Monday, November 29, 2010

Article review ... please wait ...- tear drops no trace of the blog - the focus of blog

 Falling autumn leaves will always return to the earth's embrace, kiss the ground when it means the moment in a different way of life will continue, looking at the smoke tree buds in spring, there will always be a serene and quiet. She also called leaves, a beautiful kind-hearted girl. <> leaves have already do not know when to love him, his name was Lin, who used to be colleagues, then he had to go to another company to work, because the forest compare love lively, playful, so often about leaves and leaves to go play cards or sing along with colleagues, he has good karma, each will have a lot of people to hang out with, it may be because they are lonely at nights boring folks, although there are a lot of people,Discount UGG boots, but the little girl, is one of the leaves, and the only girl in a field, it is for this reason, leaves not as squeamish Shanghai girls, so contrived, in men before the leaves are always relatively understanding, and will not do to make things ugly men would go to forest .<><> weekend home leaves, and sometimes leaves the last time he was still asleep, like leaves look at him sleeping, quiet like a child, he always had the habit of evening to sleep at night, leaves know him, if he is trapped, the leaves will be very careful, he walked around the room, helped him clean up the house , folded throw him into chaos seven bad clothes, and sometimes the leaves will of a person sitting in his home watching television, until he woke up, and then clean up the house together. leaves clearly remember the first time when his home , was the immediate scene shocked the house was full of dust, the ground was full of garbage and throw messy clothes, even the collapse of the bed is a confused mess, which is reminiscent of a person can not live where he is also reminiscent of the out look is not a very decent person, even a pair of home scenes, probably since then, it aroused a feeling heart leaves, leaves that do not know how to take care of life people, but also since then, the leaves go with him getting closer, though, they are not lovers, at best,Bailey UGG boots, the best friend of the opposite sex. One day, leaves and forest in the online chat, mood irritability of the leaves tap the keyboard, leaves, said: , do not say .; then do not say I do not say my heart simmering uncomfortable, you know, for so long, I have been trying to tell me, I like you, I do not want to know what is on your mind, I just want to tell you how I feel when I did not say you can We later with them (the leaves of my colleagues is his former colleagues) out how to play or how to play, we still former colleagues,UGG bailey button, plus the relationship between friends and clients. tone can actually play so many words, and finally say, and my heart much more comfortable, the leaves look forward to his answer is. eventually the screen flashed, the leaves can not wait to see the answer, Oh, thank you, I do not want to think about these things, I'm not feeling the above thoughts , but the leaves or put a happy, to tell him, after their meeting still did not like what happened, to play together with my colleagues do not have any strange, still leaves the weekend to his house, as they will couple with takeout lunch, clean up the house together , and go shopping together, playing video games, with the Internet, but different things, they are not as affectionate couples, holding hands as the shopping, because they are just friends. <> was late, leaves the phone rang a moment, is the forest of SMS, late leaves and forest again talking with the message that the leaves have been used to looked on his message to sleep, sleep at night because he has the habit, they often use text chat in late, leaves now become sleep at night. From then on Call the forest leaves, get up every day, the leaves of the forest do not know the side of the phone will not be so obedient to get up, but the leaves are like to do this because this is for forest. <> blink of an eye to the Valentine's Day , and leaves, as usual, a happy holiday blessing to others, it was a happy holiday wishes leaves, but leaves it clear mind, she is a lover who does not, how section will be lovers, when appeared on the Internet questioning the forest, Can I help you ?> leaves the time his company had arrived at eight, and then see him have the job done, and not on what it leaves out, . <> far from over, you asked me to Chimi Fen ah, you're heartless Or is it .by friends. <> Valentine's Day the day, single people walking on the road always make people feel envious and lonely, happy girls are showing their charms, holding the red roses, nestled in boyfriend's shoulder,UGG boots, walking slowly, as if declaring that only the two of them in this world are the most happy. leaves and forest eating dinner, walking side by side, hand leaves no roses, no symbol of love chocolate, In this special day, to go with the road and forest, the leaves have been contented, and although they are friends, but the leaves will be accompanied by a forest and feel happiness, when a couple with their passing, the leaves will smile and bless them, will be secretly leaves the forest to see the face, but can not read Lin's mind. <> leaves sometimes often ask Lin and his ex-girlfriend's things, and forests will truthfully tell the leaves , Lin said, if I have 100 million, I can do what I want to do, and I can go to fall in love and responsible. leaves always remember Lin said these words, but leaves no know, if realized his dream of Lin, Lin would think leaves it? true leaves will become his girlfriend? <> As Lin's efforts, the company's position in the increasingly high, forest change The very busy, and almost every day to go home late, and sometimes also on the weekend to accompany customers, leaves the forest at night no longer receive text messages, leaves sometimes can not help but send text messages to forest, go home? He ironing, not the same as that only leaves one person room, and sometimes the leaves in the forest will house a person sitting quietly, and thought of all forests, the leaves themselves do not understand, between him and the forest can only be friends with, they even did not used to hold hands, do forests really do not like her? fingers across the face, even feel damp, and leaves crying is to forests. <> has been at twelve, , leaves still can not sleep, leaves the phone called the forest, ; What is it like a tired thought of a night, finally made a decision, leaves a message written to the forest, Sky brings injuries, has been, you're my shooting star, no matter how fast you disappear, I am still looking forward to waiting for you, my scars from you, I do not blame you, because we have two parallel line, no matter how I do it, we can never meet, to know you for so long, you never said that like me, remember you said that if you have 100 million you will be responsible for the talk about a love, I am now know, that person will never be me, no matter how kind the future, I hope you will remember me, remember that we used to like you, I'm satisfied. forest, I'll be slowly from your life disappears, so it is only fair to me, I can quickly get out from your world, the forest, then I can not call you to get up every day, you should pay attention to the body, at night go to bed earlier in order to have energy to work , do not get another room too messy, the last time I help you iron the shirt, stood in the closet. You're not taking care of themselves, as soon as possible to find a person they like each other and take care of, I'll make you happy , and goodbye, Lin! <> leaves the side of writing, while tears to the end of it this way, this is the best outcome .<><> work today from the company leaves on time, and go to the company downstairs, he saw a familiar figure walking around, is the forest and forest leaves no contact has been three weeks, and today over what is the purpose forest, forest leaf that has almost forgotten, when you see the forest, leaves that are freezing air, the leaves still have not forgotten the forest, the leaves with a smile approached asked Lin, leaves the hand of a sudden pull, which is led by Lin for the first time the hand of the leaves, leaves heart is going to feel, could not tell what it feels like, ; leaves break the forest's hand, already have a boyfriend I do not know how, I wanted to, but I ,,,,how the

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