Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Stock Market Watch April 3 (scroll broadcast)

 Launch of the GEM for the brokerage business increased direct investment and exit channel, will greatly facilitate direct investment brokerage business. Broker who asked not to be named, told reporters Currently, only the GF Securities, CITIC Securities (600,030), Hai Tong Securities (600,837) that the three of the direct investment business are doing better, the stock market downturn last year, broker performance have fallen sharply, part of the brokerage business of direct investment into the capital very limited.
[2009-4-3 8:30:12]
China Securities Regulatory Commission Vice-Chairman, following an interview just after Yao, Song Liping, general manager of Shenzhen Stock Exchange yesterday, have accepted the media. She interview that the launch of the GEM can resolve the problem of financing SMEs, the Main Board will not have a shock. She also stressed that the screening criteria selected companies will not be too low, the exchange would prevent the market worried about the stir But the basic trend of China's economic development and long-term trend for the better without fundamental changes, supporting sustained and rapid development of China's economy remains solid.
[2009-4-3 8:34:11]
Twenty Group under the London summit sunset curtain 2, the participating leaders to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) capital increase and strengthen financial regulation, financial and economic crisis in the world work together to address a number of issues to reach a consensus. British Prime Minister Gordon. Brown in the press release after the meeting, meeting that the leaders of the Group of Twenty agreed to IMF and the World Bank and other multilateral financial institutions for a total of 1.1 trillion of funds, of which the scale of the IMF funds will expand 3 times to the present, 2500 billion to 7500 billion to help struggling countries.
[2009-4-3 8:35:32]
effect from April 1, textiles, garments, light industry, electronic information, steel, nonferrous metals, petrochemicals and other commodities increased export tax rebate rate. State Administration of Taxation said on its Web site a few days ago, according to estimates, the export tax rebate rate increase after the tax year will increase by 31.2 billion, of which textiles and clothing 9.8 billion tax increase. It is understood that textile and garment export tax rebate rate increase by 1 percentage point each, to the textile and garment export enterprises to obtain 7.6 billion yuan in tax rebates.
[2009-4-3 8:35:44]
due summit of the Group of Ten to achieve results and promote the adjustment of accounting standards and financial stocks climbed sharply higher futures prices boosted investor sentiment, 2, the three major New York stock market indexes rose more than 2.5%. to the New York stock markets closed, the Dow Jones 30 Industrial Average index over the previous trading day up 216.48 points to close at 7978.08 points, or 2.8%. Standard & Poor's 500 index rose 23.30 points to close at 834.38 points, or 2.9%. NASDAQ Composite Index rose 51.03 points to close at 1602.63 points, or 3.3%.
[2009-4-3 8:49:39]
1, U.S., European stocks surge; Hong Kong stocks Hurricane 1002 points, the Asia-Pacific stock markets Qi rise
- U.S. stocks rose strongly on Thursday, the Dow break 8,000-point mark in intraday trading, the Dow rose 216.48 points to 7918.08 points, or 2.79%; the Nasdaq rose 51.03 points to 1602.63 points, or 3.29%; the S & P rose 23.30 points to 834.38 points, or 2.87%. crude oil futures contract rose 8.8%, exceeded 50 dollars a barrel mark, to close at $ 52.63 a barrel. gold contract fell $ 18.70, to close at 907.40 U.S. dollars / ounce, down 2%. - Russian stocks rose 7.06%, the United Kingdom rose 4.28%, up 5.37% in France, Germany, rose 6.07%, Italy up 4.36hh; European stock markets fall no one. - Hong Kong stocks yesterday rose more than 1,000 points near the close, the maximum rose to 14,533.34 points, the Hang Seng Index closed at 14,521.97 points, up 1,002.43 points or 7.42%, is the largest increase in four months. - Japanese stocks rose 4.40%, up 3.54% South Korea, Taiwan up 3.00%, Thailand rose 2.99, Australia rose 2.69% hh; none of the Asia-Pacific stock markets dropped.
2, even behind the IMF, G20 curtain, the leaders on the replenishment of the International Monetary Fund and the strengthening of financial supervision and other global financial and economic crisis should work together to reach consensus on a number issues. a statement issued after the meeting reiterated resist protectionism. twenty leaders of the Group agreed to IMF and World Bank and other multilateral financial institutions for a total of 1.1 trillion of funds, of which the scale of the IMF funds will expand 3 times to the present, 2500 billion dollars to 750 billion U.S. dollars to help the troubled country.
3, Europe the central bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points to 1.25% European Central Bank announced on April 2, cut the benchmark refinancing rate by 25 basis points to 1.25%. The decline of 50 basis points below market expectations.

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