Monday, February 28, 2011

More than half of New Zealand's earthquake building will be demolished for redevelopment nationwide moment of silence tomorrow

 Christchurch City police chief estimated the death toll could exceed 200 people

AP 27, Christchurch, New Zealand held a ceremony to commemorate the earthquake victims.

day of the earthquake death toll rose to 147 confirmed, 50 people missing. Police said rescue and confirm the identity of the deceased has been slow, I hope the people to be patient.

asked New Zealand Prime Minister John Key 26 people across the country in at 12:51 on March 1 two-minute silence to mourn quake victims.

Christchurch City police confirmed that the earthquake caused 147 deaths, 50 people missing.

A reporter asked
戴夫克利夫 police chief, the death toll is expected to reach 200. He replied: Since

23 rescue workers found no survivors. Russell Gibson said police officers, rescue workers know the location of some of the dead body, but a lot of buildings crumbling after the earthquake, rescue workers is difficult to close.

rescue workers said,


some 10 countries to send rescue personnel to support. Some foreign aid workers arrived on the 27th set 达克赖斯特彻 strange city, in order to reach colleagues in the previous rotation.

Phil Parker
rescue workers said they were 8 to 12 in groups, into the building looking for survivors, although there is no 5 days to find, but they will not give up hope.

ask the police to speed up the families of missing persons remains confirm the identity.

police chief urged the public to be patient. He explained that the police are using deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing to confirm his identity, update the list of dead and missing persons, progress was slow, but orderly.

Cliff introduced a number of places after the earthquake a fire, making his identity through DNA testing is difficult to confirm. Christchurch City, people in various regions

27, held a ceremony to mourn the dead. People lookin tears, hugged each other. .

Minister of Higher Education, Steven Joyce, said foreign students mourn the victims.

foreign consulate officials said Joyce, the death of these students feel upset,

Chinese government emergency

Assistance $ 500,000

AP Political Counsellor of Chinese Embassy in New Zealand, 27 Lei Cheng said, as soon as possible to ensure the affected compatriots to return home the same day from the embassy since the establishment of a provisional accreditation points in Christchurch for compatriots to return documents to facilitate processing.

Lei Cheng also announced, to help New Zealand to carry out post-earthquake relief, the Chinese Government to the New Zealand government has decided to provide 50 million emergency humanitarian aid.

More than half of
urban construction

will be demolished for redevelopment

earthquake ripped 22 people, but also tear Christchurch.

the city, especially the downtown area, the building next to buildings, streets attached to streets, are in ruins. Some buildings collapsed yet also eye-catching red notices to be labeled -

hotel located in the center of the large mains still show the last stubborn, standing did not fall. But experts say the building structure, it must be demolished for redevelopment.

with large mains as the fate of the hotel, 50% had not collapsed buildings were torn down reconstruction. These buildings have been civil defense spray red

Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker and the Earthquake Rehabilitation Minister Gerry Browne 26, respectively, said bodies of the victims in the earthquake after the end of search, bulldozers and loading will be moved into the city center hammer crusher, clear the rubble.

New Zealand Prime Minister called for donations

27 New Zealand Prime Minister John Key announced the establishment of Christchurch Earthquake Relief Fund, urged the international community for the affected people and reconstruction contributions.

he said, 22 is not only the earthquake tragedy in New Zealand, but also affect many foreigners.

currently supply 82% of quake-hit areas have been restored, but there are still 55,000 families without water. Hong Kong is located in the epicenter of Littleton has an open cargo transport emergency supplies.

Up to now, the New Zealand government has released 2.2 million affected people total New Zealand dollars (about 1.65 million) in emergency relief funds, New Zealand, the community is also actively donated money and goods.

Chinese citizens are still missing 23 people

AP 27, the Chinese Embassy in New Zealand told Xinhua confirmed that the current earthquake in New Zealand the number of Chinese citizens are still missing 23 people.

embassy officials said preliminary list released on the 26th, the list of active and Wen Xiong Li Yanhui and Christchurch disaster command center to contact the embassy to confirm their personal safety.

Subsequently, the embassy and from Hong Kong SAR government that has been, and had appeared in a Hong Kong initial list to contact the female citizens, but citizens of another a Hong Kong woman missing in the earthquake.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Man good woman should understand

 Not every man is a prince on a white horse
So, please do not demanding he is not tall and handsome
do not blame him for just a pair of gloves for you and not ninety-nine
women, you know, you is not the prince

his princess forever his love is to let you into a princess glass slipper
not every man can pay lip service to love < br> So, please do not, in his answer to to learn to appreciate the commitment silent
Please believe, when he quietly watched you smile as he gently stroked
your hair
when his natural when holding your hand

loves you he is not every man is good to refute
So, when there is misunderstanding and he was silent, do not open when
uphold his eyes red from crying may
In his view it was just an unrelated woman or a
he will not do
he always believed it is a fact, you do not need much explanation
women, do not easily give this persist as a default, said

do, you do not see him look helpless?
to know you, he is not Superman or Batman
So, when he could not have difficulties in your appear the first time when you do not blame him

helpless because you can not keep your side
the largest share of worry is his punishment
women, remember, When he later asked and concerns, please give the gentle answer

told him alright, do not worry
face of a man, more than anything else
So, in front of his friends
Please give him the full status of
If he ignores you in front of friends
thought it was not willful neglect
Maybe he just wanted to show you do not mind the people docile
ago when a Little Women
women, to know that, but to be loved
women have the privilege Oh
Perhaps men could not always understand what women are thinking
So, when you say no and he deliberately Do not really walk away
vowed to punish him
good to know that a loss of his mind at the moment than you are depressed, he
If you can not understand what you mean total
So the women who told him to understand he will love the easy
and you can get what you really want
why not?
men should live their own lives They also obsessed with the game

will want to go out drinking with friends, playing cards
this time, please do not pressing harder and harder
SMS phone and do not ask why he does not take you a to
We do not also have a private room up women?
give each other enough space will have fresh air
men also fragile, a sudden inexplicable depression will
So, when his face filled with tired, his eyes full of weary
not ask, do not go do not love you
know, the moment please, who can not do
women, Now, do not go ask him how the
quiet as long as there beside him like
always said that men can not understand a woman heart
Sometimes, we do not often ignore their feelings?
obligation to accompany his girlfriend, and no right to give up work
in a strong sign, they can put all the things that life is inherently a shoulder
people tired,
when he for our when the next hard
women, we should not let them tired ...

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Libya has caused unrest in more than 300 people were killed and the resignation of senior government officials

 International online reports (in African journalists to wear shell): The international community   days to keep the pressure on the Libyan leader, some Western countries called for UN sanctions against Libya. 23, the Libyan Interior Ministry spokesman announced a protest for the first time the number of deaths since the outbreak, said 300 people died, 189 people have been civilians, 111 military personnel man. Death mainly in the second largest city in the east of Benghazi, Libya, a total of 114 deaths. Libyan General People's Congress (Parliament) Chairman Muhammad said, the Libyan army has regained control of the riots in several cities.

However, in some countries, the Libyan ambassador and diplomats have said in recent days to break with the Qaddafi Government. Following the Libyan Minister of Justice   Le announced his resignation, the Libyan Interior Minister Abdel Fatah announced his resignation in solidarity with protesters, he also called on the Libyan armed forces respond to demands of the people. The BBC reported that witnesses said the capital of Tripoli is now blocked by the military to implement security to prevent protesters from other cities to enter.

view of the security situation in Libya recently, many countries have begun evacuation operations, Turkey, France, Russia and other countries have sent planes and boats take out hundreds of nationals, the United Kingdom is sending warships to the coast to the Libyan border access the nationals. Relevant EU spokesman said the EU is currently the withdrawal of about 10,000 from the Libyan nationals.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Shijingshan married men and women must understand that wedding photography truth 6

 Many things, marriage always remember that marriage is not help to forget. Both men and women, once in marriage, it means that into the snare, a lot of things can not help. But for those important point, we need to remember to remember. do not say how to carry out, at least to remember.
1, pre-marriage is marriage, marriage is a marriage, before and after marriage is different.
marriage, not use the attitude towards marriage. Marriage , the means more responsibility, more pressure, more sweet, more happiness hh do not say the same before and after marriage, if the same, why are you even married?
2, man is a man woman is a woman.
this sentence is extremely simple. However, the more simple words, the more simple. why do married men and women so easily go wrong? not because of marriage, is more due to lack of awareness of men and women. Men tend to think of women man, man's thinking to extreme pressure by women. Women tend to think of women man with a woman's idea to ask a man. Once the extreme pressure and demand is unsuccessful, the problem will burst.
3, the wife should unconditional respect for her husband, the husband should love his wife unconditionally.
in these words, the wife and husband do not have weight, followed by points. However, many married men and women tend to only see the last part, and that imbalance the last part to strong pressure each other, that his defense. If you have time, it is better to read
marriage, love is no longer the emotional theme is all about. In addition to love, and many of the themes need to write. So do not warm enough for life, and loss of love, faith; not because life is insipid, and forget Love exists. more not because love fades, while the damage was the commitment to lose the moral marriage.
5, loss of patience, that is, the loss of the soul.
patience, you can avoid many of the war, including the emotional war. Marriage After the two men can not stick together like peas and carrots every day. When a party is not when we feel lonely, lonely. When loneliness invaded, our most weak and most vulnerable to the loss of the soul. this time, we must learn patience.
6, regardless of when, tolerance and trust must be first.
tolerance and trust, the marital problems of the general medicine. problems arise, do not blindly go to a dispute noisy, not blindly to squeeze each other . illnesses never unilaterally. this time, make yourself calm down, think about tolerance and trust. If even fail to do this, what significance the presence of husband and wife?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lantern Trail superior performance of the story will be in the end of youth

 This year is the fifth anniversary of graduation. In accordance with the agreement before graduation, we held that year in large-scale reunion. After comments and To their home for a New Year a few things to be busy, and secondly, the work is not just the end of busy Lunar New Year holidays. Content of natural fireworks display is to - to meet the Lantern Festival of the King. Place the selected field in the outskirts of a public Lianju - certainly no one fifteenth to Lianju night, and away from the crowds, away from vegetation, relatively safe.

Lantern Festival day, the sky, the snow actually float. Northern long drought this year, and now can be described as every rain, the only affect our trip. However, we feel that together once is not easy, so it is planned, starting the afternoon. Only at the head of a large van, and replaced my car - Trail. It is because my family enough to force Trail, especially in this rain and snow, other cars probably could not do early on, but the Trail All Mode 4x4i excellent intelligent four-wheel drive and excellent active and passive safety technology, it When snow and ice in response to road conditions, appears to cope. Therefore, the leader, none other than non-Trail.

mixed team in a long slide in the snow or rain, the turning back, set off to march forth, attracted passers-by even in the snow also frequently attention. Especially the Trail, the highest retention rates. No way, Who pull my house so the wind does Trail: linear style, clean and agile, especially before and after the siege seamless design, the atmosphere than, show personality. Hadron on the co-pilot, college brother sleep in my upper, jokingly asked: This is done only for the baby car. vote for it, we seriously considered, and with my wife as saying: There is a sense of security ah! performance gives us a sense of security is one of the reasons it had chosen. Natural to mention the usual performance, even in this Yu Xuetian, tire friction, adhesion decreases, other vehicles can easily get out of control causing the accident circumstances, Trail or the same level by virtue of its leading intelligent 4x4i all models four-wheel drive system gives us security. With B-LSD and VDC electronic differential lock system and other advanced vehicles equipped with dynamic stability, even in bad traffic, but also to prevent wheel spin when accelerating to keep the body stable. After all, this is been to Antarctica, climbed Everest SUV, ah, speak louder than words. Edge to edge thinking to lock four-wheel drive mode is adjusted, more peace of mind driving ... ...

At this time, sat in the back of the pork skin, but also brothers, then living together for four years, suddenly back of a belief, Looking at Trail huge panoramic sunroof that, sighed: University, who did not love his girlfriend to the stars with the moon to see it? Now, who accompanied his wife did this romantic story here? Not his wife is not important, but state of mind changed. HUA pork skin looked wrong next, and quickly mobilized the atmosphere: cool! As romantic as also did a stomach suction dust, bitten a red pimple. feeding mosquitoes ah!

than an hour later, we finally arrived at destination. A huge new train depot snow, no footprints, as if a piece of virgin land. After you get off cried to pounce. The journey by car, so that long-lost classmates met resumed between the conversational past, apart from laughing, and others shed tears about changes in the years to embrace ... ... and then roar off fireworks dolphin, to decorate the night sky too bright brilliant. Students were howling with laughter and dancing, as if returned to the campus that year, no house tickets, only dreams and love. At this moment, we have to be in the end of youth.

My Trail quietly waiting at the side to witness this moment of truth. Looking at it, I suddenly made a decision: This year Tanabata, I want to drive Trail with wife and kids, along with the stars!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Can the peaceful reunification of the world (below)

 Chapter peaceful reunification of the world can (under)
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until today, from the prehistoric to the future history of human society should be divided into four times so that the darkness of the Enlightenment era, the era of civilization and barbarism exist , civilization. which, with the Age of Enlightenment Age of Barbarism has become history; about slavery from the produce from the time they entered the era of coexistence between civilization and barbarism, this time only with the complete elimination of the end of the war; true civilization still to come, it is only to wipe out war, be selected to be put into her arms.
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on the characteristics of the Age of Barbarism, as broadly as described by Morgan, which is a human childhood. In its initial stage, human beings still live in tropical or subtropical forests, and other animals, the situation is not much difference, completely natural rule. to the intermediate and advanced stages, the human began to feed fish, only learned to use fire and bows and arrows. Enlightenment features are: human beings have a preliminary understanding of the laws of nature, not only enhances the ability to adapt and learn animal husbandry and farming, achieved entirely by hunting and mining to food production based major turning point, and created language and text. obscurantism and the Age of Enlightenment is an important thing in common, that is, able to focus human nature to fight for the same, although because of the site, the struggle for such occurrence of prey sizes the conflict, but not yet to combat and eliminate As a specialized kind of work, of course, no specific military authorities and the standing army, and normal weapons. to the era of coexistence between civilization and barbarism, mankind has established a large and small, different social nature of the country, has greatly promoted the social and political , economic, cultural and scientific undertakings, to create a lot of material and spiritual achievement, which is the side of civilization. But with the development of civilization and barbarism are upgrading, combat and eradicate the same as a specialized work, not only have a dedicated fighting forces, specifically murder weapon, military strategist and specializes in art of war fighting, but fierce war has been the scale and uncontrolled development. by the local development of war to fight World War II, from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons development by tens of thousands to millions to destroy tens of millions of dollars to killing. both lofty flame of civilization, but also barbaric bloody, this is a very contradictory time, we are still in such a contradiction to the era. We must that nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, there has been brutal to the extreme will be the human society has entered an important turning point, not the savage into civilization is completely destroyed.
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the real future of the civilization of the most basic features, is to achieve global integration and global demilitarization, human beings have been able to resolve the country reason to look at and between the various conflicts between nations. members of the global community without the threat of war and war in a peaceful environment, both waste compete with each other and work closely together to all the intellectual and physical strength to create a better life of mankind. The era of the early, international government will directly control an elite army, countries will retain the appropriate number of armed police to suppress possible armed rebellion and the fight against crime, to prevent the resurgence of the fire of war. With the gradual increase in level of human civilization and social stability gradually increased, the army, armed police along with all kinds of weapons will completely disappear from the world, human civilization will enter advanced stage.
(g) to the global integration of economic globalization
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must promote the development of productive forces people to break through boundaries, or to or after integration into the global society, this is a trend. Western bourgeois is a pioneer in achieving this historic leap, their profits in order to obtain, first of all to create the economic globalization. Marx and Engels to promote the business and traffic, so that production and consumption have become the world. This destruction of national industries worldwide. Some other countries to use industrial materials to replace the national industry, their products sold around the world. so , the international business network to replace the domestic market, and through the interdependence of the countries together. Although Marx and Engels did not use the fact. In order to achieve the economic purpose of the bourgeoisie but also to the whole world to disseminate their political ideas and strong values, to promote its political system and cultural patterns of consumerism, globalization and political globalization of the economy, social life world of the close combination of a trend in the overall advancement of the Trinity. This is the will of the bourgeoisie and create their own globalization.
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supranational capitalist globalization, super regional, super-economical development, Cushi increasing international exchanges between nations deepening interdependence and international economic, political, environmental organizations such as the increasing number of human living environment, peaceful use of space and oceans more attention to issues of common interest, so that the face of the global community unprecedented changes have taken place. However, the capitalist system as the core of the globalization of the road eventually will not work. mm internal contradictions of capitalism and the socialization of production private ownership of production and the conflict between the decisions of the capitalist economy Globalization and the capitalist system itself inevitable conflict. the developed capitalist countries is that capitalists are keen to pursue profits, they are exporting capital to developing countries, the output of backward production lines, the fundamental purpose is not to help these countries develop their economy, but mainly In order to use cheap labor in these countries, low-cost use of natural resources and expand the market, or use a foreign land productivity products likely to result in environmental pollution, which is bound to deepen the contradictions between the developed and developing countries, developing countries can not fully accept that the economic globalization. capitalist political globalization and the globalization of social life even more difficult to accept the international community. For example, a few Western countries ignore the majority of people in developing countries the right to life, forcing the development of countries to accept their proposed human rights standards; to concepts, etc., these are the majority of developing countries could not accept. Therefore, for narrow national interests for the purpose of capitalist globalization, the world will never be completed to establish political and economic new order tasks.
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globalization should be to all countries and ethnic equality as a prerequisite for mutual aid, to bring common prosperity to the world. This is exactly the same features of the socialist system. Therefore, when the Soviet Union and China, the emergence of a number of socialist countries The globalization of capitalism has suffered major setbacks in the process. However, and since the collapse of the Soviet Union and other socialist countries and the disintegration of the globalization of capitalism, has made new opportunities for development. Today, the United States with its strong comprehensive national power in Globalization has made the privileges and dominance. He not only controls the major global economic organization, with far more than all other countries of the multinational companies, to help the world's largest hard currency dollars to indirectly control the world economy, and United States, as a typical Western-style democracy, as the economic and technological power, the implementation of human rights diplomacy also has the largest capital, with mass production and dissemination of their shallow spiritual and cultural products. But, although the U.S. is so strong, and in order to fully into the world of globalization led by the United States, the United States of the world is impossible. because not only does not meet the interests of developing countries, but also for other Western countries can not be tolerated. around the world can not tolerate the United States of the world, Japan also can not tolerate the world, World Union of hh final, continuous development and improvement of the socialist ideology of globalization to promote the healthy development will shine, led by a few countries competing on the grounds of globalization to developing countries in the world is bound to grasp mm thus the formation of world government led globalization.
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developed modern transportation, communications and economic globalization has made the whole world together as a single and indivisible whole. happened international Every important event in each country will have a shock. domestic and foreign affairs of any country, can not ignore the world situation and go it alone. the era of globalization it must enhance the global awareness of the human and social development must be the great vision to observe things, thinking, and then find new ways to achieve their own interests, so as to keep up with the times they would not be eliminated.
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globalization is an objective law of development of the global economy and an irresistible trend, it makes All countries in the world can not be independent from the world, are inseparable from international cooperation. As Deng Xiaoping said: Today's globalization is led by the United States-led Western countries, the biggest beneficiaries of their own, but, to a certain extent, is also conducive to the development of developing countries. Therefore, developing countries must not give up participation in the process of globalization , but should identify their own social development and globalization of the best United, we can change by a few dominant global power structure, thereby speeding the integration of economic globalization and the transition to the world. On the contrary, if the country can actively participate in the globalization process, closed-door policy to only make the country's social development further widening the gap with developed countries, which is not consistent with national interests does not conform to the world as a whole. Unfortunately, there are still many developing countries not only do not see this trend and can not integrate into the world, but continues to keen on engaging in a coup, civil war, miss development opportunities.
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globalized world is a rogue without power succeed, the government headed by the international world. international governmental co-ordination around the world interests, seek common human survival and improved quality of life. global integration will break all the nation, the country's one-sidedness and limitations, the whole world firmly unite as one who can do without, and no rejection who organic whole. both the division of labor, another collaboration; one place is difficult, global support. In this way, the end of our planet for thousands of years will be completely disordered state, hostile to each other, competing for the situation, a new pattern of unprecedented solidarity and create peace, tranquility, equality, prosperous new world, a real human will into the threshold of civilization.
(h) the objective requirements of global integration
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all life in all efforts are to survive and improve the quality of life. How can human beings have to better their survival? Are Kao hard physical labor and mental work on it it? no! prerequisite problem must be solved. This is the fundamental the end of the world their own way, the state of hostility with each other and realize the peaceful reunification of the world, creating a love of human society. Since ancient times, the world's people have not thought a prerequisite to solve this problem, it has been suffering in the suffering . not only the amount of labor, wealth, first enshrined in the war, and even people's lives but also dominated by war, the poor and the weak is not happy, rich and powerful also live very tired, very dangerous, no one to achieve the desired quality of life. the human pursuit of happiness, we must first work together for global peace unity.
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peaceful reunification is the correct direction of development of human society. For this view, we can learn from the success of the European Union practice by the revelation. In the past, European strategist who killed the East to fight the West, attempting to engage in military uniform, the results have to ruin one end. now Europe's politicians to sensible manner, by peaceful means to make those Taketo accomplish anything. They equality through a series of peace agreements and treaties, the member states expanded from the original 6 countries to 25 countries, from purely economic cooperation to political, economic, military gradual integration of Europe is so big a step by step toward reunification. EU experience has magnified the value.
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people around the world today live under the nuclear deterrent, unprecedented disaster can happen anytime. Although it has recognized this danger, but as long as the global non-integration, the risk can never be lifted. who will first complete elimination of nuclear weapons? Everyone was afraid to suffer loss of nuclear deterrence, which had eliminated! only in the world as a unified whole, people interaction without guard time, things that threaten the survival of mankind is possible completely disappear from the Earth to completely ward off Mi suffering.
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now countries in the economic development of the growing interdependence, there is an urgent need to promote global integration and cooperation in international division of labor. First, countries can not be full range of natural resources, many things are you do not have, I have you no, if it does not complement each other, not to mention the development of some countries, even the survival of will be very difficult. Second, countries can only strengthen cooperation greatly improve economic efficiency. some inappropriate development of certain industries to increase their investment in the country to force the development of those things, then much less international division of labor in accordance with local conditions in developing industries. all countries avoid weaknesses to be able to greatly improve economic efficiency. In addition, closely related to economic development, personnel exchange, technology exchange is need for global integration of the environment. unsuspecting Internet to expand exchanges in order to promote the economic development of countries. If you do not achieve global integration, fear of being powerful threat to everyone himself, is bound to each other against each other cards, who is not good for development.
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from the anti-corruption point of view, the world is also an urgent need for integration. Many countries now have varying degrees of corruption, serious damage to social justice, a serious threat to social stability and sustainable development. However, to eradicate corruption is no easy task Fengyun cancer. because, as economic globalization and information of the further development of transnational corruption, rendering more and more features. According to preliminary World Bank estimates that about 2 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide each year involving corruption, transnational flows of capital, equivalent to 33 trillion U.S. dollars world GDP 6%. 2001, Chinese media revealed that the Chinese fled the country, former government officials as many as four thousand people, resulting in the loss of huge sums of money the State. As transnational crime, corruption, regional characteristics, while the existence of national legal systems but more Big difference, and therefore difficult to rely solely on the strength of a country to effectively combat crime and curb corruption, which makes a large number of corrupt elements can be large. to the removal of these Hairen Chong, world unity and can not be attributed to delay when.
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increasingly serious environmental problems also call for global integration. the global ecological environment is an indivisible whole, and only concerted action of States, shared responsibility can be effectively protected. However, it is fragmented countries, States are only thinking about their own interests, it is difficult to reach a consensus, how would the same action? developed countries are still present and pursue the economic interests of large energy consumption, further deterioration of the environment, a number of people in developing countries is still in order to survive at the expense of the environment. However, the environmental harm caused damage but not limited to these countries, the environment knows no borders, water is flowing, the air is flowing, although the soil will not flow, but one will be affected by pollution water and air quality, hazards will also bring a foreign country. protect the glaciers, repair the ozone layer, to prevent the greenhouse effect, is a big problem that transcends national boundaries, but also requires a global unified planning and coordination of action. Despite the years of the international community to sign a lot of agreements to protect the environment, but its implementation and monitoring process has been difficult. limited power of international environmental organizations, the countries who do not consciously do nothing, go on like this, the global ecological environment will be a big problem, the Earth will be home No one can endure to survive to be. Therefore, the sake of protecting the environment of mankind, but also an urgent need for global integration, an urgent need for a strong world government to coordinate and monitor national action.
-165 - < br> There is no global unified action to solve environmental problems in absolute, rather than global integration is absolutely impossible to have a unified global action. some protection, some destroyed, some do and some do and their own ways, the earth really possible early retirement. British signal that the fragile ecological really stand up to people have been tossing out. situation is very serious, but the country still is its own way. For example, the Bush administration took office soon after he openly refused to implement the but there is no restriction on which level of government to government, the international community has no way to get him. For such cases, national youth representatives meeting in Nairobi called for the establishment of authority, power and leadership in international environmental institutions, to strengthen coordination of international environmental action, management and monitoring.
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Although the international community for sustainable development called very loud, but at present can only be a great idea, can not be effectively implemented. The reason is that sustainable development is essentially a global joint development strategy, which is currently in the division of the world situation is contradictory. separatism can not be linked, countries can only proceed from the interests of their own, just their good, but it only accounted for in the entire planet what one o'clock ratio? once in most parts of the Earth environmental degradation, the small oasis around the soon to be swallowed, do not stop the deterioration of the environment arising from the disaster, still not needs in terms of human love in the world should be other life, especially the rare animals and plants. Since ancient times, the ability of people has been increasing, from spears to arrows from the arrow to the gun, coupled with agent network, have indeed Kun Peng nine tied to do the five foreign capture a dragon, while the plant or the past of plants, animals or the last of the old skills have long become the absolute weak, long the subject of human compassion and protection. But now that their own way The world is not to the protection of their common understanding, it can not be effectively protected. some people not only protected, but more and more cruel, more greedy for their own filthy mouth goes on and shameful life , there is not rare despite the rare, species not extinct, tried to grab one to see to eat, and cruel means, and many bloody scenes is between heaven and earth are wished a world have such a number of greedy, cruel guy, all the world's wildlife protection laws, regulations will not play much role. If you do not unite the international community, not the punch, and those precious, rare species will sooner or later to extinction. to save these precious lives, in order to benefit human beings, we must further clarify ideas. First, rare species, we still need to further improve the understanding, not just treat them as friends, and to recognize their are indispensable partners of human and ecological barriers. Without them, there is no ecological balance. human can not do without them, and they can still leave no human cases live better. Second, we can not view their protection for the gift, but should be treated as human beings need to survive. Third, the protection of rare species not only in the hands of hope for the country in which a species. As the wealth gap and knowledge gap, a small number of countries do not easily assume such responsibilities. must be responsible by the international community, the implementation of cross-border management. Fourth, can not hope for the protection of rare species to send in people's consciousness. any time people do not consciously. must be more stringent, more rigorous measures to combat poaching illegal mining persons. their lives will soon be wiped out is far more important species. Fifth, in addition to protection of rare species, rare and those not included in the list of life care should also be appropriate, can not be too cruel.
-168 - < br> People do not want to live in a world of harmony? Then remember that the biggest global ecological harmony but harmony. biosphere on Earth, plants by absorbing the sun's energy, the environment in inorganic carbon and oxygen , hydrogen, nitrogen and other substances into your body. animals do not have the capacity of photosynthesis, can only get energy by eating plants. animals are divided into herbivores and carnivorous animals. carnivorous animals can not direct the energy intake from the plant body can only get energy by eating herbivores. carnivorous animals and under the physical strength and ferocity constitute the relationship between eating and being eaten, forming part of a closely linked to the food chain. Every animal in a nutrition class , the lack of any one trophic level ecosystems can make the disorder. Now, although man has had to create the capacity of various artificial ecosystem, but all artificial ecosystem can only remain in the earth's ecosystems, the total space Within, on the disappearance of species can not be restored. global ecology is a domino, a country must spread to the surrounding chaos, a chaos will inevitably affect the world's continents. people do not stand together no one can keep the harmony of heaven and earth alone what?
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Earth is more than two million kinds of organisms common home, not the private property of humans. all kinds of animals, plants and microorganisms have to survive on Earth, reproduction rights, while they are also bear in maintaining the ecological balance in their long-term neglect their links with other natural objects, to themselves as the sole owner of the Earth, the many other lives as enemies to be eliminated, isolated, uncontrolled development of its own, eventually led to the ecological crisis, not only damaged the humanity their own interests, but also a fundamental violation of God's mission. can no longer go on like this. If the earth did not the animals, no birds singing, what a beautiful world it? then why can human beings alone known to the world keep it?
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in the first two million years of human time, with a total population of only 1-2 million. in the third before the development of millions of years to several million, has been the AD Chronicles also before developing to 2.7 million. Now the world's total population has exceeded 60 billion mark. As the population continues to accelerate the rate of multiplication, the other species of life is in constant extinction and reduced sharply. If the international community do not unite to rescue and protection activities, ecological barrier will completely collapse.
Chinese medicine, the human body imbalance of yin and yang, qi and blood poor will get sick. ecosystems and human, like yin and yang imbalance fix will appear, poor blood problems . For example, today many places, birds, frogs and snakes are a large number of elimination, the loss of natural enemies of pests which are infested; for the control of pests that they would be forced to heavy use of pesticides, pesticides, although the effects of pest control come true, but so natural enemies of those pests who died after taking medication dead insects, further reduced; pesticide residues in agricultural products will harm human health and cause various diseases. proved by chemical pesticides by pest control is completely rid of it loss but once, the correct choice or protection of the natural enemies of pests, so that they do work for the ecological harmony. This matter drop a thing, by all species of life to maintain the ecological balance of mutual restraint truth, in fact, have been known to ancient people , the protection of wild animals has long been relatively strong sense. Mo advise you to play three spring birds, the children of hope at home mother to go home in the back. ancients most important to the moral conscience, many of today's most valued is affordable. poor desperate people what should not rare and rare species, which control human inhuman, as long as feed their families, what dare to grasp, even Panda can kill shabu son. rich, rich is not far behind, whaling, hunting elephants, as long as he can kill seals hh money, what should the international ban. transboundary movement of animals who are most unfortunate, and no one rushing play , no one fear that other people share the cheaper. disunity of the world people are still fueling the greed, greed as some people become beasts, and beasts as how people have the consciousness of protecting wild animals do? by this logic one can imagine the ecological imbalance of yin and yang can not be the problem does not occur. Now is just the beginning.
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addition to eliminate the evil of war, in addition to common economic interests, in addition to joint protection of the environment can no longer continue to deteriorate, the world There are many only in the context of global integration problems. For example, the increasing international mobility of the population of the use and management of inland water resources division, eliminating poverty, combating transnational crime, control of various plague so, how can the global integration is not effectively solve the problem? probably a thousand, a million years later is still debated. global integration can bring profound benefits to human beings, but never any side effects. That being the case, the whole world Why not fellow citizens with open arms to greet it? Why do the United Nations as an important issue and can not be made to do?
(ix) the ship forward in front of the lighthouse can only rely on that flight
-173 - < br> forward in front of the lighthouse ship that can only rely on navigation. Globalization human must be a new theory, new ideas, new concepts guide the way forward. these new things to the common interests of mankind as the highest guidelines, to break the country's limitations, the limitations of nation, class limitations, and promote unity and cooperation of all mankind and world peace. the past, those who advocate the struggle against the spread, spread hatred, division of social theory, no matter from which a great man, all should be completely abandoned.
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Time is not on the Saints beat the people will not make itself. different times can only use tools in different times. If people today still use 18th century telescopes, microscopes able to detect more distant objects to, not the development of nanotechnology. Similarly, people today can not be used off the old politicians, theorists left of the human solidarity stereotypes, prejudices, abandon Cold War thinking, philosophy of struggle.
-175 -
Marx said: above the level. It should be followed by the development of the development of natural science, and should not be people as dogma. fast development of modern natural science, which not only greatly improved the living environment of mankind, but also people's mental state, ideology has undergone profound changes. Since the base change, then, of course, all previous theories have to re-understanding. no matter what country where family, no matter what faction Zong, no matter what class, can not teachings of our ancestors to their own hands and feet bound. to capitalists mainly by increasing the labor intensity and extension of time to extract surplus value of labor of workers, human beings do not know the moon can climb, the Earth could be destroyed by nuclear weapons. Therefore, the bourgeois theorists have to fuss around strengthening the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the proletariat theorists can only place their hopes in a violent revolution, that did not reconcile the two sides have room for only the issue of who will win. Now the situation is and the world was very different: the development of science and technology have been able to place thousands of times improve the efficiency of people's labor, not to engage in class antagonism, the two sides can not use violence to obtain more and greater benefits; the same time, scientific and technological development and to become extremely dangerous confrontation of human history has developed to the need to abandon the way of violence era. reconcile the irreconcilable contradictions in the past that is not only necessary but also entirely possible. If those gentleman were alive today, they certainly have a new understanding of his theory would certainly make a major change.
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the era of globalization we need to re-examine the past vision of social theory, can not let obsolete obstacles to unity of mankind. that any theory is to achieve the people's interests, must obey the interests of the is the most basic common sense. In the past the trouble to write all classes of theorists thick book that is aimed to give guidelines for the class interests of the people the road, not to have theoretical and manufacturing theory. revise their outdated theories, no profanity suspected. Times have changed, and the old theory of moving away from fighting for the interests of people need, and even contrary to this need, people should adopt a pragmatic approach entirely, when Yang Yang is, when the disposable is disposable, must not be subject to the living dead, never to succumb to those who can not bear the expense of books. that does not meet the founding fathers intended. For example, in the past to engage in the bourgeois monopoly theorists, engage in expansion, hegemony and power politics and engage in the manufacture of various theories, and now is completely anachronistic, it should be completely abandoned. Malthusian population theory was seen by some as the truth, and now what happen? human fertility by changing the concept of relying on science and technology, not only can the population do not follow the geometrical progression growth, but can make life data by geometric growth. Therefore, he must rely on goes out of the war, plague and other means to eliminate the excess population of the is the most scientific theory of human history, but, as time progresses, it also needs to be constantly developed and enriched, it can not all mechanically. Marx say development and modification of their predecessors, including his own. Only with the times, constantly grow new shoots of new leaves, evergreen trees can theory does not wither, do not wilt, do not die. who engage in dogmatism, only to stick to, not to develop , that is a disservice. Marxist era in which science and technology is now far advanced, there was no atomic bomb, the space station, the Internet, therefore, he was that the proletariat to achieve their own interests, we must take the form of violent revolution. Now that the situation has undergone so a big change, problem solving can not change the form, the change to out of date. Xiaoping of of any party as a whole. the world's politicians should adapt to the times, should be on the ...

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The collapse of the cell Zhazi Dong

 The collapse of the cell
Zhazi Dong Chongqing is not my home, there are my family along the Yangtze River, the last few days, Chongqing, hit by torrential rain hit, and my anxiety is not unfounded.
Yesterday, another storm hit the mountain city, see Many cars stalled in deep water flooded, also saw flash floods swept away the Zhazi Dong 7 buildings in six, Bai Gongguan also been a huge threat. It is reported that Chongqing, the largest since the founding of the PRC since the disaster hit.
think Jiang embroidered in red in the Zhazi Dong sister, think of where Zhazi Dong Hua Ziliang play the fool in the thought of dragging shackled so impassioned Xu Yunfeng Zhazi Dong to pine forest from the slope, I was thinking Xiaoluobutou done in Zhazi Dong in general on the dream of freedom, such as flowers, I really feel shortness of breath air tight, painful heart-breaking.
but this situation did not last long, and soon I was calm as ever, calm and composed.
so long Yangtze River, the Three Gorges scenery so much, Bingshu sword Gap , Longmen Gorge, hung upside down monks, Waterfall Cave, seven openings, Pakistan weir Gap, Gap and other related natural landscape that knife submerged to submerged, Dasi culture, Qu Yuan Temple, White Crane Ridge, Zhangfei, small rooms Que, unknown Que, DCH city, Fengjie city, Ming monument, Fenbi wall, Meng Liang staircase, Longji stone, loquat and other human landscape that lost the state disappeared, some people do not take bat an eyelid, and some bags of laughter coming from Ann.
the original owner of the Yangtze River dolphin who has been quietly disappeared in an unknown time, completed the final struggle, the last tear eternal import the surging Yangtze River. and we eyes do not hang the dirty mucus is more valuable than a drop of cat urine.
if the species is well versed in the sequence according to the evolution of some mysterious, and its opponents is that all types are passing, everything will die then we could have peace of mind, let it conform to the curse of heaven, of course, analogy, Chinese sturgeon is human driven into the dark ages have always dismissed the sight.
it plainly, natural scenery, landscape, water biology, with me? Invitation to ware? our friends four friends eat the three meals, sleeping in the arms around Valentine's sleep, do the migration in the water to eat dolphin must add to the fun? different sex have to come rolling in the Yangtze River, have a boundless love affair Xiaoxiao next?
previous article I especially young hearts crying in the Three Gorges submerged an inch, there is consequent disappearance of an inch of history, culture, and therefore have a foot annihilation, there is the spiritual home buried ten feet under water.
Later, I was tirelessly to educate the skull can not have table tennis, people can not like Zhushuizhurou so boring boring, can not you eat a brace of grandstanding, necromantic delusions, we must firmly believe that the party and the experts do not eat cooked rice The.
Later, I firmly believe that in order to unprecedented suffering to obtain the liberation of working people.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Really love you I love you, but there are things we can not stroll

 Yang Ruichen, I love you, really love you, we have taken 630 days (I put the time delay to July 12, 2010, wants to give himself more time for love).
Why do I have to do is there is nothing, nothing will be impossible as long as you want to achieve, in fact, now, I discovered that I naive extreme, some things do not you whom the.
my lover, my parents, and my love, how I want to weigh it in the end, I love my parents, I also love my lover, I want my family, I have my love, but can? parents do not agree, they do not want me and my love people together. I know that I love now is not that great ability to give me happiness, but for students of a school, not a child prodigy, who can create a ward? Why my parents To do this stop me and I love the people together? for some objective reasons to deny all it? all of mankind needs so determined objectively? We have to struggle so much living to do? always a contradiction animals, like another critical problems, not like they feel appropriate, in the end when only got to know what is it?
I really love you baby in particular, but can not be together to hear you say the reason I found out how naive I was, how poor the future, and I was so simple, so simple stupid. only gorilla holding their crying, and never considered how you feel, I know you are the most uncomfortable , as can be so determined to give up their loved one how hard it is. I was really to wake up, wake up in the results may be more uncomfortable, but I believe that one day we will always get better, to I would really appreciate your time, because as you said short-term pain long pain, since pain so we very much love to go on, the pain is over will be good.
end the pain, but after it? scars can erase it? and bow also can clearly see traces of that road, and now I can not imagine, and perhaps only until years later, also lamented the person who left scars hh
reality is always so strong, the society must demand Everyone wears the mask of hypocrisy. I live in my 30's she said Tuesday, yes, yes, I was just thinking about the second ever comfortable on it, why should I consider so much about that, I live Why can not easily point? But then and now who do not consider the next second, the next minute, next hour thing? they will make every effort to steal them, but stole the process of fear of being someone else see, so are the shell covering the use of their own hypocrisy, in fact, the dress is dirty mind. Why do the times make us as slaves? Why should I use money to measure everything? Why should we hold coins in exchange for the truth? hh
society is in progress, but the people? is in fact degenerate hh us from our ancestors abandoned the true meaning of love, the way people communicate intentions into a means of using money to buy hh < br> We live in this day and age there are too many contradictions, too much frustration, too many hh
no way to create a thought I can not make everyone accept the decision because of the reality that we must walk a difficult life, be holding a spear and a shield out of the battlefield, they must obey to be hh
countless times that we are the slaves, we are slaves of people, we are their slaves hh
PS: I love you may When you see the article no longer love me, but you tell me the real reason for breaking up, I understand, there are indeed many objective reasons we can not change, I know you well I love you let go of life. If you still love me, I will wait for you, because I still believe in miracles hh

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Accelerate the construction progress of upgrading the quality of people's livelihood security

 Accelerate the construction progress of upgrading the quality of people's livelihood security
Geng Yanbo to Royal Hospital, East New housing construction site office
(reporter Wang Yao) yesterday afternoon, Mayor Yu Geng Yanbo depth Dong New Area hospitals, affordable housing projects site-site office. He stressed three major hospitals, construction of affordable housing are the focus of Yu Dong New Area project is a major event related to people's livelihood. all relevant departments in the limited time, scientific and reasonable arrangement period, accelerate the construction progress to create quality works for the Royal East New Construction started laying a solid foundation.
Municipal Committee, Deputy Mayor Li Shijie participate in on-site office.
Municipal Women and Children Hospital, five hospitals, Chinese Medicine Hospital is the first batch of Royal New East the construction of key projects. which, Women and Children Hospital, City 118,000 square meters of total building area, Hunan Construction Engineering Group Corporation by the construction and engineering in the foundation this year started on July 8. City Hospital, Royal East, five new homes construction scale of 189,000 m2 , planned duration of 600 days, the Central Bureau Group Co., Ltd. construction of a building. Shanxi four from the construction of the City Construction Group Co., Ltd. Royal Hospital of East New Home Construction area of 89,000 square meters designed, plans to open 800 beds. At present, three Hospital construction progressing smoothly.
site office, the construction unit Geng Yanbo listened to reports and live view projects. He Hunan Construction Engineering Group Corporation, China Construction First Bureau Group Co., Ltd. standardized on-site management to give recognition to building involves the use of electricity, water and other issues to be solved jointly. He pointed out that three hospitals are Royal East New construction of the first key project for the improvement of urban medical service system, to satisfy the people's growing demand for health care is important significance. early, the relevant departments have done a lot of hard work around the building, and achieved positive progress. for the construction of the problems found, Geng Yanbo requirements, to further improve the construction of three hospitals in the planning, according to the needs of urban functions and construction standards, to ensure construction quality and standards. construction unit to combine the city region, the climate, the actual situation, seize the time, scientific and reasonable arrangement period, carefully organize the construction, improve co-ordination and timely solutions to problems in construction, to ensure the project construction quality, duration and progress of the time required to honor its promise to build first-class project. supervision, quality inspection departments should earnestly perform their duties strictly related with the material, quality, inspection off, so really really responsible for monitoring real control. Meanwhile, the hospital the road, green, landscape construction, but also to proceed with planning for the project to create conditions for successful completion.
Subsequently, Geng Yanbo and has come to East Cao Yu C, Fu F, affordable housing, Welcome Street Qijia Singapore affordable housing construction sites, on-site see the progress. Yu Dong New Area, the planning and construction of affordable housing this year, Area 14, has started 12 for the placement of all involved demolition Yu Dong New Area households. Geng Yanbo emphasized that departments at all levels fully understand the construction of affordable housing in the importance of practical sense of urgency and responsibility, support, work together to promote, to complete the task of building affordable housing in New Area. To seize the time to deal with legacy issues, to ensure that construction progress; water, electricity, roads, etc. comprehensive consideration of the relevant departments to effectively link closely with the building. Meanwhile, construction of key projects in conjunction with the city, a great effort to improvement in peri-urban environment for people to create a livable, a good living environment for profit. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Unreal's network, the cruel reality

 In a crowded, bustling city, and now have less people seem to believe that man become a. In the life of this city that a group of people to like me, to work in a trading company, holding not high not low, you can sufficient to meet the material needs of my salary, live every day from nine to five life.
result of the need, every day I can wander the Web, I admire the creator of the Internet, was able to let the between such exchanges. human cold not meet the social needs of communication. I like the articles in the network point of view, sometimes published BBS, sometimes leave my MSN, until the day I met him.
JACKY than I big 3 years old, he offered to add my MSN, since know each other's lives, he is a Chinese student in Japan, preparing to open a cafe after the return, he gave me a very good impression. I think he is very motivated . Since then I have another life, fixed habits, he called me every day from Japan. We talked a lot in the past, present and future ...... I sometimes feel like a little girl When used as a natural, will go to fantasy. I imagine the day with him again, that time waiting for his phone, waiting for him online. When one saw him on the line, I'm very excited. I think I am online dating. I like him. so unconsciously after 2 months. In the eve of Valentine's Day actually received his call, he came back to Shanghai. We agreed to meet next day at the Bund. I'm excited for a night.
he and the photograph is not very different, but do not treat people so in love with words very carefully, and considerate. but I have not had that feeling of like, I think he is a good guy, but I can not worship , I always felt I like a boy, should have so I appreciate that, in fact, men should let women come to worship.
perhaps feeling all right, some people destined to be friends. my short-term net Love to end this way. Sometimes I find it very funny, and sometimes feel very childish. but I think I grow up, I will not believe the network has.
sometimes that is the case, the left for a long time, been looking for their dream, but in fact did not notice the side is the most practical.
would like to grow up in this article to commemorate the memory!!

Monday, February 14, 2011


 How many people will encounter personal life, how many things, how many how much? How many times they meet ah?
Meet, what would encounter?
Meet, in what Sample the beginning of the meet, on what kind of the end of the separation?
met, the scene would look like, what kind of mentality, and ultimately what kind of experience?
meet, what will kind of arrangement?
come here, sit here, wait here, there have been numerous encounters, children experience the kinds of people feel the deep of it is No one likes to listen to me such words, just think, it is then it than this!
Do not you think that the existence of this are looking for their own purposes? Do not you recognize all of this waiting have their own harvest? At least, I have met hundreds of times ah! this encounter seems a bit strange, but this is in line with today's times. from the boxy, and a few bold feel-good photo site, we have stuck to encounter this kind of arrangement among themselves. Perhaps because of the network, let me see the outside world, outside of the person; let me know the outside world outside of the person; let me understand the outside world, people from outside. perhaps because of the encounter with the network, only let me have more met there are so many, but I chose the fantasy has chosen you. may be true through the illusion, and perhaps will be more fantasy behind the vague, but, who do not want to try to meet this illusory, unreal beauty what?
someone can tell me where you are legendary in this wonderful encounter it? can tell this game was the result? someone can prove that this encounter was not a mistake? If someone replied: can, can, can

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ding and Pan Xiaoting shock nineteen year old real life

 Oriental Sports Daily (Xinhua Gu morning) rising popularity day by day, Ding Junhui in the snooker game is also growing outside the exposure, and even die there like to shoot two sets of fashion photographs. To remember is that goes with Ding Junhui Banana finger instead of photos, ingenuity and creativity make him very happy. It is said that this picture is an imitation of that year Picasso was taken according to a group name, then the fingers of Impressionist masters are replaced by the bread. small, does not know how to dress up, but he has the temperament implies a fashion, maybe it is conferred on him the sport snooker. Pan Xiaoting once, and memorable, or Ding Junhui in the eyes, Ding Junhui in the spotlight too tired and lonely? today, let us through a set of lens, focusing the epitome of Ding Junhui and side outside the arenas, to more truly understand the nineteen year old the world.
We live in an age of mass media ever developed, filled with everyone's brain. we view things and people, has been almost omnipresent, omnipotent media monopoly. U.S. critics W. Lippmann in his famous book ; But in fact, more developed information transfer, ; billiards prodigy . Ding Junhui in the game I also stern, a pair of Lee Chang-ho style of expression, even if his opponents are unpredictable mind. As we enter the world of the lines Ding, Ding Junhui as if the media and together made a ;. But fortunately, we found several to crush the The Ren Haojiang. The former is a full-time agent Ding, Ding, the latter is the debris.
Zhang Meng impressed so goes that this is the Spider-Man. That should be the winter of 2003, Hui and the Abbey so after a small ball, run training center outside the snowball fights, he was wearing only T shirt too! ordinary digital camera, and even some photos also , we want to get rid of the narrative style in the past, showing an warm memories of youth.
Zebian: Jiawen Guo

Friday, February 11, 2011

Yu Shiwei Huyou blind obedience training and domestic enterprises

 Yu Shiwei's two books mm to urge again I
originally wanted to carry out an execution's House, but occasionally an opportunity, after listening to Professor Wei Jun's lectures, that execution is a system, enterprise systems need training? feeling quite a time, indeed, ah, we always feel that little benefit of the training, but also to comfort and console myself with the boss is not a short-term training benefits mm, but our fundamental business management system did you last?
implement the enterprise system is the implementation, execution can not be solved by training everyone to express their views
also hope to see this post on the following views.
Yu Shiwei their popular
training market in China in 2000, suddenly set off a storm Chen of the successful school, the master of its inspiration from Taiwan and passionate speaking style and sonorous voice, and many interactive mystery comedy background and style ( Chen of the active and engaging classroom atmosphere of mutual itch-style mental stimulation gluttonous feast. was formed in the community a strange logic: that the success of listening to Chen's study, nothing can succeed. rumor has a salesman, because after listening to Chen's class, in a call dealer before, really looking for a nearby bathroom, and then look in the mirror 30 times a row shouted: You were good, but the poor quality of your products, I can not cooperate with you silly hh the clerk immediately, because this business is not successful, he would be eliminated, but he still could not understand why he cried so more than slogans, he is still not successful then?
the past two years, corporate training market has emerged a strange landscape, but also a training instructor from Taiwan Yu Shiwei old man, wearing glasses that, speak a Taiwan flavor of Harvard Ph.D., a mere old-fashioned projector, and several business leaders head 500, and several companies vivid stories to attract the domestic business community and many business owners generously took the bus bus The money, to go to Yu Shiwei company employees for their wisdom food, that more than the old way, you can take off for their own enterprises. blind fanatical pursuit of domestic enterprises, so that Yu Shiwei won easily and unceremoniously , might sound quite attractive, giving a very fresh feeling, but I soon found out, I'm just interested in his lecture style, as very little content, the receipts, in addition to hear him talk about some of the sounds the case of the story, I did not get any of his titles indicate the content of courses. especially about marketing courses Yu Shiwei, seriously listening to all the chapters, nor learn from him Yizhaobanshi marketing skills, all empty theory, it really makes me disappointed.
I remember listening to Chen's 2000 training courses were found with Chen Yu Shiwei of fact, is very similar to the empty two trainers, said that because they have a hole common characteristic, that is, The survey, most of the manager of enterprise marketing management and human resources director, I found that most of these managers are trained to listen to Yu Shiwei like the classes, but asked what benefits they get, we do not want it .
ago period, the domestic epidemic, Yu Shiwei asked many have heard about the execution of the program, they reflect, although Yu Shiwei lists many of the world top 500 enterprises in the case, tells a lot about the theory of executive power and executive power and foreign entrepreneurs point of view, but still give lectures who shows a lot of chart data, but as he finished classes, carefully pondering, only to find that lesson worth listening too, and spent four or five hundred dollars, just figure out a Chinese term, what is execution, but how to perform in order to achieve real results, this Mr. Yu Lao did not tell participants in the classes of any effective methods and tools, that is, although he talked about execution programs, but their training did not achieve the effect of execution, because the effects of training trainers in order to gain the degree of lectures by the yardstick of the audience did not return, it means you do not place the training.
Clearly, we have been this is called the Harvard Yu Shiwei Dr. to Huyou!
Yu Shiwei their success
of Chen Z and his ilk, we need not talk about, after all the training he has become the laughing stock of the whole of China, but for Yu Shiwei, we are still worth talk about, because until now, his voice is still in the airport bookstores across the country smooth ring. A lot of people would question me, since you said the curriculum Yu Shiwei lack of practical value empty, why so many companies also spend heavily to listen to his lectures, made him self out of thin air the addition of a slogan: For our local business management experts and trainers, it does have a reference.
Yu Shiwei training can be sought after in China, after induction, mainly due to the following characteristics:
First, the traditional Chinese historical and cultural background and ethnic evil into the entire training, as mentioned product quality, Yu Shiwei How will the Japanese how to do business with Chinese enterprises on how to do the same comparison, then the two countries and national history disputes between the hype, so that our listeners feel a depression and sigh, feeling our own is really bad, much better than other people's places.
Second, a large number of stories in a very strong case, especially Global 500 cases of anatomical detail, making our listeners into the MBA classroom at once like the same feeling is not the same, and a lot of pictures and 500 head of business leaders and support their point of view, making the audience felt this valuable lesson and glory.
Third, the unique style of the lectures Yu Shiwei, whether it is the language he is very popular and sometimes even slang mixed with the domestic marketplace, or the old-fashioned projector off, and good at his wife and daughter as the leading case to preach, so our listeners are refreshing;
Fourth, Yu Shiwei training business of their own propaganda, and open up channels to do very detailed and in place, Yu Shiwei target population for their own training mm enterprises in very accurate positioning of senior managers, and where the regular activities of these groups is the airport, Yu Shiwei a virtual monopoly on all airports in the country's bookstores, and even today as long as you enter the airport terminal, the terminal will be able to hear the TV book came the lectures with the voice of Taiwan's Mandarin Taste.
In addition, Yu Shiwei also moved out of the many prestigious academic and foreign titles, and his place in the United States, Japan and Taiwan held key positions in large enterprises, etc. Background information (although a website blew the whistle on violence expected, a lot of background information that I forged), all of which have made our business audience feel the importance of curriculum and instructor authority.
blind obedience of Chinese enterprises Yu Shiwei
of their success, in addition to these subjective conditions, and domestic Chinese enterprises blindly rigid training instructor in the objective of accomplishment Yu Shiwei.
like Yu Shiwei like to move out of traditional Chinese historical and cultural background to the interpretation of Like a modern enterprise management case, Chinese enterprises do exist on the birth defects of traditional morality and national evil shadow, as many companies simply do not know exactly what kind of training, and just looked at other companies, please someone, or a reputation in the management of community is very loud, I feel it is necessary to someone, please come to our management and junior staff washing brainwashing, enrich my knowledge, the heart of the idea is to follow the trend and fashion, so most companies focus only on the form of training , the feeling is to do an event, is an incentive to employees, failed to maximize the effectiveness of training.
internal training, should be with the new strategy, according to the formation of managers and employees need to be the skills needed to master the strategy was a wise investment of resources for the company, with other resources such as training, has strategic significance, while the employees, through training, will enable individuals are progressive, and personal progress but also reflects a business on the welfare of employees of enterprises enhance employee loyalty. The reason many companies know everything, but doing it but not the case.
an IT company in Guangzhou, because experience is not Chen of the many live door to door salesman, with regard to the price of 300 yuan each to buy a 80 train tickets, spent over two hours and twenty four only two hours to get the blood boiling. while their actual marketing skills need improvement mm not the least bit of help. I asked the manager, why listen to Chen's class, the manager replied, Chen reputation loud ah, I mainly want to feel hh
This is the training of Chinese enterprises understanding.

domestic training instructor's frustration aside the Yu Shiwei Chen aside, there are a lot of our domestic business management experts and renowned trainer, but why they can not rely on the same training to Chen Yu became rich overnight it? For example, before the former president of China, Roland Berger Dr. Song Xinyu, placed the consultants do not do good, even he does not play good at training, but also to learn Chen Yu and his ilk began selling light butterfly training, I gave him a fame, bought a light butterfly his training, but only saw five minutes, I can not insist on, and began to dizziness, in addition to his language and sounds dull, the few hours of sitting motionless always front of the camera to the lectures in the spirit of the people wiped out, think about the dignified president of a well-known consulting firm, not even their own training are unable to attract others, I am simply an accident.
the professional relationship, the author contact with many national training agency also is providing training services mm based business management consulting firm, found that these training institutions is telemarketing support a large group of staff to develop training business, he did not stationary trainer, waiting With the business, only according to the needs of enterprises, to set things right trainers. trainers received instruction command to take the time to prepare lessons, and then to the agreed time to implement the training.
can imagine why the Yu Shiwei training class can be so fast, the prevalence of domestic enterprises, it is entirely due to local business management experts and trainers on the self-image of the packaging, the atmosphere of training content and training courses to promote integration and open up channels such as caused by a lack of innovation.
To sum up, Chinese enterprises training market situation must be changed, on the one hand business to confirm their strategic thinking around the strategic planning of training needs, when necessary, to establish norms within the enterprise's internal training system to ensure that the strategic implementation process all the required training; the other hand, as a full-time lecturer in corporate training and training institutions, to fully understand the actual needs, not just rely on the experience of selling to flicker out of date business, so not only harm the enterprise also affect their own personal progress; the same time learn from Chen and Yu Shiwei of their success, both in the training style, content arrangement, case analysis and field environment, must have an innovative spirit, the real participants in the classes received high level of knowledge of nutrition and training high-quality experience.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Year's holiday there are several suggestions how to get the following, we are concerned that likes it that way -...

 1】 new weather, too small of snacks, eat a big New Year ahead! Proposed agreement for the new pig house candlelight dinner. Swallowtail male and female dress. Wine, Western condensation in melodious saxophone music, coupled with the new hand-roasted pig system pizza, bacon roll. nostalgia in the charming dance in the system .... 2】 agreed to take dinner home in the east to celebrate the big victory. can be about neighboring four or five, respectively, with good food together in the east Need playing and singing at the eating and drinking, looking after a large projection Overnight farm, eating roast chicken, grilled red trout, the fireworks show. costs FV taking a guest .4】 Please free to come forward by the old organization jars big boy in the New Year get-together. busy downstairs in the old chicken Tian Yuan eat and drink for dinner FB, we play and chat, eat dinner after the teacher gave you on the free market to make money easily how to make big waves .... 5】 organizations football game Sunday, with a new look to greet the New Year. we think that the appropriate way to celebrate the original post ?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2010 session of the third year in Putian a final exam last semester (language)

 Putian a third year in the 2010 session of the semester final exam (Language)
one poetry text to read (27 points)
(a) dictation famous common Famous.
1. Make famous name to write the following some of the vacant posts. (6 points)
①, Yiyi Market in the smoke. (Daoxing empty? (Du Mu ⑥ to destroy heroes landslide death. (Li Bai, even less, Bozhou Yongcheng people. to the world is banner was Xiaoyi, a six-Que ① sea. King is still recovery Bo Chi, eager to learn, re-righteousness Rannuo, good with people to pay, the vibration of its emergency, do not select reported to others. and left the history of Jiang Rong, Zuo Pushe Wei Yuanzhong good. Xianheng, the Emperor heard his name, summoned, and differences. is destroyed by Zhongshu Ling Li Jingxuan, so the water granted Huan Wei. a long time, except right Buque. < br> beginning of Empress Wu said the system, the world is quite a rumor, then open the way to cook an informer, Hing prison, to punish the phase minister. to Yes, the revolution, do benefits Ning. Teachers are admonished, saying: Qin also, line application business of law, heavy penalties were home, Mrs private door, Zhang's Office, abandoned useless expenses, loss of urgency as officials, but unfortunately the Japanese love of power, combat disease urgent farming. both Shu and rich, gradually Tu princes. This is also the art of Remedies. 故曰: mean trend can be applied in the feed, change can CHEN necessary condition for battles fraud. the world is flat, it can be easily of the wide-Jane, Run of the sun and the. Qin is not the case, AIDS is very sadistic, and not to the contrary, death to the landslides. This I do not know the disaster is also variable. Lu Jia, Shu Suntong things Hanzu, when the Ying Yang, Cheng Gao, the forage was poor, Zhiyong storm well, has dared to open a say a strange effect, the only person into Haohuatanbao. and the district posed Yu, Chen is things, , set to The Qu Lu; ceremony by the old king of the thing of the past. Temple wish complete, straw dogs ② donation; Chun fine stream, dross discarded. Renyi still Dole, the status of its light almost? minor in national history. to the old disease also political affairs, were libations into Russia, the official assistant minister of winter. and so easy to set Mingru essays of the Wang Shaozong other eighteen portraits that figure, like King are cited, Guci not with, the World clean a man. out of Zhengzhou, the provincial governor was, then Retirements. Shi Yu Shiran Zu Yong Jiao framed with the king played good, derogatory Fu provincial governor. both of his not a crime, change Luzhou. on behalf of the still ③, no Huainan a thing, only one horse in high-risk, sub-steps from the CAO to return. Death seventy-five. (: official career of the house before the building was built to honor. ② straw dogs: the use of sacrificial grass when beaten with a dog. ③ Generation also: courtiers as the foreign official was transferred back to court to re-serve.
2. add a little word in the following sentence explanation, which was not correct (3 points)
A. Xiaoyi the world to be significant by Jing: it can easily be
B. Summary of the width: instead of
C. Temple wish complete, straw dogs donate donations: donations
D. Zhengzhou, the provincial governor that is, then Retirements To: return
3. The following analysis of the contents of the original text and summary of which is not correct (3 points)
A. Zhu Xiaoyi King is the home to be recognized for generations. his own ambitious, noble character, and get Gaozong appreciated, but he was defamatory, it was only when a small government.
B. Zhu Jing is that Lisi is phase, severe penalties, Fuguojiangbing, the Qin to dominate the world; but then there is no time to adjust national policy of the state of Qin, Shi Xingren government, eventually led to doom, so the government need to size up the situation, good work.
C. Wu Hou early ruling on weak footing, to encourage informants big torture, Zhu Jing, as the right Buque no criticism at that time. In Wu Houzheng power is stable, Zhu proposed a virtue and respect the poem Sometimes indeed the book aside, but sometimes they have to take it out.
D. Zhu Jing, compared with people of integrity, on the other crafty and fawning Zhang Yi Quan Chen refused to co-operative approach taken by the world's praise. as local officials and self-discipline , not greedy of any property, returned to Beijing only when accompanied by a horse, or even walk from his family.
4. to draw the text horizontal line the sentence translated into modern Chinese. (9 points)
① make good with people , the vibration of its emergency, no person responsible for reporting on.
② To respect the guidelines, Guci not with, the world clean of its human.
(c) read a poem below and then answer questions 5-6. (6 points)
Yang Wanli
stone bridge over the two banks of Yangcun well populated, horses do not like all of a Sichuan Village. Yang Liu Yin in the new hotel, small fishing boats under the grape arbor.
red flowers near the water in vain, Bibi yellow wheat international days. SD Seoul government also Road, for whom hard work does not turn to the life?
【Note】 April.
5. tries to What is the subject of performance poetry. (3 points)
Second, culture classic, literary classics to read (15 points)
(a) to read literary classics (10 points)
7. the following, the right work described in the story is not correct two () () (5 points)
A. Don Quixote is a complex and contradictory character of characters, on the one hand, he indulged in fantasies, all starting from the subjective, behavioral absurd , rash. such as to imagine a giant windmill, is a windmill to the ground, said in a magician's trick. On the other hand, he pursues the principle of a noble ---- the vigorous, justice, own safety in order to maintain the truth is a combination of tragic and dramatic figures. (reported annoying maid free adding five nights. Jiao Zhao Zhao is also the first evening twilight, day after day in mid-fried heart. Time flies shall be deemed to cherish, confront any changes in wind and rain. mother at guessing riddles. Jia Zheng's riddle that we were firecrackers, abacus, kites, sea lights, scattered, floating things, could not help have a sense of foreboding. In particular, this is the first Qilu Po Chai, much less by the longevity of people like, After much thought, even feeling sad and difficult as sleep soundly. (Do you dare to three times in the right Lianjiao l dare to kill me? r Hanzhong I put to you. kill you! Town Association, Tuwei Yue Wu Venerable Master Kao's father was the students. As has always been thought of resentment Wu Venerable Master Kao, had a good impression on the Tu Weiyue Tuwei Yue Wu SunFu began to hate the. but with neither overbearing nor servile attitude Tuwei Yue Wu SunFu finally won the appreciation and promotion. (Midnight Petrova married 聂赫留朵夫 heard the news, very painful, because this way, he can not get married with Habermas Petrova on her way to make up for committing the sin. (
8. short answers (choose one question, about 100 words per question) (5 points)
(1) Lin Po Chai surface due to see a pride of the state, must be the gem had just scoff at the hearing words, then his wishes, Hu You Asked his remark, he laughed: all know how even the name of the play do not know, they say such a bunch of children. called Bogut, an abject apology to know l r, l I do not know what an abject apology r! On this day, what reason is because the gem to her is . take it! After seeing this old photo above, Masi Pavlova's emotional changes
(b) cultural classic reading (6 points)
Xiao Meng Yi Tzu asked. Confucius said: sub-divisions, saying: of the ceremony, the festival with propriety. . As for the dogs and horses are raised; disrespect what is the difference? ? Even if advice is invalid, they should still be pleasant humble, not to anger on his face.
B. parents alive, and the parents get along they have to uphold the respectful mind; his parents passed away after the funeral ceremony should also be combined Yihe .
C. As children, we must strive to do everything, can not let their parents worry about, which is filial piety.
D. not think that filial piety is enough as long as the feed and clothe them, and also should a respectful attitude, otherwise, just no distinction between raising cattle
10. Selections disciples said, Where? (Please use your own words to answer) (3 points)
Third, modern reading (will exam)
read the following words to complete 11 to 13 questions. (9 points) < br> Where is Humanity Education by Chen
I think that school education should include two types, one is to uphold from scratch, from less to more accumulation of knowledge, the accumulation process is instilled in nature, this knowledge there have been in the sense of human life other than by instilling it into the subjective world of people go, people gradually became enriched; there is an educational, dynamic human-premise living beings, man himself has a Much of what kinds of people the ability to use the past saying that the human factor. human factors and knowledge of the factors are not the same, human nature is something less than human life, knowledge is something other than human life. Of course, people do not will be realized at birth their own actions, such a conscience is through the bits and pieces of education to awaken it. alone can not complete the training of science and technology, money and power can not be done alone, it needs long-term influence of Literature, and education.
Both education and the former is tentatively called the technical knowledge of education, with the instrumental value; which tentatively referred to as humanistic education, but also focuses on spiritual values. both to the shape is different from the way, is not entirely harmonious, if impart humanistic education has also taken the approach of knowledge of education, and sometimes depressing but real human factors. So, humanistic education is not equal to human knowledge, education, human knowledge, and if you do not really linked to the human spirit, just memorize dogma , from the actual emotional life, it can only be a consequence of: Students accepted to the knowledge of the factors, but human factors are more and more obscured. This is not the ideal result of humanistic education.
In fact, human education, the plight of countries around the world are there, it called the global relationship between the modernization process has been handled properly. The whole world trend is to emphasize the technical knowledge, education, national education requirements indicators of the characteristics of full measure, which course will boost science and technology, but the humanities on the one hand the consequences of the lack of the very few people in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province .2000 consider a high school student to kill the mother bear incident stress education, not only occurred in China, foreign also have . The U.S. campus so much violence occurs, in essence, is the American Domination of technical knowledge of education, the consequences of defects in humane education. indoctrination into the humanities education is not one's inner beauty in wake of energy, but of human nature in these Good factors of depression, and kill, so it's good to make educated elements of human nature was by the anti-hate. like Germany, has developed human traditions, such as Japan, a nation etiquette, why fascism ? why the Chinese in the 20th century, thriving socialist fifties and sixties, when the Cultural Revolution would erupt? these issues, in my opinion are concerned with the failure of humanistic education. a country and a nation, determined to improve himself, the history of hardships phase, often require one mind, with a realistic focus on the pursuit of goals, such as economic development, improve living standards, rule the roost, etc., in order to achieve this goal, consciously or unconsciously, in education will suppress the other factors, such as the human spirit. because the human spirit's role in real life is not easy to appear. It was noted that the loss is not easy, until we collectively discovered too late.
human spirit the most fundamental point is to arouse people's freedom of Personality , an independent spirit and freedom of thought. humanistic spirit of education through the practice of the humanities to gradually explore to understand. about China into the world economy is irreversible, we have joined the WTO. But we have to enter the humanistic education Western model, leaving us to destroy the original tradition of humanistic education? I think the priority is the mode in the Western nations insist on the autonomy and diversity. We long way to go.
11. is the nature of humanities education What? select the most accurate representation of a (3 points)
A. focus on the long-term influence through Literature, and education, wake up in the good and the beautiful human factors and man of conscience, of education.
B. insisted never that there is, from less to more accumulation of knowledge, so instilled into the subjective world of people gradually become manipulation
enriched education.
C. through a variety of knowledge and learning, cultivating the good and the beautiful the character, so that it can realize read full text, resulting in Humanities Education in the reasons for that? (3 points)
13. humanities education is the lack of harm caused by what? (3 points)
Fourth, literature, text-reading utility class (15 points)
from the A, B and a class of two selected text answer, do not be another election within a small problem.
【A】 text
literary works read the following to complete 14-16 Question.
Limin Sun Island on the package every time, drinking wine
father would sigh and said: > That I was eight years old, his father six months of the year a large work in engineering teams have gone through a lot of places. Zhengxu Lan was then popular song What a fine how fascinating the beautiful Sun Island with fishing fishing rod with a camping tent We came to the we came to the boys back guitar girls were fitted for a good swim hh How many people from the yearning of the heart.
father in a drink so I asked him: said: Your father can really go back to Sun Island myself! , all is green, the inside certainly better than to sing the song. So after that day looking forward to my father's letter, want to hear him talk about things on the Sun Island. But the letter has not actually come, I do not know him did not go to Sun Island.
fall, my father came back. my sister and I to have asked: really nice! girl, he said: ? that five dollars a ticket to it! ; 5 yuan, > Since then, the father after each drink, but also lamented the beauty of Sun Island, to put our hearts itch, decide that the future must come to see. father is also used to say: Go and look again, this time more carefully to see! injury, can no longer go out to work, while our little village very far away from the Harbin and his dream to go to Sun Island, has not been achieved.
Later, I went to Harbin to school, get there the first thing went to Sun Island. may be expecting too much, and not imagined attractive, mind there will be some disappointment. But in a letter to his father, I painted the scenery of Sun Island of stories. sister to the provincial capital look at me, we went to a Sun Island, and took many photos, my sister said: ! lie to you? that Sun Island is not very good? ; Sun Island is the best place! is a single receipt for the fine for spitting, the father had never been to Sun Island. (is 5 minutes)
A. father of the novel is a love and longing for a better life, the simple desire for life and the pursuit of the people. have a very strong self-esteem, self-deception that maintain their own dreams and his father dignity.
B. father > D. Sun Island dreams from my father yearning pursue to self-deception, to meet all the experience, , true.
E. first person status combine to make the expression of a deeper theme of the novel, emotion is more sincere.
15. (4 points) novel br> A: Hong Peixin language
16. novel finally said, This treatment on the outcome is reasonable? Please combination of text, talk about your views and reasons. (6 points)
utility class to read the following text segment, complete 12 -14 problem. (15 points)
depressed soul full
1922 calls for the early spring of Chen Xiao, Zhu Ziqing is a living force, and answer the sixth Teachers Principals Zhenghe Chun's hired a teacher from Zhejiang Taizhou alone to teach, his wife and children to stay in Hangzhou. six division students are very simple, attracted to the qing long, warm welcome him. but 3 months, one teacher asked students to write qing back, because his wife and children are still there, so decided to return to Hangzhou. Six students heard the news division of the firm to retain, accept their hospitality, he had promised them: brewing set up the articles. positive this time, qing inner world is a blast of stormy waters, the soul of tremor accident, but long-pent-up emotions in the breast of a natural outbreak of depression. At first, the May Fourth Movement of young students, to change the face of China's history, full of passion, campaigned, pointing Jiangshan, Jiyangwenzi, romantic moment. They thought that after this Hurricane raids, rivers and mountains of the motherland must radiate a new, Yi Wei voice will certainly be plenty in the universe combined. Who would have thought a frenzy back, is still a wasteland. faculties warlords in China, staged a scene and the political stage farce scene. Faced with this reality; and most of the knowledge of youth, was Huanghuang Ran qing, and then as he is so enthusiastic praise of the May Fourth Movement gold particles The Way it!
qing, although the heart is painful, but it has not deserting our ideas, he has been for life, trying to explore, which the Friends of Scouting as he tao said, person ; feel empty because of the coaching, we can only turn to more comfortable sail across to Taizhou to go. unable to find accommodation, temporary residence in the new Jiaxing hotels, six teachers to the students hear the teacher Zhu, joy jumping for joy, the night went to hotel to visit.
in Taizhou, qing busy, in addition to teaching lesson planning, but also to change the six-division students to write the article; the same time, Hangzhou, a division of the students sent the manuscript to him from time to time mark. In his spare time, he order his thoughts, continue to create long poem , the clouds remained.
quiet environment more suitable for thoughtful reflection, review the past, the calculation of the future. is a Ah, Despite the passage of time, the pace is still ahead! November 7, he wrote a letter by Yu letter, clearly in the future attitude to life: to throw to the Metaphysical, special worship practice, this is my attempt to life. This is what he calls to a letter by Yu, the moment to further explain their doctrine: I mean only a taste of life in every moment, the moment of my life so comfortable. The moment before all this, I do not come back to recover, can interfere useless; this moments later, has not yet come, and I do not bother to raise concern. We things are supposed to, this is really asking for trouble! he finally concludes: harmony. This idea was brought endless troubles gave him, but his dream is not business, unwilling to be reduced, and persistence , his thoughts turned to chaos as the vivid image, with the imagination of the feathered wing, and write their own Heartsongs.
still have fun family time, that is, the students visit, Zhu Ziqing teaching seriously, motherhood, human harmony , students like him close. or in the evening sunset Xieni, or in the light Rongrong's good night, they often came to his study, to ask him questions, read books, newspapers piled up in the new desk, very well.
While the qing Biography , qing reviewed in chronological order and hard quest by the Huangran depressed until established a
B. qing wrote at the time, Depression and the inevitable emotional outbreak.
C. Critical Biography of Section 7 outlines the six divisions of the students ask questions to the qing scene, rendering the friendly and peaceful atmosphere of discussion, highlighting the qing answer, accessible features.
D. qing's work from the state and his love for the warm welcome by the students can see, he is a dedicated qualified language teachers, his teaching was successful.
E. minds of too much in life do not only demand take the moment of comfort and pleasure, Retrospect and Prospect, are asking for trouble.
15. tao article referenced in section 3 the words qing talk about how seriously themselves in society. (4 points)
16. from full view, qing Why depressed? His wistful voice which sent the soul? (6 points)
A: < br> V. Language
17. anthropomorphic poetry modeled on the following methods to select new things, and the other meaning to write a complete sentence similar to the sentence. (the original sentence does not require the same number of words) (4 points) < br> eyes were tolerant
can hold the whole world and very harsh

it does not allow a dust
18. read a story below and then answer the questions
1 月 8 日, appeared on the Internet article entitled grade promotion and other purposes, cheating to get good rankings. One of the most exaggerated, the 6 individual sprint competition has brought scores of 11.
learned from the Xiamen International Marathon Organizing Committee was informed that the Ministry of Competition, does someone in the game fraud, at present the majority of cheaters have been identified, was canceled scores and ranking. marathon in Xiamen, the official website, the top 100 players, about 30 people in the cancellation of the results and ranking.
According to Section Competition Commission head, deputy director of Xiamen Sports Bureau Ho Xi, as early in the game just ended, the existence of the organizing committee found violating the rules and procedures of individual behavior. Some players wear two pieces of a person even more timing chips, fallen leaves and bark of people participating; some participants to transport is scheming to steal to get better results so
the past few days, the organizing committee has been through the photos, videos and other multi-party investigation and evidence collection, and cheating in the top 100 who made a tough track. news content of the material (2 points)
(2) Xiamen marathon cheating case you have any comment? Please make comment on the matter: asked to write their views; to explain their reasons (not less than 150 words) (7 points)
six essay (70 points)
play, in the dictionary means can also be for the state, national hh
you (6 points) Write the content is correct 每小题 make 1 point.
① much warm warm gentleman who Estate
② non-students do not vary too
③ Ho Ji Yong Zhi Hong Fu in
④ I was born in the almost
⑤ has that Charlie died in exile in Xi Ning
⑥ and phase stack stone ladder hooks
2. (3 points) C (contributions are > 3. (3) C (Empress Wu Jing Zhu is not the ruling as the beginning of the right Buque's office)
4. (9 points)
① good with people, emergency relief to others, not to were asked to repay.
(from the word 5. Vibration: pass fluent 1 point statement.)
② (they) want to hire is King, King is firmly rejected, refused to participate, the world that his conduct is noble. (from the word 4. Citation: hire, 1 minute. and: participation, 1 point. cleaning: Italian use of law, 1. statement fluent 1 point.)
5. answers to the willow and green grapes, red and white flowers, golden wheat fields and blue sky, red-letter, color contrast strong. poetry together in the middle of the two sketched a picture of idyllic beauty.
6. Last Alliance is the author's feelings, which means that, in this April day of Lunar New Year, I was rushed to the officials in different places on the road, the rural United States is so, why not go home to farm? go hard official, whether it is for whom? This poem describes the first triple of the beautiful rural scenery, the purpose is that the last sentence. in the subject, the author is used to express the natural beauty of the pursuit of the ideal life, fun to set off with a pastoral desire to resign Hermitage.
7. (5 points) C, E (C item is Madai kill Wei Yan; D items did not feel very Nie pain, but feel happy, because Thomas found Ximeng Song Reward such protection people) got the wrong answer, subtract 2 points.
8. (5 points) (1) Zhang Daoshi to propose marriage gem, gem was very unhappy , will no longer go to view in the theater. (1 point) her is advised him to go, do not know yu think her is his heart was very angry (1 point) her is very frustrated, saying yu afraid of a good resistance to their marriage, take her evil temper. (1 point) the results of jade gem smashing angry, sad Daiyu spit drugs, kicked up. (1 min) after both regret the next day, another gem to the whereabouts of her is Pei Bushi. (1 point )
(2) Masi Petrova looked lovingly at first photos, and even stumbled imagine how happy she was that year, (2 points), but companions on this ...