Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Unreal's network, the cruel reality

 In a crowded, bustling city, and now have less people seem to believe that man become a. In the life of this city that a group of people to like me, to work in a trading company, holding not high not low, you can sufficient to meet the material needs of my salary, live every day from nine to five life.
result of the need, every day I can wander the Web, I admire the creator of the Internet, was able to let the between such exchanges. human cold not meet the social needs of communication. I like the articles in the network point of view, sometimes published BBS, sometimes leave my MSN, until the day I met him.
JACKY than I big 3 years old, he offered to add my MSN, since know each other's lives, he is a Chinese student in Japan, preparing to open a cafe after the return, he gave me a very good impression. I think he is very motivated . Since then I have another life, fixed habits, he called me every day from Japan. We talked a lot in the past, present and future ...... I sometimes feel like a little girl When used as a natural, will go to fantasy. I imagine the day with him again, that time waiting for his phone, waiting for him online. When one saw him on the line, I'm very excited. I think I am online dating. I like him. so unconsciously after 2 months. In the eve of Valentine's Day actually received his call, he came back to Shanghai. We agreed to meet next day at the Bund. I'm excited for a night.
he and the photograph is not very different, but do not treat people so in love with words very carefully, and considerate. but I have not had that feeling of like, I think he is a good guy, but I can not worship , I always felt I like a boy, should have so I appreciate that, in fact, men should let women come to worship.
perhaps feeling all right, some people destined to be friends. my short-term net Love to end this way. Sometimes I find it very funny, and sometimes feel very childish. but I think I grow up, I will not believe the network has.
sometimes that is the case, the left for a long time, been looking for their dream, but in fact did not notice the side is the most practical.
would like to grow up in this article to commemorate the memory!!

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