal lengths, and constant large aperture design is undoubtedly the APS-C frame SLR camera match.

30000 元 budget purchase program: Canon 5D Mark II + Canon EF 24-70mm F2.8L Lens + Canon 580EX II Flash + SanDisk Extreme 400X 8G CF card X2 + Kenko 77mm L37 UV ultra-thin layer coating mirror

out of 30,000 for preparing plans to purchase the camera friends, quality is the primary requirement. Mid-full size SLR camera is undoubtedly the most appropriate choice, while 30,000 have just installed for a standard configuration of the quasi-professional photography equipment. Including body, lens and flash. Similarly, the need to choose the brand.

Recommended products: Canon 5D Mark II single

Reference price: 16,800 yuan

the end of full-size SLR cameras are Canon 5D Mark II, Nikon D700, Sony A900 This classic three options, from the demand, the Canon 5D Mark II and Sony A900 full frame pixel SLR camera more in line with user demand, high-pixel provides a wealth of detail. Although the Sony A900 body is slightly cheaper, but higher spending on the lens, the price of high-end camera to a lot more expensive than the Canon. For the 3 million budget, the choice of the Canon would be more appropriate. Canon EOS 5D Mark II (single) Evaluation Forum Gallery offer online shopping Nett

Canon 5D Mark II was launched at the end of 2008 in the high-end SLR flagship fully equipped with a full 21.1 million effective pixels frame CMOS, also has Full HD 1080 (1920x1080) video recording capabilities of dynamic, is the world's first Full HD can record full high-definition digital SLR camera. In HD video mode, 5D Mark II records up to 12 minutes for the H.264 video coding: bit rate to 38.6 Mbits / sec, while the 640 × 480 resolution video recording, can record up to 24 minutes.

Canon 5D Mark II HD video capture

Canon 5D Mark II full HD video clips shot during the day

Canon 5D Mark II is the second paragraph to short film digital SLR, compared to Nikon D90, 5D Mark II's video capture a lot of improvement, most notably in the process of shooting a movie, you can achieve autofocus. These are the Canon 5D Mark II with fixed focus lens in the daytime shooting full HD video images, you can see the 5D Mark II is sufficient in light of the video clip shooting.
Recommended products: Canon EF 24-70mm F2.8L USM

Price: 9000 yuan

Canon EF 24-70mm F2.8L USM offer
Forum Gallery Features evaluation :
order to meet the design and manufacture of digital SLR cameras, the same applies to the traditional camera. Lens with 2 aspherical lenses and ED lens and lens coating optimized in the whole focal length range can reach very high image quality, faster AF speed. And has a good dust, moisture resistant.

Lens Construction: 13 group 16

Minimum Aperture: 22

focusing distance (cm): 38

Filter Diameter (mm): 77

angle: 84 ° -34 °

magnification: 0.29

Number of diaphragm blades: 7

< p> Hood: EW-83F

lens size (mm): 123.5 × 83.2

Weight (g): 950

Recommended products: Canon 580 EX II Flash

Price: 3,000
flash in low light and indoor environment can fill light for the role, but also can be used as the auxiliary light source to use when writing, the use of broader, general photography player, the system can to meet most of the filming requirements. Canon 580 EX II is Canon's top flash, power, and call back soon, and the price level than other brands with some of the original lights are cheaper to buy can be controlled in parallel is less than 2700 yuan. Can be used with the budget allocation in 30,000 of them.

Canon 580EX II image evaluation forum offer online shopping Nett

compatible Canon 580 EX II E-TTL II / E-TTL auto flash system, with excellent anti-dust properties drop , the flash of the electrical contacts have improved the reliability, a variety of flash attachments to improve the system scalability, stability and flexibility in the operation of a substantial increase. Add an external metering sensor and the PC terminal, light foot metal materials, and using the new quick-lock device and charging quiet design, and EOS-1D MarkIII when used in combination, can be set through the camera's flash menu number of features, coupled with a more solid structure and very faster performance, the most suitable for high mobility users news.

Recommended products: SanDisk Extreme 400X 8G CF card

PConline Reference Price: 360

level for the full-frame SLR camera for high-speed memory card read and write is very important, the capacity share of each photo is huge and Canon 5D Mark II also features a full HD video recording function, so the card can not choose the bad, SanDiskExtreme 400X CF cards with 60MB / s (400x) read and write speed to meet high-capacity data storage, and two 8G 16G has the advantage over leaflets distributed card bad card and the risk of loss, and after a store full to continue shooting with another, and this can move clear Empty the contents of the card. Capture and store the card data can be exported at the same time, ensuring the continuous use of the camera. SanDisk Extreme 400X CF Card (8G) evaluation forum gallery quotes

SanDisk Extreme 400X CF card using the SanDisk's unique ESP technology, which enhanced high-speed parallel processing technology, can greatly enhance the memory card read and write speed, 400X Extreme CF card with 60MB / s ultra-high transfer rate. And it has a large capacity space for all of the photos can be shot RAW + JPEG format, and save it for later editing. SanDisk also comes with Power Core? Controller, according to the camera's buffer random shooting. More quickly and efficiently through the distribution of image data in the card, so the memory card can achieve their full professional performance. Another SanDisk Extreme 400X CF card also has a shock protection, as well as its internal use of RTV silicone coating protection, moisture can play a very good effect.
Recommended products: Kenko 77mm L37 UV ultra-thin layer coating mirror

Reference price: 300 yuan

Kenko 77mm L37 UV ultra-thin layer coating mirror

77mm is a universal filter higher caliber, more high-end camera filters of this size are used, so you can select the price a little expensive products, Kenko 77mm L37 UV coated thin layer multi-layer mirror coating UV coating is 6-8 on each side of the lens membrane, to ensure that more than 95% light transmission. Have higher expectations on the quality of the user to apply. Market price of 300 yuan, be regarded as high-end UV filters in a higher price.

Edit Comment: the end of which full frame SLR camera, Canon 5D Mark II's sales have been stubbornly high, excellent quality and good operating performance is the Canon 5D Mark II's strengths, but also has a excellent video recording capabilities. 24-70mm F2.8 standard zoom lens, full frame SLR camera is the top standard zoom lens configuration, in line with convenience and picture request, full size body with 24-70mm F2.8 lens with flash, is a superior performance photographic equipment, but also so amazing weight, the average user rarely prolonged use. And for the purchase of the level of users, the car trip 外拍 is a good choice.

10 NT budget purchase program: Nikon D3S + Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II Lens + Nikon TC-14E II Teleconverter + gold Bell Geo Pod N74 + SanDisk Extreme 400X 16G CF card X2

bonus of 10 million or above, most of them are business executives, there is room car, so in the choice of photographic equipment, in addition to select is more relaxed, you can also take on special themes have a choice. Shot is recommended unconventional subject matter, shooting the wild animals used in photographic equipment. Taken out from the car, even if there is not much heavy equipment great relationship.

Recommended products: Nikon D3S

Reference price: 32,000 yuan

camera in the top area of the high-speed continuous shooting, the Nikon is the introduction of imaging D3S the best performance, while continuous shooting speed is also excellent both in the highest, compared to the Canon 1D Mark IV, full frame sensor has a distinct advantage, up to 102,400 of the sensitivity in dark environment play a huge advantage. Shooting wild animals is definitely a strong machine.

evaluation Nikon Forum Gallery D3S offer

released before the D3X relative terms, the major increase of Nikon D3S 720p resolution, 24 frames / second shooting ability, but also enhance sensitivity to the ISO12800, but can also by extending the reach ISO102400 (which is the highest speed limit.) With 12.1 million pixel imaging capability. Nikon D3S the back with a one 3-inch 920,000 pixel LCD screen. D3S back

D3S Nikon R & D to meet the stringent requirements of professional photographers. Wide sensitivity range of the high sensitivity with excellent noise control performance under, the photographer more creative space. It is worth mentioning that, D3S built-in HD digital video recording capabilities, stereo sound with an external microphone to record digital video. Movie mode with high sensitivity and simple operation of the built-in editing features can achieve professional-grade video production.

Recommended products: Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II lens

Reference price: 52,000 yuan Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II image evaluation offer online shopping Nett
Forum Nikon AF-S Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II lens is a full frame supports DSLR, also compatible with Nikon FX / DX format zoom lens telephoto photography, in the full frame, provide a focal length of 200mm telephoto photography to 400mm, can be used as sports photography, nature photographer and stage photography tool. In addition to nano-crystalline coating with anti-shake and the VR II system, the camera shake compensation, equivalent to shutter speed 4 stops is also equipped with A / M (manual-priority autofocus, AF priority) mode. To super telephoto 200mm focal length of the telephoto of 400mm, a very flexible support for the view. Therefore, this lens is ideal for shooting with the zoom capabilities of the main needs, including sports, news, and bird photography.

Lens Construction: 17 group 24 (4 ED glass lens)

Minimum Aperture: 32

focusing distance (cm): 38

Filter Diameter (mm): 52

angle: 12 ° 2-6 ° 1

magnification: 0.27

Lens Dimensions (mm): 365.5 × 124

Weight (g): 3360

Recommended products: Nikon TC-14E II

Price: 2600 yuan
Nikon AF -S Nikkor 200-400mm f/4G ED VR II lens maximum aperture of F4, so here with a 1.4 magnification Teleconverter recommended to avoid the maximum aperture is too limited. Teleconverters choose the original manufacturer can guarantee the performance of the lens in focus and so are not affected.

Nikon Ai AF-S TC-14E II/14E Teleconverter image evaluation forum offer online shopping Nett

this lens for AF and AF-S type I type Nikkor lens is designed to extend the same optical design, the volume also with the TC-14E and TC-20E Teleconverter same. Comes with a new front lens cap BF-3A., The front cover of this lens can also be used as body cap.
Recommended products: Admiralty Geo Pod N74

Reference Price: 850

Admiralty Geo Pod N74 monopod

for the use of long lens equipment shooting wild animals, the use of a tripod monopod is more appropriate than, more mobile. Admiralty Geo Pod N74 is a carbon fiber monopod, the maximum load of 8kg, maximum working height of 1700mm, 4 节 design, contraction height 545mm, weight 622g. Meet the above configuration is very suitable for the big guys use.

Recommended products: SanDisk Extreme 400X 16G CF Card

PConline Reference Price: 570

D3S Nikon CF memory card supports dual use, so for this rapid burst of camera, the high capacity memory card is very important to buy two single 16G memory card, the camera can play the greatest effectiveness. SanDisk Extreme 400X Card (16G) picture evaluation forum offer online shopping Nett

SanDisk Extreme 400X CF card using the SanDisk's unique ESP technology, which enhanced high-speed parallel processing technology, can greatly enhance the storage card read and write speed, 400X Extreme CF card with 60MB / s ultra-high transfer rate. And it has a large capacity space for all of the photos can be shot RAW + JPEG format, and save it for later editing. SanDisk also comes with Power Core? Controller, according to the camera's buffer random shooting. More quickly and efficiently through the distribution of image data in the card, so the memory card can achieve their full professional performance. Another SanDisk Extreme 400X CF card also has a shock protection, as well as its internal use of RTV silicone coating protection, moisture can play a very good effect.

Edit Comment: The above price or the weight of both configurations are very impressive, is only recommended to work in various corporate management and the shooting of wild animals like wild friends in the holidays, you can drive to the outskirts of the distant shooting, shooting wild animals, or whether it is birds of the air, are suitable for use.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Changhong has a dedicated TV for the pastoral development of a number of patented technologies (Figure)

 Xinhua BEIJING, January 17 January 16, 2011, the Central Propaganda Department, the State Administration of Radio, and Sichuan Provincial Government jointly held the held, 2 million units by the specialized R & D and production of solar Changhong portable satellite digital TV broadcast will be sent to Sichuan Tibetan herders near the hands of all, at least some benefit of thousands of Tibetan people. This greatly enriched the cultural life of Tibetan herdsmen to improve the level of basic public services in Tibetan areas.

activities at the ceremony site, from Ganzi, Aba and Liangshan's Tibetan herdsmen three products on the Changhong TV show strong interest, some pastoralists can not wait to start operating the remote control first to experience the first time to see Ganzi Tibetan Duojiebadeng got the long-awaited TV, bid farewell to the long monotonous, boring life. Duojie Ba said, this TV is very convenient product to carry, into the back of the bull up and go for a camel, see a lot of units, able to hear the voice of the party, see the outside world, is very suitable for our pastoral use.

According to Changhong, professional and technical personnel on-site briefing, in the product design stage, Changhong for Tibet's natural environment, living habits, infrastructure and the television signal, power, etc. carried out a detailed research and analysis, design the solar portable satellite digital TV broadcast, called for the herdsmen,

Changhong solar portable digital TV broadcast satellite is designed to develop a new generation of TV Tibetan herders to realize the TV, satellite receiving antenna, power supply and integration of portable box packaging design, for the herders from Power supply to the television program to acquire, receive, and then watch the show The major products of the system from generation of products. Integration less than 5 hours, may also be an external power supply.

in the product development process, relying on national Changhong Electric product testing center and the reliability of the industry's only laboratory products from the components of the system , plates to the machine through a rigorous experimental testing, including high and low temperature storage experiments, the handle pull test, work long hours testing, dynamic suspension test, transport experiments, rollover test, high and low work test, salt spray testing. 2010 In early December, Changhong Ruoergai professional and technical personnel went to Aba, Hong Yuan, Li County and other places for a variety of harsh testing conditions, the natural environment, including the TV machine performance testing, the satellite signal reception test, solar charge-discharge testing , the product passed the test of ultra-low temperature, the performance indicators are better than the specification requirements. in the product field tests, a number of herdsmen friend's wish to use the product, and even expressed willingness to purchase the scene.

It understanding, to ensure smooth production and deliver products, Changhong overcome pressing, heavy, difficult and other difficulties, the Changhong media industry companies, Internet companies and power companies formed an inter-departmental, cross-system joint R & D, design, manufacturing , professional service team, all-out technology, and developing product design and development programs, actively co-ordinate the development, production resources, protect the production of homogeneous sets of, and invest a lot of money to develop new molds for production line body transformation and experimental equipment modification, and ultimately Completed 2 million direct broadcast satellite television products of production tasks.

At the same time, to ensure that Tibetan herdsmen enjoy a quality and efficient services, Changhong to develop a specialized service training programs, invest a lot of money, Organization Ganzi, Aba and Liangshan three field operations services staff exercise, train a capable service team, ready to serve well Tibetan herders.

Changhong solar portable satellite digital TV broadcast Introduction

Changhong solar portable satellite digital TV broadcast mainly by the , Amdo Tibetan, Tibetan dialects and Victoria Wei, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Korea and other 7 sets of minority language programs. broadcast satellite digital TV: use of integrated design, from TV sets, satellite dishes and box body. TV display specially developed, rich colors, the visual effect is good; satellite receivers all-fold, stretching the use, fast to the stars; box made of high strength engineering materials, waterproof, shockproof; solar power: use of integrated design, special Photovoltaic power, by the two solar panels, a charge and discharge controller, a group composed of energy storage batteries. charge and discharge controller and storage battery composed of power boxes, two solar panels solar panel chassis. Solar panels convert light energy into electrical energy, charge and discharge electrical energy stored in the battery controller, the controller will store the battery power available to the TV. has been tested under normal sunshine, light 8 hours, the first electrical energy storage the average time of less than 5 hours per day.

As a result of , viewing content security; folding design, small size, easy to carry; configuration photovoltaic power, local access to power; simple, easy to use; waterproof shockproof, rugged and durable; system energy saving, low power consumption (25W); anti-high temperature , anti-ultraviolet radiation.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Dependent personality disorder

 The characteristics of dependent personality disorder What? How to treat?
Dependent personality disorder are the main features:
1, no assertive. Received from others in the absence of a large number of proposals and assurances, not everyday things make decisions.
2, sense of helplessness. Let others do most of the major decisions for themselves, such as career, school, etc.
3, a sense of abandonment. knowing that others are wrong, but because of fear of being abandoned, but also echo.
4, no independence. difficult to independently complete their own plan or do their own thing.
5, over-tolerant. to please others, willing to do what he do not want to do.
6 fear of loneliness. alone and helpless when a sense of discomfort, or make every effort to escape loneliness.
7, difficult to accept separation. When the close relationship ends, feel helpless or crash.
8, vulnerable. very vulnerable to criticism or praise and get hurt.
the formation of dependent personality disorder, family education related to their early years, such as over-indulgent. As parents too concerned about the passage of time in the hearts of children, it will have the authority of parents or psychological dependence, it is still not independent adult. Treatment of dependent personality, behavior therapy can be used to develop general patient self-care ability to live to be independent mature:
1, to give to create the dependent personality various kinds of opportunities for independence and to keep positive and to encourage their progress, and to the accumulation of progress bit by bit, the last to be consolidated.
2, not to strengthen the dependency of patients with dependent personality psychology, psychological dependence continue to make desalination. but daily life, we often invisible to strengthen the patient's negative behavior. dependent personality patients attention and concern for others is very sensitive, random outpouring of care and attention, and sometimes they just reinforce the dependence of the heart.
3, to respect the dependent personality, the patient he had in mind for those who rely on love, intimacy and emotional attachment, do not rely on the destruction of these give him the idol. If these idols are broken, their spirit of survival were destroyed pillar , the patient may fall into more profound spiritual crisis.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao North Expressway in Guangdong Province plans to lift anti-ice smooth flow of traffic across the board

 Nearly half of the first month of Shaoguan
welcome Sunny Village revitalization of the vegetables thaw but suffer

Shaoguan newspaper (Reporter correspondent Pu Yu Chen L) at noon yesterday, Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao Expressway Guangdong full range of the northern section of the temperature rose to above 0 ℃, the Beijing-Zhuhai North formal lifting of anti-ice three plans, road and fence is no longer thin ice, smooth flow of traffic across the board. Peking line with the Beijing-Zhuhai, once a plateau 2 cm thick ice milk highway, in addition to the early morning still some ice hanging street, the road is icy have been melting, traffic returned to normal.

road police calls died down

failure to save the car can not slippery Yunyan frozen downhill to the scene to traffic congestion, long queues of vehicles continue to gather the road in front of sections of road vehicle traffic due to not continue to thicken the ice ... ... days, the Beijing-Zhuhai North team in Shaoguan traffic police ringing. Until yesterday, the traffic police brigade began to alarm calls subsided gradually.

Highways Department deicing salt spread 156 tons

According to statistics, at 8:00 on the 10th to 12, 3, Beijing, Hong Kong and Macao Expressway Northern Guangdong was recorded in the alpine sections of -6 ℃ low temperature, some bridge and road junction thin ice danger there. Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway in Shaoguan traffic police brigade sent out a force of more than 280 people, police and more than 100 times, and Highways departments spread out and shovel snow melting ice car 26 times, and a total of 156 tons of deicing spreader; quick disposal of accident rescue vehicle 11, the vehicle for 53 vehicles. The joint efforts of the parties once again made the anti-ice victory.

2.3 million mu of crops affected

leaf vegetables in general rose

Shaoguan City, according to Bureau of Agriculture introduced since the end of December since suffered a number of shares of the local cold The turns attacks, according to preliminary statistics, the city is about 2.3 acres of agricultural disaster area. Ruyuan county farmers market stall in Cai aunt said that this year has been fast to catch up leaf prices in 2008 when the level of the ice storm. The reason, But with the snow melting in the mountains suffered a 4 month cold wave attack of vegetables has been a calamity.

village under the sun magically revitalize

7 o'clock yesterday morning, drove to the Town Ruyuan County, the nest was re-locked mountain village. Line to the Red Cloud area, the car thermometer outside temperature is 0 ℃. A few days before the original sparsely populated county and township roads, early activity was more up the mountain. Some people worry lug goods to the busy rush town, some people squatting in the fields of vegetable crops after the ice pack, some people are squatting on the door of the sun.

frozen once the cold water pipe, but also out of a gurgling stream, a village women to boil hot irrigated to wash her husband head to help it, she smiled and said cheerfully: A few days ago too cold, now warm and tidy up time for yourself. She said, , just drooping like a

villagers want to applied in a layer of fat. and so many points harder next spring, soil and fertilizer were ground, it certainly looks particularly good food, make it up this winter and spring losses! p> Guangzhou into the cold

Ⅲ level response status

early deployment of the maritime sector water spring

(Reporter correspondent Lee Yan Li red) reporters yesterday from Guangzhou Marine Bureau was informed that by the continuing effects of cold weather, Guangzhou City, the cold start emergency plans to enter the cold response status of grade Ⅲ. Early deployment of the maritime sector supervision spring water, anti-anti-cold weather, to ensure the stability of water traffic safety situation.

1 11, 4 weather stations in Guangzhou, recorded the lowest temperature below 5 ℃, 12 日 sustained minimum temperature below 5 ℃ up to 10 sub-stations, cold weather will continue the next few days continue. Urban area of Guangzhou, Conghua, Zengcheng, Huadu, Panyu, Baiyun, Luogang, Nansha cold orange warning signal is valid at present. Guangzhou Maritime Bureau in accordance with


over 464 million people were affected

Ministry of Civil Affairs launched four disaster response

Beijing, (Reporter at Dream River ) yesterday, the reporter learned from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, for the disaster in Guizhou Province, the National Disaster Reduction Committee, Ministry of Civil Affairs yesterday 8:30 start national levels disaster emergency response, emergency relief supplies from the central pool of Wuhan, Guizhou Province, transported 1000 to the cotton tent, and sent a work team to the disaster area to help guide local work.

According to statistics, as at 8:00 on January 12, January 1 snow and ice since the disaster has resulted in 83 counties in Guizhou Province, 464.42 million people were affected, 1 death tolls, 10.49 million people evacuated, tolls direct economic loss of 1.277 billion yuan.


west to east passage smooth

(Reporter Gengxu Jing Wang correspondent baskets) outbreak ice cold weather, but the South West electricity grid Transmission from the safe operation of a major thoroughfare, the main power grid has not occurred, the maximum load of up to 23 million kilowatts or more. China Southern Power Grid has invested more than 1,000 extra high voltage transmission and helicopters flew in Guizhou Jianhe, measures to strengthen special patrol, the current ice melting, emergency preparedness and other three measures to ensure the safe operation of the main grid to protect the large west to east channels open.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Cause of refractory chronic prostatitis Hospital of Nanchang

 Comparison of refractory chronic prostatitis, because often easy to relapse after cure, from clinical practice, mainly due to the recurrence:
(1) inadequate treatment. Some patients with chronic prostatitis treatment after a period of time , clinical symptoms disappeared, the laboratory also has become prostate normal, they mistakenly thought had been cured and stopped treatment. In fact, although this time hidden in the pathogen within the prostate has been suppressed, but did not completely destroyed or removed, when the time mature, these pathogens will be in the prostate re-growth and reproduction, resulting in the recurrence of chronic prostatitis.
(2) daily diet disorders. normal life, not the law, such as excessive fatigue, mental stress, hither and lust, etc., can make decreased body resistance, so that the recurrence of chronic prostatitis has been cured; the diet, eat spicy stimulation products, alcohol, or sedentary, such as riding a bicycle too long, the local long-term pressure on the prostate, these factors can make local blood circulation, congestion Congestion is also caused one of the causes of relapse of chronic prostatitis.
generation Endovascular treatment of prostate visualization technique is painless Nanchang Pok Oi Hospital urology specialist clinical experience accumulated through years of rigorous academic argument, as well as through domestic and international industry experts, certification Men sure, but for the current prostatitis diagnosis and treatment in a professional and personal technology. that is: love urology hospital in Nanchang years of clinical experts, proven, better treatment more thorough cure patients with prostatitis.
Nanchang Pok Oi Hospital, the introduction of new prostate urology specialist visual cavity interventional therapy, the use of Ministry to form a closed cavity; simulate the human body bio-electrical principle to form a closed cavity of biological fields, thermal effects in the high-frequency electromagnetic fields, shock effect and the external pressure to promote the sterilization of drug directly to the Ministry of deep lesions Department, increased cell permeability to activate the activity of bactericidal drugs, and enhance the power of elimination of microbial pathogens, bacteria quickly kill microbes, and continue to flush from the body, to achieve the purpose of bactericidal anti-inflammatory; improve local micro-circulation, a large number of immune cells in the lesion focus on the Ministry of treatment At the same time relieve the pressure on the nerve, and enhance the metabolism of nerve cells and functional recovery, with unique features and gonadal activation and regulation of nerve cell activity, can contribute to male sexual function recovery.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Long Beach, Long Beach, the relaxed line ---- a happy (2)

 1. Trip flight to Long Beach, the blossoming of the attitudes of white clouds surrounded Creepy, slowly fluttering from the front go past away over ......< br> 2. Yellowish Bougainvillea is my love!
3. to Long Beach, of course, to make their own comfortable to have a good holiday, good accommodation will give you a good mood, Regent Resort (Boracay Regency Beach Resort) is a good choice, In addition to Shangri-La Hotel, The Regent Resort Operator of the Long Beach good! her in the center of Long Beach Island BOAT STATION 2, and indirectly is the first issued by the Philippine Department of Tourism Level 3 along the white sand beach hotel, near the sea, balcony allows you to watch the beautiful scenery of white sandy beach.
5. If you find the beach too crowded and his lonely bubble bath, then the hotel's two swimming pools that can solve your problem. The hotel's swimming pool cleaner It is surrounded by gardens and terraces, pool bar to do the mango flavored ice (Mango shack) is also very good, you can drink with the beauty of the United States to see beautiful women playing in the water, leisurely afternoon to spend a good time. < br> 6.
9. the hotel's top floor, with office called Island of the SPA, highly recommended!
12. In the early light, walk in the white sandy beaches, tired feet can rest from everywhere, Maidou Fu porters will lug the brain of a small loaded bucket of hot bean curd came in front of you. action quickly, add the honey and pearl cup tofu balls sent to your brain to hand ...... simple cup of bean curd, it will allow you indulge in such a paradise, nothing in return!
13. This went together to face the morning of the China Sea, Sulu Sea of the White Beach is the beach trot, the think about it, in case of bad weather the next day to not take good pictures, to give up, or the first photo of it does! trot on the beach watching people, how much my heart is still some envy, morning exercises in this environment, tut tut ......< br> 4 . environmental protection, it is the most important thing! no matter how beautiful the beach, if you do not have the environmental awareness of that ......! morning, a large group of volunteers cleaning up trash on the beach, very clean, although the original ! but they picked up a little bit careful and beautiful of all proportion to the thing! where they vowed to stay, to keep alive the pure white sand!
15. where fishermen still very industrious, so early Production is back! the captured fish seafood market to D'Talipapa Market.
16. Resorts
17. Long Beach Main Street (BORACAY MAIN RD.), from here forward to Bolabog RD. to the right 500 meters on to the Bulabog Beach
18. We walked this path to Bulabog Beach, residents of housing estates on both sides suffer the close, the flowers are unique homes
19.Bulabog Beach, is Sibuyan Sea, facing the Pacific , where parking is mainly those spiders ship tourists to participate in their distribution center for water sports, more messy, the beach is also more time.
20.Mandarin SPA approach, environment is not bad! but I think it is not as good as ) 24. tall palm trees into the clouds block the hot sun for your
25. little scene is also very fun
26. small shops may well be a landscape
28. where the straw hat very unique, I can not help but buy a back
29. a small courtyard
30.D 'Talipapa Market, Long Beach Island, which is the best place to eat seafood, the market from 7 am open until 7 pm to 8 points have, seafood bought from the store after cooking, it is recommended only fresh seafood lunch to go. Location: S2 to S3 in the direction of walking, you will see the top left side of a hanging D'Talipapa brand. seafood here is super cheap, and sometimes really do not want to store another bargain!
31. buy seafood, you need not worry how processed to have a lot of the seafood market next to the provision of processing services ( Cooking Service) of the store, according to the different processing methods, processing costs from the 100P ~ 200P / kg range. We are the only company in the market for air-conditioned dining shop! of course, this shop is a trip back to my friends to help me find a good, the glass door at the door still stuck: tapas, noodles or rice, fresh seafood, The best I burn! Indeed, color, aroma and taste! eye candy!
32. the end of sea fishing and snorkeling, we went to a small village at noon to eat, a small scene layout is quite comfortable, people illusion Peach Blossom Island in the middle of doing a peach 岛主!
35. flying fish boat, all kinds of water activities for you to play ......< br> 36. < br> 37. We drove a rented motorcycle arrived at the edge of Diniwid Beach NAMI Resort, similar to the site to catch a lift like the elevator, went to NAMI's lobby bar, lobby bar sitting on the edge of the cliff, to a glass watermelon flavored ice, looking at the white sand beach Diniwid Beach ......< br> 38. watermelon flavored ice (Watermelon Shack)
39.Diniwid Beach
40. Philippines articles fertile fields
1. Kuril of the Philippines (Manila, Cebu) Chinese New Year travel (1)
2. Geshi --- lotus paradise island
3. two small non-guess
4. Dasi in Palm Resort, Pagsanjan, Tagaytay Taal volcanoes - Thousand Islands of the Philippines (Manila, Cebu) Spring Tour (2)
5. the ultimate pleasure beach ---- Long Beach line (1)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Moutai highest bid is not in stock price of 50-member team made the national examination

 Moutai January 1, 2011 increased prices, the average increase rate was 20%. CFP Figure

(Reporter Zou Maolin) Maotai prices continued to soar, consumers  the pocket. Yesterday, reporters learn that the second half of last year, 53 degrees several times flying and five-star price Maotai, a marked decline in sales in the hotel end, the average dropped by three percent. The face of high prices is not available Maotai case, the local rice flower, Zhijiang, white edge around 300 brands such as mid-range wine sales improved significantly.

Hotel Maotai price Office of Renzhang Feng Xiaolan Jing hotel description, hotel prices Maotai after flying 53 degrees, some decline in sales was estimated too much.

Kam Lake restaurant assistant general manager of Northwest Lake store willow, said the current price of 53 degrees Flying Maotai 1788 yuan / bottle, to adjust the price according to market price, Maotai prices, a price is not available, industry stable market .

Wuhan, a brand of restaurant owner, last year in the second half, up five Maotai price, they transferred the price several times, but change the menu prices can not keep up Maotai prevail.

six or seven bottles.

Wuhan Restaurant Association related parties, rare, Maotai prices is normal market behavior, but the prices have gone up too far off the mark, and now consumer spending is relatively rational, would consider it worthwhile won.

Opportunity seized political power, the local liquor

Wang, Wuhan, person in charge of a restaurant, Liquor, Wuliangye and other wine prices too fast, smart people are also considering the option of dining, some other brands, the local white edge, Zhijiang, rice flower and other selling well.

More than thirty stores reporter learned from Wuhan, the local liquor wine Chen Baiyunbian year, five-star Zhijiang, No. treasures rice flower, the Yellow Crane Tower puree and other liquor selling well, while a small confused cents, driving and other field meet brand is also sold well.

According to Wuhan hotel owner introduced, the average family dinner in their hotel, the hundred or so white, or popular, and business dinners priced at 300 yuan / bottle of white wine go over well.

Axton Ltd. relevant figure, compared with the previous year to the end of Zhijiang wine market in Wuhan, the growth rate of nearly 30%, especially in the premium wines such as five-star Zhijiang sales improved significantly.

◇ news

Or 10 days before the inspection team to the E dealer Zoumao Lin) in the face of public opinion questioned the Reporter learned yesterday, Maotai inspection team or the 10th of this month to check the limit order to Hubei implementation.

Recently, deputy general manager of Du Guangyi Moutai the media, said the company will be dispatched 10 working groups recently rushed to the limit so that the implementation of the national special examination. The total number of working groups 10 to 50 people, 5 in each group, mainly composed of middle-level cadres Moutai company, the check will be conducted to 1 month.

In addition, Du Guangyi, said the introduction of the limit order Moutai Maotai only stores and dealers for, but the price is too high in order to control the terminal, Moutai will try to control the price of shopping malls and other channels, shopping channels such as the price too high suppliers will be held responsible.

It is reported that, in order to ease the demand on the market situation Moutai, Maotai flying 53 degrees in 2011 would increase the supply of 10%.

This reporter learned the news that local dealers have expressed

NDRC: Maotai prices is not price fixing

Recent price increases for 20% of Maotai, the National Development and Reform Commission of Price Supervision responded that the person in charge of a single liquor companies can adjust prices independently according to law. If Maotai so influential companies and other large companies negotiate the joint United Wuliangye liquor price adjustments, there is collusion and price fixing is suspected of price adjustment. (According to Finance new web

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Net = calm the mind, heart - Zhang Peizhe attitude to life

 These days, working late every day. Do a night with insomnia. Morning and also some stay in bed, His wife always comments.
Good, change it.
In fact, in college, I to develop a habit, every day 5,000 ~ 10,000 m long-distance running, and we also have the traditional dorm, I remember the school's off-road marathon organized thousands of people, we have a school 7, a 13, a first 26. all these years, I bone could be so small body destroyed by Li, probably is due to the time of exercise, better lay a good foundation.
long-distance running after graduation I insisted more than a year, remember dormitory, we Several quarters under the influence of guys have started on my long-distance running. but only up to a year to abandoned.
do real estate a few years later, almost gut wine and meat had to wear, what I Buddha resistance. remember the young and frivolous time, and people Pinjiu, drank two bottles of Shijiazhuang Daqu 3. That night I was drunk, and need something a mess, but then think about it, not worth it! that is my 30 years the only one drunk. Even then, I have stated on many occasions, people do not drink I drink to drunk drunk only own their own. But then, had never drunk, mostly did not have to be drunk, do not need to work drunk . More ...
was not drunk after their own business, quit the wine slowly, even the occasional glass of wine, also bought a bottle of beer, we three have to drink twice. Why, did not drink. not used the.
then the point at issue was, in fact a few months ago determined to run every day, to develop good habits and daily routine patterns of life, for my wife bought a pair of special shoes for me, encouraged me To hang on. Although I am only a few times, but eventually it did not run.
since this morning, I got up directly Liu Dadao the Shijiazhuang Institute of playground and tried, though breathless, but better , ran the 800 meters.
Fortunately, the heart is still ....< br> runway still, I - Zhang, to the .....

Thursday, January 6, 2011

To the Force in 2011 (a)

 It is the last month of 2010, will do something this time of year summary, this I am ready to push into a new, not directly to a summary of predictions for the future, with the word is now the most streamlined mm   Chuang mm back-end is not Vanke will not do is create Vanke Hangzhou need to challenge the high-end customers
friends around me love and hate for the Vanke, for 2008 are impressive: Vanke initiator, succeed to do the first price at the time to different customers, bring different combat; and Vanke, though many customers think that the domestic no1, but this place in Hangzhou, we still think Greentown doing my part to improve the first time to do a good job Vanke ; improvement or partial high-end products is still a little agitated, and in particular the butterfly garden one Xixi, Hangzhou, customers do not fully understand the critical, but worthy of the domestic Vanke boss, after 2 years of hardships, Vanke fully understand Hangzhou client's personality temperament, Butterfly Park Phase II on the big change, I feel a little impulsive, want to have a set, so I'm very looking forward to the grass village project allows Vanke proved that it is natural for a brother to do the domestic .2011 I think that's a force of one real estate.
Tak. Pegasus Park, Tak mm bigger and stronger brand in Hangzhou, you must upgrade the challenges high-end brand
the past 2 years have a developer at any time and increase brand value, from the Silver Tree Bay apartments in Berlin, early city, Berlin impression, foreign apartments, to today, I would say Zhen Park, Pegasus Park, which is in position, it goes without saying, Zhen Park should be upgraded Dickson key battle brand, so only the Huashan Zhen Garden Road, to do high-end , top of the pyramid do people like the product, size. I believe the letter of the Pegasus Park De confidence, so that customers have expectations like, 2011. I think the one to force real estate
day sun. Bin Jiang Jiangjing Peninsula International mm not much room left, the day sun can be worthy of this land
the old days, Yang is one of the developers in Hangzhou, do I have a deep impact real estate few highlights selling points will little impact, but this one of the few Binjiang District, Riverview Room, will be the days of sun to change my point of view the best opportunity to land advantage, product advantages, will allow customers shines like Riverview Room, which Hangzhou, Shenyang again to-day buyers focus of discussion, the day the brand value of positive result of the peninsula will also line the developer Hangzhou International ranks of the fuselage.
to force the sale lot, but I think that to force the real estate is above 3, Vanke village representatives as early as 2 years of foreign predators experienced the hardships, we began to understand that buyers want, Hangzhou, starting from the details, from the details of the move; Tak from the third-tier cities in Zhejiang Province to Hangzhou has also gone 2-3 years, from obscurity to now almost a household name in Hangzhou, Dickson grow step by step home buyers can not be separated on different understanding of Hangzhou, carefully done product, so customers can get the heart; Tianyang As a veteran of the housing prices in Hangzhou, which is tepid few years, the peninsula of international real estate, the best situation is to break this case, I believe I also think that this estate from the beginning days of sun, it will break the original understanding of the emergence of a new heaven and yang. (The above represents only the personal preferences, not everyone thought I was the three developers care, I just want to explain with more predators have also entered the domestic Hangzhou, carefully done product, is to enhance the company a key step in the brand image, and Hangzhou, the buyers of the product itself requires a high degree of appreciation, you can count the national level. So who are not serious do in Hangzhou products, customers will go away, I chose to force real estate , just want to Hangzhou to the power of multi-real estate properties for sale in the next year, let me just write real estate name, do not let me write my reasons to the force)
busy recently, not how with the new blog, the company in the morning of December 25 work overtime, in one breath to write so much, with the staff members of!