Monday, February 28, 2011

More than half of New Zealand's earthquake building will be demolished for redevelopment nationwide moment of silence tomorrow

 Christchurch City police chief estimated the death toll could exceed 200 people

AP 27, Christchurch, New Zealand held a ceremony to commemorate the earthquake victims.

day of the earthquake death toll rose to 147 confirmed, 50 people missing. Police said rescue and confirm the identity of the deceased has been slow, I hope the people to be patient.

asked New Zealand Prime Minister John Key 26 people across the country in at 12:51 on March 1 two-minute silence to mourn quake victims.

Christchurch City police confirmed that the earthquake caused 147 deaths, 50 people missing.

A reporter asked
戴夫克利夫 police chief, the death toll is expected to reach 200. He replied: Since

23 rescue workers found no survivors. Russell Gibson said police officers, rescue workers know the location of some of the dead body, but a lot of buildings crumbling after the earthquake, rescue workers is difficult to close.

rescue workers said,


some 10 countries to send rescue personnel to support. Some foreign aid workers arrived on the 27th set 达克赖斯特彻 strange city, in order to reach colleagues in the previous rotation.

Phil Parker
rescue workers said they were 8 to 12 in groups, into the building looking for survivors, although there is no 5 days to find, but they will not give up hope.

ask the police to speed up the families of missing persons remains confirm the identity.

police chief urged the public to be patient. He explained that the police are using deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) testing to confirm his identity, update the list of dead and missing persons, progress was slow, but orderly.

Cliff introduced a number of places after the earthquake a fire, making his identity through DNA testing is difficult to confirm. Christchurch City, people in various regions

27, held a ceremony to mourn the dead. People lookin tears, hugged each other. .

Minister of Higher Education, Steven Joyce, said foreign students mourn the victims.

foreign consulate officials said Joyce, the death of these students feel upset,

Chinese government emergency

Assistance $ 500,000

AP Political Counsellor of Chinese Embassy in New Zealand, 27 Lei Cheng said, as soon as possible to ensure the affected compatriots to return home the same day from the embassy since the establishment of a provisional accreditation points in Christchurch for compatriots to return documents to facilitate processing.

Lei Cheng also announced, to help New Zealand to carry out post-earthquake relief, the Chinese Government to the New Zealand government has decided to provide 50 million emergency humanitarian aid.

More than half of
urban construction

will be demolished for redevelopment

earthquake ripped 22 people, but also tear Christchurch.

the city, especially the downtown area, the building next to buildings, streets attached to streets, are in ruins. Some buildings collapsed yet also eye-catching red notices to be labeled -

hotel located in the center of the large mains still show the last stubborn, standing did not fall. But experts say the building structure, it must be demolished for redevelopment.

with large mains as the fate of the hotel, 50% had not collapsed buildings were torn down reconstruction. These buildings have been civil defense spray red

Christchurch Mayor Bob Parker and the Earthquake Rehabilitation Minister Gerry Browne 26, respectively, said bodies of the victims in the earthquake after the end of search, bulldozers and loading will be moved into the city center hammer crusher, clear the rubble.

New Zealand Prime Minister called for donations

27 New Zealand Prime Minister John Key announced the establishment of Christchurch Earthquake Relief Fund, urged the international community for the affected people and reconstruction contributions.

he said, 22 is not only the earthquake tragedy in New Zealand, but also affect many foreigners.

currently supply 82% of quake-hit areas have been restored, but there are still 55,000 families without water. Hong Kong is located in the epicenter of Littleton has an open cargo transport emergency supplies.

Up to now, the New Zealand government has released 2.2 million affected people total New Zealand dollars (about 1.65 million) in emergency relief funds, New Zealand, the community is also actively donated money and goods.

Chinese citizens are still missing 23 people

AP 27, the Chinese Embassy in New Zealand told Xinhua confirmed that the current earthquake in New Zealand the number of Chinese citizens are still missing 23 people.

embassy officials said preliminary list released on the 26th, the list of active and Wen Xiong Li Yanhui and Christchurch disaster command center to contact the embassy to confirm their personal safety.

Subsequently, the embassy and from Hong Kong SAR government that has been, and had appeared in a Hong Kong initial list to contact the female citizens, but citizens of another a Hong Kong woman missing in the earthquake.

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