Monday, February 21, 2011

Can the peaceful reunification of the world (below)

 Chapter peaceful reunification of the world can (under)
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until today, from the prehistoric to the future history of human society should be divided into four times so that the darkness of the Enlightenment era, the era of civilization and barbarism exist , civilization. which, with the Age of Enlightenment Age of Barbarism has become history; about slavery from the produce from the time they entered the era of coexistence between civilization and barbarism, this time only with the complete elimination of the end of the war; true civilization still to come, it is only to wipe out war, be selected to be put into her arms.
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on the characteristics of the Age of Barbarism, as broadly as described by Morgan, which is a human childhood. In its initial stage, human beings still live in tropical or subtropical forests, and other animals, the situation is not much difference, completely natural rule. to the intermediate and advanced stages, the human began to feed fish, only learned to use fire and bows and arrows. Enlightenment features are: human beings have a preliminary understanding of the laws of nature, not only enhances the ability to adapt and learn animal husbandry and farming, achieved entirely by hunting and mining to food production based major turning point, and created language and text. obscurantism and the Age of Enlightenment is an important thing in common, that is, able to focus human nature to fight for the same, although because of the site, the struggle for such occurrence of prey sizes the conflict, but not yet to combat and eliminate As a specialized kind of work, of course, no specific military authorities and the standing army, and normal weapons. to the era of coexistence between civilization and barbarism, mankind has established a large and small, different social nature of the country, has greatly promoted the social and political , economic, cultural and scientific undertakings, to create a lot of material and spiritual achievement, which is the side of civilization. But with the development of civilization and barbarism are upgrading, combat and eradicate the same as a specialized work, not only have a dedicated fighting forces, specifically murder weapon, military strategist and specializes in art of war fighting, but fierce war has been the scale and uncontrolled development. by the local development of war to fight World War II, from conventional weapons to nuclear weapons development by tens of thousands to millions to destroy tens of millions of dollars to killing. both lofty flame of civilization, but also barbaric bloody, this is a very contradictory time, we are still in such a contradiction to the era. We must that nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, there has been brutal to the extreme will be the human society has entered an important turning point, not the savage into civilization is completely destroyed.
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the real future of the civilization of the most basic features, is to achieve global integration and global demilitarization, human beings have been able to resolve the country reason to look at and between the various conflicts between nations. members of the global community without the threat of war and war in a peaceful environment, both waste compete with each other and work closely together to all the intellectual and physical strength to create a better life of mankind. The era of the early, international government will directly control an elite army, countries will retain the appropriate number of armed police to suppress possible armed rebellion and the fight against crime, to prevent the resurgence of the fire of war. With the gradual increase in level of human civilization and social stability gradually increased, the army, armed police along with all kinds of weapons will completely disappear from the world, human civilization will enter advanced stage.
(g) to the global integration of economic globalization
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must promote the development of productive forces people to break through boundaries, or to or after integration into the global society, this is a trend. Western bourgeois is a pioneer in achieving this historic leap, their profits in order to obtain, first of all to create the economic globalization. Marx and Engels to promote the business and traffic, so that production and consumption have become the world. This destruction of national industries worldwide. Some other countries to use industrial materials to replace the national industry, their products sold around the world. so , the international business network to replace the domestic market, and through the interdependence of the countries together. Although Marx and Engels did not use the fact. In order to achieve the economic purpose of the bourgeoisie but also to the whole world to disseminate their political ideas and strong values, to promote its political system and cultural patterns of consumerism, globalization and political globalization of the economy, social life world of the close combination of a trend in the overall advancement of the Trinity. This is the will of the bourgeoisie and create their own globalization.
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supranational capitalist globalization, super regional, super-economical development, Cushi increasing international exchanges between nations deepening interdependence and international economic, political, environmental organizations such as the increasing number of human living environment, peaceful use of space and oceans more attention to issues of common interest, so that the face of the global community unprecedented changes have taken place. However, the capitalist system as the core of the globalization of the road eventually will not work. mm internal contradictions of capitalism and the socialization of production private ownership of production and the conflict between the decisions of the capitalist economy Globalization and the capitalist system itself inevitable conflict. the developed capitalist countries is that capitalists are keen to pursue profits, they are exporting capital to developing countries, the output of backward production lines, the fundamental purpose is not to help these countries develop their economy, but mainly In order to use cheap labor in these countries, low-cost use of natural resources and expand the market, or use a foreign land productivity products likely to result in environmental pollution, which is bound to deepen the contradictions between the developed and developing countries, developing countries can not fully accept that the economic globalization. capitalist political globalization and the globalization of social life even more difficult to accept the international community. For example, a few Western countries ignore the majority of people in developing countries the right to life, forcing the development of countries to accept their proposed human rights standards; to concepts, etc., these are the majority of developing countries could not accept. Therefore, for narrow national interests for the purpose of capitalist globalization, the world will never be completed to establish political and economic new order tasks.
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globalization should be to all countries and ethnic equality as a prerequisite for mutual aid, to bring common prosperity to the world. This is exactly the same features of the socialist system. Therefore, when the Soviet Union and China, the emergence of a number of socialist countries The globalization of capitalism has suffered major setbacks in the process. However, and since the collapse of the Soviet Union and other socialist countries and the disintegration of the globalization of capitalism, has made new opportunities for development. Today, the United States with its strong comprehensive national power in Globalization has made the privileges and dominance. He not only controls the major global economic organization, with far more than all other countries of the multinational companies, to help the world's largest hard currency dollars to indirectly control the world economy, and United States, as a typical Western-style democracy, as the economic and technological power, the implementation of human rights diplomacy also has the largest capital, with mass production and dissemination of their shallow spiritual and cultural products. But, although the U.S. is so strong, and in order to fully into the world of globalization led by the United States, the United States of the world is impossible. because not only does not meet the interests of developing countries, but also for other Western countries can not be tolerated. around the world can not tolerate the United States of the world, Japan also can not tolerate the world, World Union of hh final, continuous development and improvement of the socialist ideology of globalization to promote the healthy development will shine, led by a few countries competing on the grounds of globalization to developing countries in the world is bound to grasp mm thus the formation of world government led globalization.
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developed modern transportation, communications and economic globalization has made the whole world together as a single and indivisible whole. happened international Every important event in each country will have a shock. domestic and foreign affairs of any country, can not ignore the world situation and go it alone. the era of globalization it must enhance the global awareness of the human and social development must be the great vision to observe things, thinking, and then find new ways to achieve their own interests, so as to keep up with the times they would not be eliminated.
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globalization is an objective law of development of the global economy and an irresistible trend, it makes All countries in the world can not be independent from the world, are inseparable from international cooperation. As Deng Xiaoping said: Today's globalization is led by the United States-led Western countries, the biggest beneficiaries of their own, but, to a certain extent, is also conducive to the development of developing countries. Therefore, developing countries must not give up participation in the process of globalization , but should identify their own social development and globalization of the best United, we can change by a few dominant global power structure, thereby speeding the integration of economic globalization and the transition to the world. On the contrary, if the country can actively participate in the globalization process, closed-door policy to only make the country's social development further widening the gap with developed countries, which is not consistent with national interests does not conform to the world as a whole. Unfortunately, there are still many developing countries not only do not see this trend and can not integrate into the world, but continues to keen on engaging in a coup, civil war, miss development opportunities.
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globalized world is a rogue without power succeed, the government headed by the international world. international governmental co-ordination around the world interests, seek common human survival and improved quality of life. global integration will break all the nation, the country's one-sidedness and limitations, the whole world firmly unite as one who can do without, and no rejection who organic whole. both the division of labor, another collaboration; one place is difficult, global support. In this way, the end of our planet for thousands of years will be completely disordered state, hostile to each other, competing for the situation, a new pattern of unprecedented solidarity and create peace, tranquility, equality, prosperous new world, a real human will into the threshold of civilization.
(h) the objective requirements of global integration
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all life in all efforts are to survive and improve the quality of life. How can human beings have to better their survival? Are Kao hard physical labor and mental work on it it? no! prerequisite problem must be solved. This is the fundamental the end of the world their own way, the state of hostility with each other and realize the peaceful reunification of the world, creating a love of human society. Since ancient times, the world's people have not thought a prerequisite to solve this problem, it has been suffering in the suffering . not only the amount of labor, wealth, first enshrined in the war, and even people's lives but also dominated by war, the poor and the weak is not happy, rich and powerful also live very tired, very dangerous, no one to achieve the desired quality of life. the human pursuit of happiness, we must first work together for global peace unity.
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peaceful reunification is the correct direction of development of human society. For this view, we can learn from the success of the European Union practice by the revelation. In the past, European strategist who killed the East to fight the West, attempting to engage in military uniform, the results have to ruin one end. now Europe's politicians to sensible manner, by peaceful means to make those Taketo accomplish anything. They equality through a series of peace agreements and treaties, the member states expanded from the original 6 countries to 25 countries, from purely economic cooperation to political, economic, military gradual integration of Europe is so big a step by step toward reunification. EU experience has magnified the value.
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people around the world today live under the nuclear deterrent, unprecedented disaster can happen anytime. Although it has recognized this danger, but as long as the global non-integration, the risk can never be lifted. who will first complete elimination of nuclear weapons? Everyone was afraid to suffer loss of nuclear deterrence, which had eliminated! only in the world as a unified whole, people interaction without guard time, things that threaten the survival of mankind is possible completely disappear from the Earth to completely ward off Mi suffering.
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now countries in the economic development of the growing interdependence, there is an urgent need to promote global integration and cooperation in international division of labor. First, countries can not be full range of natural resources, many things are you do not have, I have you no, if it does not complement each other, not to mention the development of some countries, even the survival of will be very difficult. Second, countries can only strengthen cooperation greatly improve economic efficiency. some inappropriate development of certain industries to increase their investment in the country to force the development of those things, then much less international division of labor in accordance with local conditions in developing industries. all countries avoid weaknesses to be able to greatly improve economic efficiency. In addition, closely related to economic development, personnel exchange, technology exchange is need for global integration of the environment. unsuspecting Internet to expand exchanges in order to promote the economic development of countries. If you do not achieve global integration, fear of being powerful threat to everyone himself, is bound to each other against each other cards, who is not good for development.
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from the anti-corruption point of view, the world is also an urgent need for integration. Many countries now have varying degrees of corruption, serious damage to social justice, a serious threat to social stability and sustainable development. However, to eradicate corruption is no easy task Fengyun cancer. because, as economic globalization and information of the further development of transnational corruption, rendering more and more features. According to preliminary World Bank estimates that about 2 trillion U.S. dollars worldwide each year involving corruption, transnational flows of capital, equivalent to 33 trillion U.S. dollars world GDP 6%. 2001, Chinese media revealed that the Chinese fled the country, former government officials as many as four thousand people, resulting in the loss of huge sums of money the State. As transnational crime, corruption, regional characteristics, while the existence of national legal systems but more Big difference, and therefore difficult to rely solely on the strength of a country to effectively combat crime and curb corruption, which makes a large number of corrupt elements can be large. to the removal of these Hairen Chong, world unity and can not be attributed to delay when.
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increasingly serious environmental problems also call for global integration. the global ecological environment is an indivisible whole, and only concerted action of States, shared responsibility can be effectively protected. However, it is fragmented countries, States are only thinking about their own interests, it is difficult to reach a consensus, how would the same action? developed countries are still present and pursue the economic interests of large energy consumption, further deterioration of the environment, a number of people in developing countries is still in order to survive at the expense of the environment. However, the environmental harm caused damage but not limited to these countries, the environment knows no borders, water is flowing, the air is flowing, although the soil will not flow, but one will be affected by pollution water and air quality, hazards will also bring a foreign country. protect the glaciers, repair the ozone layer, to prevent the greenhouse effect, is a big problem that transcends national boundaries, but also requires a global unified planning and coordination of action. Despite the years of the international community to sign a lot of agreements to protect the environment, but its implementation and monitoring process has been difficult. limited power of international environmental organizations, the countries who do not consciously do nothing, go on like this, the global ecological environment will be a big problem, the Earth will be home No one can endure to survive to be. Therefore, the sake of protecting the environment of mankind, but also an urgent need for global integration, an urgent need for a strong world government to coordinate and monitor national action.
-165 - < br> There is no global unified action to solve environmental problems in absolute, rather than global integration is absolutely impossible to have a unified global action. some protection, some destroyed, some do and some do and their own ways, the earth really possible early retirement. British signal that the fragile ecological really stand up to people have been tossing out. situation is very serious, but the country still is its own way. For example, the Bush administration took office soon after he openly refused to implement the but there is no restriction on which level of government to government, the international community has no way to get him. For such cases, national youth representatives meeting in Nairobi called for the establishment of authority, power and leadership in international environmental institutions, to strengthen coordination of international environmental action, management and monitoring.
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Although the international community for sustainable development called very loud, but at present can only be a great idea, can not be effectively implemented. The reason is that sustainable development is essentially a global joint development strategy, which is currently in the division of the world situation is contradictory. separatism can not be linked, countries can only proceed from the interests of their own, just their good, but it only accounted for in the entire planet what one o'clock ratio? once in most parts of the Earth environmental degradation, the small oasis around the soon to be swallowed, do not stop the deterioration of the environment arising from the disaster, still not needs in terms of human love in the world should be other life, especially the rare animals and plants. Since ancient times, the ability of people has been increasing, from spears to arrows from the arrow to the gun, coupled with agent network, have indeed Kun Peng nine tied to do the five foreign capture a dragon, while the plant or the past of plants, animals or the last of the old skills have long become the absolute weak, long the subject of human compassion and protection. But now that their own way The world is not to the protection of their common understanding, it can not be effectively protected. some people not only protected, but more and more cruel, more greedy for their own filthy mouth goes on and shameful life , there is not rare despite the rare, species not extinct, tried to grab one to see to eat, and cruel means, and many bloody scenes is between heaven and earth are wished a world have such a number of greedy, cruel guy, all the world's wildlife protection laws, regulations will not play much role. If you do not unite the international community, not the punch, and those precious, rare species will sooner or later to extinction. to save these precious lives, in order to benefit human beings, we must further clarify ideas. First, rare species, we still need to further improve the understanding, not just treat them as friends, and to recognize their are indispensable partners of human and ecological barriers. Without them, there is no ecological balance. human can not do without them, and they can still leave no human cases live better. Second, we can not view their protection for the gift, but should be treated as human beings need to survive. Third, the protection of rare species not only in the hands of hope for the country in which a species. As the wealth gap and knowledge gap, a small number of countries do not easily assume such responsibilities. must be responsible by the international community, the implementation of cross-border management. Fourth, can not hope for the protection of rare species to send in people's consciousness. any time people do not consciously. must be more stringent, more rigorous measures to combat poaching illegal mining persons. their lives will soon be wiped out is far more important species. Fifth, in addition to protection of rare species, rare and those not included in the list of life care should also be appropriate, can not be too cruel.
-168 - < br> People do not want to live in a world of harmony? Then remember that the biggest global ecological harmony but harmony. biosphere on Earth, plants by absorbing the sun's energy, the environment in inorganic carbon and oxygen , hydrogen, nitrogen and other substances into your body. animals do not have the capacity of photosynthesis, can only get energy by eating plants. animals are divided into herbivores and carnivorous animals. carnivorous animals can not direct the energy intake from the plant body can only get energy by eating herbivores. carnivorous animals and under the physical strength and ferocity constitute the relationship between eating and being eaten, forming part of a closely linked to the food chain. Every animal in a nutrition class , the lack of any one trophic level ecosystems can make the disorder. Now, although man has had to create the capacity of various artificial ecosystem, but all artificial ecosystem can only remain in the earth's ecosystems, the total space Within, on the disappearance of species can not be restored. global ecology is a domino, a country must spread to the surrounding chaos, a chaos will inevitably affect the world's continents. people do not stand together no one can keep the harmony of heaven and earth alone what?
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Earth is more than two million kinds of organisms common home, not the private property of humans. all kinds of animals, plants and microorganisms have to survive on Earth, reproduction rights, while they are also bear in maintaining the ecological balance in their long-term neglect their links with other natural objects, to themselves as the sole owner of the Earth, the many other lives as enemies to be eliminated, isolated, uncontrolled development of its own, eventually led to the ecological crisis, not only damaged the humanity their own interests, but also a fundamental violation of God's mission. can no longer go on like this. If the earth did not the animals, no birds singing, what a beautiful world it? then why can human beings alone known to the world keep it?
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in the first two million years of human time, with a total population of only 1-2 million. in the third before the development of millions of years to several million, has been the AD Chronicles also before developing to 2.7 million. Now the world's total population has exceeded 60 billion mark. As the population continues to accelerate the rate of multiplication, the other species of life is in constant extinction and reduced sharply. If the international community do not unite to rescue and protection activities, ecological barrier will completely collapse.
Chinese medicine, the human body imbalance of yin and yang, qi and blood poor will get sick. ecosystems and human, like yin and yang imbalance fix will appear, poor blood problems . For example, today many places, birds, frogs and snakes are a large number of elimination, the loss of natural enemies of pests which are infested; for the control of pests that they would be forced to heavy use of pesticides, pesticides, although the effects of pest control come true, but so natural enemies of those pests who died after taking medication dead insects, further reduced; pesticide residues in agricultural products will harm human health and cause various diseases. proved by chemical pesticides by pest control is completely rid of it loss but once, the correct choice or protection of the natural enemies of pests, so that they do work for the ecological harmony. This matter drop a thing, by all species of life to maintain the ecological balance of mutual restraint truth, in fact, have been known to ancient people , the protection of wild animals has long been relatively strong sense. Mo advise you to play three spring birds, the children of hope at home mother to go home in the back. ancients most important to the moral conscience, many of today's most valued is affordable. poor desperate people what should not rare and rare species, which control human inhuman, as long as feed their families, what dare to grasp, even Panda can kill shabu son. rich, rich is not far behind, whaling, hunting elephants, as long as he can kill seals hh money, what should the international ban. transboundary movement of animals who are most unfortunate, and no one rushing play , no one fear that other people share the cheaper. disunity of the world people are still fueling the greed, greed as some people become beasts, and beasts as how people have the consciousness of protecting wild animals do? by this logic one can imagine the ecological imbalance of yin and yang can not be the problem does not occur. Now is just the beginning.
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addition to eliminate the evil of war, in addition to common economic interests, in addition to joint protection of the environment can no longer continue to deteriorate, the world There are many only in the context of global integration problems. For example, the increasing international mobility of the population of the use and management of inland water resources division, eliminating poverty, combating transnational crime, control of various plague so, how can the global integration is not effectively solve the problem? probably a thousand, a million years later is still debated. global integration can bring profound benefits to human beings, but never any side effects. That being the case, the whole world Why not fellow citizens with open arms to greet it? Why do the United Nations as an important issue and can not be made to do?
(ix) the ship forward in front of the lighthouse can only rely on that flight
-173 - < br> forward in front of the lighthouse ship that can only rely on navigation. Globalization human must be a new theory, new ideas, new concepts guide the way forward. these new things to the common interests of mankind as the highest guidelines, to break the country's limitations, the limitations of nation, class limitations, and promote unity and cooperation of all mankind and world peace. the past, those who advocate the struggle against the spread, spread hatred, division of social theory, no matter from which a great man, all should be completely abandoned.
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Time is not on the Saints beat the people will not make itself. different times can only use tools in different times. If people today still use 18th century telescopes, microscopes able to detect more distant objects to, not the development of nanotechnology. Similarly, people today can not be used off the old politicians, theorists left of the human solidarity stereotypes, prejudices, abandon Cold War thinking, philosophy of struggle.
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Marx said: above the level. It should be followed by the development of the development of natural science, and should not be people as dogma. fast development of modern natural science, which not only greatly improved the living environment of mankind, but also people's mental state, ideology has undergone profound changes. Since the base change, then, of course, all previous theories have to re-understanding. no matter what country where family, no matter what faction Zong, no matter what class, can not teachings of our ancestors to their own hands and feet bound. to capitalists mainly by increasing the labor intensity and extension of time to extract surplus value of labor of workers, human beings do not know the moon can climb, the Earth could be destroyed by nuclear weapons. Therefore, the bourgeois theorists have to fuss around strengthening the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, the proletariat theorists can only place their hopes in a violent revolution, that did not reconcile the two sides have room for only the issue of who will win. Now the situation is and the world was very different: the development of science and technology have been able to place thousands of times improve the efficiency of people's labor, not to engage in class antagonism, the two sides can not use violence to obtain more and greater benefits; the same time, scientific and technological development and to become extremely dangerous confrontation of human history has developed to the need to abandon the way of violence era. reconcile the irreconcilable contradictions in the past that is not only necessary but also entirely possible. If those gentleman were alive today, they certainly have a new understanding of his theory would certainly make a major change.
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the era of globalization we need to re-examine the past vision of social theory, can not let obsolete obstacles to unity of mankind. that any theory is to achieve the people's interests, must obey the interests of the is the most basic common sense. In the past the trouble to write all classes of theorists thick book that is aimed to give guidelines for the class interests of the people the road, not to have theoretical and manufacturing theory. revise their outdated theories, no profanity suspected. Times have changed, and the old theory of moving away from fighting for the interests of people need, and even contrary to this need, people should adopt a pragmatic approach entirely, when Yang Yang is, when the disposable is disposable, must not be subject to the living dead, never to succumb to those who can not bear the expense of books. that does not meet the founding fathers intended. For example, in the past to engage in the bourgeois monopoly theorists, engage in expansion, hegemony and power politics and engage in the manufacture of various theories, and now is completely anachronistic, it should be completely abandoned. Malthusian population theory was seen by some as the truth, and now what happen? human fertility by changing the concept of relying on science and technology, not only can the population do not follow the geometrical progression growth, but can make life data by geometric growth. Therefore, he must rely on goes out of the war, plague and other means to eliminate the excess population of the is the most scientific theory of human history, but, as time progresses, it also needs to be constantly developed and enriched, it can not all mechanically. Marx say development and modification of their predecessors, including his own. Only with the times, constantly grow new shoots of new leaves, evergreen trees can theory does not wither, do not wilt, do not die. who engage in dogmatism, only to stick to, not to develop , that is a disservice. Marxist era in which science and technology is now far advanced, there was no atomic bomb, the space station, the Internet, therefore, he was that the proletariat to achieve their own interests, we must take the form of violent revolution. Now that the situation has undergone so a big change, problem solving can not change the form, the change to out of date. Xiaoping of of any party as a whole. the world's politicians should adapt to the times, should be on the ...

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