Wednesday, February 9, 2011

2010 session of the third year in Putian a final exam last semester (language)

 Putian a third year in the 2010 session of the semester final exam (Language)
one poetry text to read (27 points)
(a) dictation famous common Famous.
1. Make famous name to write the following some of the vacant posts. (6 points)
①, Yiyi Market in the smoke. (Daoxing empty? (Du Mu ⑥ to destroy heroes landslide death. (Li Bai, even less, Bozhou Yongcheng people. to the world is banner was Xiaoyi, a six-Que ① sea. King is still recovery Bo Chi, eager to learn, re-righteousness Rannuo, good with people to pay, the vibration of its emergency, do not select reported to others. and left the history of Jiang Rong, Zuo Pushe Wei Yuanzhong good. Xianheng, the Emperor heard his name, summoned, and differences. is destroyed by Zhongshu Ling Li Jingxuan, so the water granted Huan Wei. a long time, except right Buque. < br> beginning of Empress Wu said the system, the world is quite a rumor, then open the way to cook an informer, Hing prison, to punish the phase minister. to Yes, the revolution, do benefits Ning. Teachers are admonished, saying: Qin also, line application business of law, heavy penalties were home, Mrs private door, Zhang's Office, abandoned useless expenses, loss of urgency as officials, but unfortunately the Japanese love of power, combat disease urgent farming. both Shu and rich, gradually Tu princes. This is also the art of Remedies. 故曰: mean trend can be applied in the feed, change can CHEN necessary condition for battles fraud. the world is flat, it can be easily of the wide-Jane, Run of the sun and the. Qin is not the case, AIDS is very sadistic, and not to the contrary, death to the landslides. This I do not know the disaster is also variable. Lu Jia, Shu Suntong things Hanzu, when the Ying Yang, Cheng Gao, the forage was poor, Zhiyong storm well, has dared to open a say a strange effect, the only person into Haohuatanbao. and the district posed Yu, Chen is things, , set to The Qu Lu; ceremony by the old king of the thing of the past. Temple wish complete, straw dogs ② donation; Chun fine stream, dross discarded. Renyi still Dole, the status of its light almost? minor in national history. to the old disease also political affairs, were libations into Russia, the official assistant minister of winter. and so easy to set Mingru essays of the Wang Shaozong other eighteen portraits that figure, like King are cited, Guci not with, the World clean a man. out of Zhengzhou, the provincial governor was, then Retirements. Shi Yu Shiran Zu Yong Jiao framed with the king played good, derogatory Fu provincial governor. both of his not a crime, change Luzhou. on behalf of the still ③, no Huainan a thing, only one horse in high-risk, sub-steps from the CAO to return. Death seventy-five. (: official career of the house before the building was built to honor. ② straw dogs: the use of sacrificial grass when beaten with a dog. ③ Generation also: courtiers as the foreign official was transferred back to court to re-serve.
2. add a little word in the following sentence explanation, which was not correct (3 points)
A. Xiaoyi the world to be significant by Jing: it can easily be
B. Summary of the width: instead of
C. Temple wish complete, straw dogs donate donations: donations
D. Zhengzhou, the provincial governor that is, then Retirements To: return
3. The following analysis of the contents of the original text and summary of which is not correct (3 points)
A. Zhu Xiaoyi King is the home to be recognized for generations. his own ambitious, noble character, and get Gaozong appreciated, but he was defamatory, it was only when a small government.
B. Zhu Jing is that Lisi is phase, severe penalties, Fuguojiangbing, the Qin to dominate the world; but then there is no time to adjust national policy of the state of Qin, Shi Xingren government, eventually led to doom, so the government need to size up the situation, good work.
C. Wu Hou early ruling on weak footing, to encourage informants big torture, Zhu Jing, as the right Buque no criticism at that time. In Wu Houzheng power is stable, Zhu proposed a virtue and respect the poem Sometimes indeed the book aside, but sometimes they have to take it out.
D. Zhu Jing, compared with people of integrity, on the other crafty and fawning Zhang Yi Quan Chen refused to co-operative approach taken by the world's praise. as local officials and self-discipline , not greedy of any property, returned to Beijing only when accompanied by a horse, or even walk from his family.
4. to draw the text horizontal line the sentence translated into modern Chinese. (9 points)
① make good with people , the vibration of its emergency, no person responsible for reporting on.
② To respect the guidelines, Guci not with, the world clean of its human.
(c) read a poem below and then answer questions 5-6. (6 points)
Yang Wanli
stone bridge over the two banks of Yangcun well populated, horses do not like all of a Sichuan Village. Yang Liu Yin in the new hotel, small fishing boats under the grape arbor.
red flowers near the water in vain, Bibi yellow wheat international days. SD Seoul government also Road, for whom hard work does not turn to the life?
【Note】 April.
5. tries to What is the subject of performance poetry. (3 points)
Second, culture classic, literary classics to read (15 points)
(a) to read literary classics (10 points)
7. the following, the right work described in the story is not correct two () () (5 points)
A. Don Quixote is a complex and contradictory character of characters, on the one hand, he indulged in fantasies, all starting from the subjective, behavioral absurd , rash. such as to imagine a giant windmill, is a windmill to the ground, said in a magician's trick. On the other hand, he pursues the principle of a noble ---- the vigorous, justice, own safety in order to maintain the truth is a combination of tragic and dramatic figures. (reported annoying maid free adding five nights. Jiao Zhao Zhao is also the first evening twilight, day after day in mid-fried heart. Time flies shall be deemed to cherish, confront any changes in wind and rain. mother at guessing riddles. Jia Zheng's riddle that we were firecrackers, abacus, kites, sea lights, scattered, floating things, could not help have a sense of foreboding. In particular, this is the first Qilu Po Chai, much less by the longevity of people like, After much thought, even feeling sad and difficult as sleep soundly. (Do you dare to three times in the right Lianjiao l dare to kill me? r Hanzhong I put to you. kill you! Town Association, Tuwei Yue Wu Venerable Master Kao's father was the students. As has always been thought of resentment Wu Venerable Master Kao, had a good impression on the Tu Weiyue Tuwei Yue Wu SunFu began to hate the. but with neither overbearing nor servile attitude Tuwei Yue Wu SunFu finally won the appreciation and promotion. (Midnight Petrova married 聂赫留朵夫 heard the news, very painful, because this way, he can not get married with Habermas Petrova on her way to make up for committing the sin. (
8. short answers (choose one question, about 100 words per question) (5 points)
(1) Lin Po Chai surface due to see a pride of the state, must be the gem had just scoff at the hearing words, then his wishes, Hu You Asked his remark, he laughed: all know how even the name of the play do not know, they say such a bunch of children. called Bogut, an abject apology to know l r, l I do not know what an abject apology r! On this day, what reason is because the gem to her is . take it! After seeing this old photo above, Masi Pavlova's emotional changes
(b) cultural classic reading (6 points)
Xiao Meng Yi Tzu asked. Confucius said: sub-divisions, saying: of the ceremony, the festival with propriety. . As for the dogs and horses are raised; disrespect what is the difference? ? Even if advice is invalid, they should still be pleasant humble, not to anger on his face.
B. parents alive, and the parents get along they have to uphold the respectful mind; his parents passed away after the funeral ceremony should also be combined Yihe .
C. As children, we must strive to do everything, can not let their parents worry about, which is filial piety.
D. not think that filial piety is enough as long as the feed and clothe them, and also should a respectful attitude, otherwise, just no distinction between raising cattle
10. Selections disciples said, Where? (Please use your own words to answer) (3 points)
Third, modern reading (will exam)
read the following words to complete 11 to 13 questions. (9 points) < br> Where is Humanity Education by Chen
I think that school education should include two types, one is to uphold from scratch, from less to more accumulation of knowledge, the accumulation process is instilled in nature, this knowledge there have been in the sense of human life other than by instilling it into the subjective world of people go, people gradually became enriched; there is an educational, dynamic human-premise living beings, man himself has a Much of what kinds of people the ability to use the past saying that the human factor. human factors and knowledge of the factors are not the same, human nature is something less than human life, knowledge is something other than human life. Of course, people do not will be realized at birth their own actions, such a conscience is through the bits and pieces of education to awaken it. alone can not complete the training of science and technology, money and power can not be done alone, it needs long-term influence of Literature, and education.
Both education and the former is tentatively called the technical knowledge of education, with the instrumental value; which tentatively referred to as humanistic education, but also focuses on spiritual values. both to the shape is different from the way, is not entirely harmonious, if impart humanistic education has also taken the approach of knowledge of education, and sometimes depressing but real human factors. So, humanistic education is not equal to human knowledge, education, human knowledge, and if you do not really linked to the human spirit, just memorize dogma , from the actual emotional life, it can only be a consequence of: Students accepted to the knowledge of the factors, but human factors are more and more obscured. This is not the ideal result of humanistic education.
In fact, human education, the plight of countries around the world are there, it called the global relationship between the modernization process has been handled properly. The whole world trend is to emphasize the technical knowledge, education, national education requirements indicators of the characteristics of full measure, which course will boost science and technology, but the humanities on the one hand the consequences of the lack of the very few people in Jinhua City, Zhejiang Province .2000 consider a high school student to kill the mother bear incident stress education, not only occurred in China, foreign also have . The U.S. campus so much violence occurs, in essence, is the American Domination of technical knowledge of education, the consequences of defects in humane education. indoctrination into the humanities education is not one's inner beauty in wake of energy, but of human nature in these Good factors of depression, and kill, so it's good to make educated elements of human nature was by the anti-hate. like Germany, has developed human traditions, such as Japan, a nation etiquette, why fascism ? why the Chinese in the 20th century, thriving socialist fifties and sixties, when the Cultural Revolution would erupt? these issues, in my opinion are concerned with the failure of humanistic education. a country and a nation, determined to improve himself, the history of hardships phase, often require one mind, with a realistic focus on the pursuit of goals, such as economic development, improve living standards, rule the roost, etc., in order to achieve this goal, consciously or unconsciously, in education will suppress the other factors, such as the human spirit. because the human spirit's role in real life is not easy to appear. It was noted that the loss is not easy, until we collectively discovered too late.
human spirit the most fundamental point is to arouse people's freedom of Personality , an independent spirit and freedom of thought. humanistic spirit of education through the practice of the humanities to gradually explore to understand. about China into the world economy is irreversible, we have joined the WTO. But we have to enter the humanistic education Western model, leaving us to destroy the original tradition of humanistic education? I think the priority is the mode in the Western nations insist on the autonomy and diversity. We long way to go.
11. is the nature of humanities education What? select the most accurate representation of a (3 points)
A. focus on the long-term influence through Literature, and education, wake up in the good and the beautiful human factors and man of conscience, of education.
B. insisted never that there is, from less to more accumulation of knowledge, so instilled into the subjective world of people gradually become manipulation
enriched education.
C. through a variety of knowledge and learning, cultivating the good and the beautiful the character, so that it can realize read full text, resulting in Humanities Education in the reasons for that? (3 points)
13. humanities education is the lack of harm caused by what? (3 points)
Fourth, literature, text-reading utility class (15 points)
from the A, B and a class of two selected text answer, do not be another election within a small problem.
【A】 text
literary works read the following to complete 14-16 Question.
Limin Sun Island on the package every time, drinking wine
father would sigh and said: > That I was eight years old, his father six months of the year a large work in engineering teams have gone through a lot of places. Zhengxu Lan was then popular song What a fine how fascinating the beautiful Sun Island with fishing fishing rod with a camping tent We came to the we came to the boys back guitar girls were fitted for a good swim hh How many people from the yearning of the heart.
father in a drink so I asked him: said: Your father can really go back to Sun Island myself! , all is green, the inside certainly better than to sing the song. So after that day looking forward to my father's letter, want to hear him talk about things on the Sun Island. But the letter has not actually come, I do not know him did not go to Sun Island.
fall, my father came back. my sister and I to have asked: really nice! girl, he said: ? that five dollars a ticket to it! ; 5 yuan, > Since then, the father after each drink, but also lamented the beauty of Sun Island, to put our hearts itch, decide that the future must come to see. father is also used to say: Go and look again, this time more carefully to see! injury, can no longer go out to work, while our little village very far away from the Harbin and his dream to go to Sun Island, has not been achieved.
Later, I went to Harbin to school, get there the first thing went to Sun Island. may be expecting too much, and not imagined attractive, mind there will be some disappointment. But in a letter to his father, I painted the scenery of Sun Island of stories. sister to the provincial capital look at me, we went to a Sun Island, and took many photos, my sister said: ! lie to you? that Sun Island is not very good? ; Sun Island is the best place! is a single receipt for the fine for spitting, the father had never been to Sun Island. (is 5 minutes)
A. father of the novel is a love and longing for a better life, the simple desire for life and the pursuit of the people. have a very strong self-esteem, self-deception that maintain their own dreams and his father dignity.
B. father > D. Sun Island dreams from my father yearning pursue to self-deception, to meet all the experience, , true.
E. first person status combine to make the expression of a deeper theme of the novel, emotion is more sincere.
15. (4 points) novel br> A: Hong Peixin language
16. novel finally said, This treatment on the outcome is reasonable? Please combination of text, talk about your views and reasons. (6 points)
utility class to read the following text segment, complete 12 -14 problem. (15 points)
depressed soul full
1922 calls for the early spring of Chen Xiao, Zhu Ziqing is a living force, and answer the sixth Teachers Principals Zhenghe Chun's hired a teacher from Zhejiang Taizhou alone to teach, his wife and children to stay in Hangzhou. six division students are very simple, attracted to the qing long, warm welcome him. but 3 months, one teacher asked students to write qing back, because his wife and children are still there, so decided to return to Hangzhou. Six students heard the news division of the firm to retain, accept their hospitality, he had promised them: brewing set up the articles. positive this time, qing inner world is a blast of stormy waters, the soul of tremor accident, but long-pent-up emotions in the breast of a natural outbreak of depression. At first, the May Fourth Movement of young students, to change the face of China's history, full of passion, campaigned, pointing Jiangshan, Jiyangwenzi, romantic moment. They thought that after this Hurricane raids, rivers and mountains of the motherland must radiate a new, Yi Wei voice will certainly be plenty in the universe combined. Who would have thought a frenzy back, is still a wasteland. faculties warlords in China, staged a scene and the political stage farce scene. Faced with this reality; and most of the knowledge of youth, was Huanghuang Ran qing, and then as he is so enthusiastic praise of the May Fourth Movement gold particles The Way it!
qing, although the heart is painful, but it has not deserting our ideas, he has been for life, trying to explore, which the Friends of Scouting as he tao said, person ; feel empty because of the coaching, we can only turn to more comfortable sail across to Taizhou to go. unable to find accommodation, temporary residence in the new Jiaxing hotels, six teachers to the students hear the teacher Zhu, joy jumping for joy, the night went to hotel to visit.
in Taizhou, qing busy, in addition to teaching lesson planning, but also to change the six-division students to write the article; the same time, Hangzhou, a division of the students sent the manuscript to him from time to time mark. In his spare time, he order his thoughts, continue to create long poem , the clouds remained.
quiet environment more suitable for thoughtful reflection, review the past, the calculation of the future. is a Ah, Despite the passage of time, the pace is still ahead! November 7, he wrote a letter by Yu letter, clearly in the future attitude to life: to throw to the Metaphysical, special worship practice, this is my attempt to life. This is what he calls to a letter by Yu, the moment to further explain their doctrine: I mean only a taste of life in every moment, the moment of my life so comfortable. The moment before all this, I do not come back to recover, can interfere useless; this moments later, has not yet come, and I do not bother to raise concern. We things are supposed to, this is really asking for trouble! he finally concludes: harmony. This idea was brought endless troubles gave him, but his dream is not business, unwilling to be reduced, and persistence , his thoughts turned to chaos as the vivid image, with the imagination of the feathered wing, and write their own Heartsongs.
still have fun family time, that is, the students visit, Zhu Ziqing teaching seriously, motherhood, human harmony , students like him close. or in the evening sunset Xieni, or in the light Rongrong's good night, they often came to his study, to ask him questions, read books, newspapers piled up in the new desk, very well.
While the qing Biography , qing reviewed in chronological order and hard quest by the Huangran depressed until established a
B. qing wrote at the time, Depression and the inevitable emotional outbreak.
C. Critical Biography of Section 7 outlines the six divisions of the students ask questions to the qing scene, rendering the friendly and peaceful atmosphere of discussion, highlighting the qing answer, accessible features.
D. qing's work from the state and his love for the warm welcome by the students can see, he is a dedicated qualified language teachers, his teaching was successful.
E. minds of too much in life do not only demand take the moment of comfort and pleasure, Retrospect and Prospect, are asking for trouble.
15. tao article referenced in section 3 the words qing talk about how seriously themselves in society. (4 points)
16. from full view, qing Why depressed? His wistful voice which sent the soul? (6 points)
A: < br> V. Language
17. anthropomorphic poetry modeled on the following methods to select new things, and the other meaning to write a complete sentence similar to the sentence. (the original sentence does not require the same number of words) (4 points) < br> eyes were tolerant
can hold the whole world and very harsh

it does not allow a dust
18. read a story below and then answer the questions
1 月 8 日, appeared on the Internet article entitled grade promotion and other purposes, cheating to get good rankings. One of the most exaggerated, the 6 individual sprint competition has brought scores of 11.
learned from the Xiamen International Marathon Organizing Committee was informed that the Ministry of Competition, does someone in the game fraud, at present the majority of cheaters have been identified, was canceled scores and ranking. marathon in Xiamen, the official website, the top 100 players, about 30 people in the cancellation of the results and ranking.
According to Section Competition Commission head, deputy director of Xiamen Sports Bureau Ho Xi, as early in the game just ended, the existence of the organizing committee found violating the rules and procedures of individual behavior. Some players wear two pieces of a person even more timing chips, fallen leaves and bark of people participating; some participants to transport is scheming to steal to get better results so
the past few days, the organizing committee has been through the photos, videos and other multi-party investigation and evidence collection, and cheating in the top 100 who made a tough track. news content of the material (2 points)
(2) Xiamen marathon cheating case you have any comment? Please make comment on the matter: asked to write their views; to explain their reasons (not less than 150 words) (7 points)
six essay (70 points)
play, in the dictionary means can also be for the state, national hh
you (6 points) Write the content is correct 每小题 make 1 point.
① much warm warm gentleman who Estate
② non-students do not vary too
③ Ho Ji Yong Zhi Hong Fu in
④ I was born in the almost
⑤ has that Charlie died in exile in Xi Ning
⑥ and phase stack stone ladder hooks
2. (3 points) C (contributions are > 3. (3) C (Empress Wu Jing Zhu is not the ruling as the beginning of the right Buque's office)
4. (9 points)
① good with people, emergency relief to others, not to were asked to repay.
(from the word 5. Vibration: pass fluent 1 point statement.)
② (they) want to hire is King, King is firmly rejected, refused to participate, the world that his conduct is noble. (from the word 4. Citation: hire, 1 minute. and: participation, 1 point. cleaning: Italian use of law, 1. statement fluent 1 point.)
5. answers to the willow and green grapes, red and white flowers, golden wheat fields and blue sky, red-letter, color contrast strong. poetry together in the middle of the two sketched a picture of idyllic beauty.
6. Last Alliance is the author's feelings, which means that, in this April day of Lunar New Year, I was rushed to the officials in different places on the road, the rural United States is so, why not go home to farm? go hard official, whether it is for whom? This poem describes the first triple of the beautiful rural scenery, the purpose is that the last sentence. in the subject, the author is used to express the natural beauty of the pursuit of the ideal life, fun to set off with a pastoral desire to resign Hermitage.
7. (5 points) C, E (C item is Madai kill Wei Yan; D items did not feel very Nie pain, but feel happy, because Thomas found Ximeng Song Reward such protection people) got the wrong answer, subtract 2 points.
8. (5 points) (1) Zhang Daoshi to propose marriage gem, gem was very unhappy , will no longer go to view in the theater. (1 point) her is advised him to go, do not know yu think her is his heart was very angry (1 point) her is very frustrated, saying yu afraid of a good resistance to their marriage, take her evil temper. (1 point) the results of jade gem smashing angry, sad Daiyu spit drugs, kicked up. (1 min) after both regret the next day, another gem to the whereabouts of her is Pei Bushi. (1 point )
(2) Masi Petrova looked lovingly at first photos, and even stumbled imagine how happy she was that year, (2 points), but companions on this ...

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