Friday, February 11, 2011

Yu Shiwei Huyou blind obedience training and domestic enterprises

 Yu Shiwei's two books mm to urge again I
originally wanted to carry out an execution's House, but occasionally an opportunity, after listening to Professor Wei Jun's lectures, that execution is a system, enterprise systems need training? feeling quite a time, indeed, ah, we always feel that little benefit of the training, but also to comfort and console myself with the boss is not a short-term training benefits mm, but our fundamental business management system did you last?
implement the enterprise system is the implementation, execution can not be solved by training everyone to express their views
also hope to see this post on the following views.
Yu Shiwei their popular
training market in China in 2000, suddenly set off a storm Chen of the successful school, the master of its inspiration from Taiwan and passionate speaking style and sonorous voice, and many interactive mystery comedy background and style ( Chen of the active and engaging classroom atmosphere of mutual itch-style mental stimulation gluttonous feast. was formed in the community a strange logic: that the success of listening to Chen's study, nothing can succeed. rumor has a salesman, because after listening to Chen's class, in a call dealer before, really looking for a nearby bathroom, and then look in the mirror 30 times a row shouted: You were good, but the poor quality of your products, I can not cooperate with you silly hh the clerk immediately, because this business is not successful, he would be eliminated, but he still could not understand why he cried so more than slogans, he is still not successful then?
the past two years, corporate training market has emerged a strange landscape, but also a training instructor from Taiwan Yu Shiwei old man, wearing glasses that, speak a Taiwan flavor of Harvard Ph.D., a mere old-fashioned projector, and several business leaders head 500, and several companies vivid stories to attract the domestic business community and many business owners generously took the bus bus The money, to go to Yu Shiwei company employees for their wisdom food, that more than the old way, you can take off for their own enterprises. blind fanatical pursuit of domestic enterprises, so that Yu Shiwei won easily and unceremoniously , might sound quite attractive, giving a very fresh feeling, but I soon found out, I'm just interested in his lecture style, as very little content, the receipts, in addition to hear him talk about some of the sounds the case of the story, I did not get any of his titles indicate the content of courses. especially about marketing courses Yu Shiwei, seriously listening to all the chapters, nor learn from him Yizhaobanshi marketing skills, all empty theory, it really makes me disappointed.
I remember listening to Chen's 2000 training courses were found with Chen Yu Shiwei of fact, is very similar to the empty two trainers, said that because they have a hole common characteristic, that is, The survey, most of the manager of enterprise marketing management and human resources director, I found that most of these managers are trained to listen to Yu Shiwei like the classes, but asked what benefits they get, we do not want it .
ago period, the domestic epidemic, Yu Shiwei asked many have heard about the execution of the program, they reflect, although Yu Shiwei lists many of the world top 500 enterprises in the case, tells a lot about the theory of executive power and executive power and foreign entrepreneurs point of view, but still give lectures who shows a lot of chart data, but as he finished classes, carefully pondering, only to find that lesson worth listening too, and spent four or five hundred dollars, just figure out a Chinese term, what is execution, but how to perform in order to achieve real results, this Mr. Yu Lao did not tell participants in the classes of any effective methods and tools, that is, although he talked about execution programs, but their training did not achieve the effect of execution, because the effects of training trainers in order to gain the degree of lectures by the yardstick of the audience did not return, it means you do not place the training.
Clearly, we have been this is called the Harvard Yu Shiwei Dr. to Huyou!
Yu Shiwei their success
of Chen Z and his ilk, we need not talk about, after all the training he has become the laughing stock of the whole of China, but for Yu Shiwei, we are still worth talk about, because until now, his voice is still in the airport bookstores across the country smooth ring. A lot of people would question me, since you said the curriculum Yu Shiwei lack of practical value empty, why so many companies also spend heavily to listen to his lectures, made him self out of thin air the addition of a slogan: For our local business management experts and trainers, it does have a reference.
Yu Shiwei training can be sought after in China, after induction, mainly due to the following characteristics:
First, the traditional Chinese historical and cultural background and ethnic evil into the entire training, as mentioned product quality, Yu Shiwei How will the Japanese how to do business with Chinese enterprises on how to do the same comparison, then the two countries and national history disputes between the hype, so that our listeners feel a depression and sigh, feeling our own is really bad, much better than other people's places.
Second, a large number of stories in a very strong case, especially Global 500 cases of anatomical detail, making our listeners into the MBA classroom at once like the same feeling is not the same, and a lot of pictures and 500 head of business leaders and support their point of view, making the audience felt this valuable lesson and glory.
Third, the unique style of the lectures Yu Shiwei, whether it is the language he is very popular and sometimes even slang mixed with the domestic marketplace, or the old-fashioned projector off, and good at his wife and daughter as the leading case to preach, so our listeners are refreshing;
Fourth, Yu Shiwei training business of their own propaganda, and open up channels to do very detailed and in place, Yu Shiwei target population for their own training mm enterprises in very accurate positioning of senior managers, and where the regular activities of these groups is the airport, Yu Shiwei a virtual monopoly on all airports in the country's bookstores, and even today as long as you enter the airport terminal, the terminal will be able to hear the TV book came the lectures with the voice of Taiwan's Mandarin Taste.
In addition, Yu Shiwei also moved out of the many prestigious academic and foreign titles, and his place in the United States, Japan and Taiwan held key positions in large enterprises, etc. Background information (although a website blew the whistle on violence expected, a lot of background information that I forged), all of which have made our business audience feel the importance of curriculum and instructor authority.
blind obedience of Chinese enterprises Yu Shiwei
of their success, in addition to these subjective conditions, and domestic Chinese enterprises blindly rigid training instructor in the objective of accomplishment Yu Shiwei.
like Yu Shiwei like to move out of traditional Chinese historical and cultural background to the interpretation of Like a modern enterprise management case, Chinese enterprises do exist on the birth defects of traditional morality and national evil shadow, as many companies simply do not know exactly what kind of training, and just looked at other companies, please someone, or a reputation in the management of community is very loud, I feel it is necessary to someone, please come to our management and junior staff washing brainwashing, enrich my knowledge, the heart of the idea is to follow the trend and fashion, so most companies focus only on the form of training , the feeling is to do an event, is an incentive to employees, failed to maximize the effectiveness of training.
internal training, should be with the new strategy, according to the formation of managers and employees need to be the skills needed to master the strategy was a wise investment of resources for the company, with other resources such as training, has strategic significance, while the employees, through training, will enable individuals are progressive, and personal progress but also reflects a business on the welfare of employees of enterprises enhance employee loyalty. The reason many companies know everything, but doing it but not the case.
an IT company in Guangzhou, because experience is not Chen of the many live door to door salesman, with regard to the price of 300 yuan each to buy a 80 train tickets, spent over two hours and twenty four only two hours to get the blood boiling. while their actual marketing skills need improvement mm not the least bit of help. I asked the manager, why listen to Chen's class, the manager replied, Chen reputation loud ah, I mainly want to feel hh
This is the training of Chinese enterprises understanding.

domestic training instructor's frustration aside the Yu Shiwei Chen aside, there are a lot of our domestic business management experts and renowned trainer, but why they can not rely on the same training to Chen Yu became rich overnight it? For example, before the former president of China, Roland Berger Dr. Song Xinyu, placed the consultants do not do good, even he does not play good at training, but also to learn Chen Yu and his ilk began selling light butterfly training, I gave him a fame, bought a light butterfly his training, but only saw five minutes, I can not insist on, and began to dizziness, in addition to his language and sounds dull, the few hours of sitting motionless always front of the camera to the lectures in the spirit of the people wiped out, think about the dignified president of a well-known consulting firm, not even their own training are unable to attract others, I am simply an accident.
the professional relationship, the author contact with many national training agency also is providing training services mm based business management consulting firm, found that these training institutions is telemarketing support a large group of staff to develop training business, he did not stationary trainer, waiting With the business, only according to the needs of enterprises, to set things right trainers. trainers received instruction command to take the time to prepare lessons, and then to the agreed time to implement the training.
can imagine why the Yu Shiwei training class can be so fast, the prevalence of domestic enterprises, it is entirely due to local business management experts and trainers on the self-image of the packaging, the atmosphere of training content and training courses to promote integration and open up channels such as caused by a lack of innovation.
To sum up, Chinese enterprises training market situation must be changed, on the one hand business to confirm their strategic thinking around the strategic planning of training needs, when necessary, to establish norms within the enterprise's internal training system to ensure that the strategic implementation process all the required training; the other hand, as a full-time lecturer in corporate training and training institutions, to fully understand the actual needs, not just rely on the experience of selling to flicker out of date business, so not only harm the enterprise also affect their own personal progress; the same time learn from Chen and Yu Shiwei of their success, both in the training style, content arrangement, case analysis and field environment, must have an innovative spirit, the real participants in the classes received high level of knowledge of nutrition and training high-quality experience.

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